
Thursday, August 5, 2010

I shall be disappointed if......

I shall be disappointed if Sime Darby does not make a massive loss. Because that would mean that UMNO has been a bit slow to take their share of Sime Darby’s profits. To take what share of Sime Darby that they can even before a profit is made. To take Sime Darby to the cleaners – because that is what UMNO does best – clean up what ever they can get their dirty grubby hands on!

I shall be disappointed if FELDA reserves does not continue to deplete massively from year to year. Because if that does not happen then it would mean that FELDA is either not doing enough replanting or not doing its part in making Najib and his cronies rich. Money sitting in the Bank does nothing. Money in the pockets of Najib and his cronies will make them rich. And Najib and his cronies are Bumiputras. And it is the policy of UMNO to enrich the Bumiputras. So FELDA is doing their bit to enrich Bumiputras.

I shall be very disappointed if Mohamad Ali Rustam, Chief Minister of Malacca does not get the support from Najib, JJ and UMNO for his pronouncements that “Muslim girls also want to enjoy" (sex). The previous Chief Minister of Malacca – the same Rahim Thambi Chik - will testify to this claim! I just hope that this Ali Rustam is not thinking about joining in the enjoying of this pleasure with these teenage Muslim girls….as Rahim Thambi Chik did!

I shall be disappointed if the Sarawak Government can come up with an SEIA report on the Murum Dam – because that would mean that the Government did their due diligence and cared enough about the 1000 Penans from six villages to consult them on something that would have such an impact on their future and livelihood....I think not!

I would be disappointed if Muhyiddin Yassin did not agree with Mahathir that Malaysian have yet to understand the 1Malaysia concept. This is as good a chance as any for Muhyiddin to twist the knife he has got in Najib’s back just a little bit deeper!

I would be disappointed if KJ did not defy Mahathir and says that 1Malaysia is NOT a failure. What else can he do! The enemy of your friend is your enemy but this KJ has still not decided if it is Najib, Mahathir or Muhyiddin that is his enemy or friend...…he will have a problem if these three came together and decided to go after him instead!

I would be disappointed if Khalid does not allow Selangor State Assemblymen and MP’s to issue letters of recommendations and support letters to help people get contracts from the Selangor State government because after all he had said repeatedly that government contracts were given out based on merit and capability. So let these state assemblymen and MP’s earn a bit of pocket money on the side…if the businessmen are stupid enough to still pay for these support letter in Selangor.

I will be disappointed if Din renew Suara Keadilan permit because that would mean that his Home Ministry is for once doing the right thing and that he does not listen to what his cousin in Putrajaya wants him to do! And we know that is not going to happen! Ever!

I would have been disappointed if the High Court had ruled that a 28 year-old ‘Hindu’ mother of two who does not want to be a Muslim is NOT a Muslim. That would mean that for once the High Court used its common sense to allow someone who does not want to be a Muslim, to not be one. We know that is not going to happen.  

So many disappointments in so many things...when will it end?


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    your blog looks nice 0_0

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  2. Hello HH,

    I am not disappointed with your writing at all.

    A very unique way of putting forward your disappointments.

    Keep up the good work sir.


  3. Good piece, Sir.

