
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

UMNO and Population Engineering

Since 1957 UMNO has effectively carried out the population engineering of our country to ensure its long-term survival by creating the myth of a two pronged “Ketuanan Melayu”. “Ketuanan Melayu” for the Malay masses who are lull into a feeling of being superior over the non-Malays because of their numbers and “Ketuanan Melayu” for the UMNO Malay political elites through the accumulation of massive material wealth for themselves and their cronies. And while UMNO has failed by almost any measure you chose to gauge them – good governance or morality – without question they have succeeded too well in the engineering of the population of this country of ours.

The duplicity of UMNO in proclaiming Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara while all the while undertaking a relentless program to whittle down the numbers of the non-Malays through very precise and focused initiatives is breath taking in its  effectiveness!
Consider this:
In 1957:
   45% of the population was Chinese.
   12% of the population was Indians.
In 2010
   25% of the population is Chinese.
   7% of the population is Indians.
Over 600,000 Chinese and Indian Malaysians with red IC were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship and possibly 60% of them had passed away due to old age.
Since 1957:
   2 million Chinese have emigrated.
   0.5 million Indians have also emigrated overseas.
   3 million Indonesians migrated to Malaysia to become Malaysian citizens with Bumiputra status.
Now the non-Malays are well aware of this tinkering and engineering of our population and it would do us Malays no good to say that it was UMNO doing and that we had no hand in what happened. As a Malay I was then comfortable that UMNO was the dominant partner in the Barisan Nasional.
It was comforting to know that Malays controlled four of the five major banks.
Education? Between 1968 to 2000:

   48 Chinese Primary Schools closed down.
   144 Indian Primary Schools closed down.
   2637 Malay Primary Schools were built.
Of the total government budget for these schools 2.5% were for the Chinese Primary Schools, 1% for the Indian Primary School and 96.5% for the Malay Primary School.
Petronas Petrol Stations? Of the 2000 station the Malays owned 99%.
Yes we Malays were indeed in control. In control of what?
We were in control of the all the business licenses and permits for Taxis and Approved Permits.
We were in control of Government contracts of which 95% were given to Malays.
We were in control of the Rice Trade through Bernas that bought over 80% of Chinese Rice Millers in Kedah.
We were in control of UMBC, MISC and Southern Bank – all previously owned by Chinese.
We were in control of bus companies. Throughout Malaysia MARA buses could be seen plying all the routes. Non-Malays were simply displaced by having their application for bus routes and for new buses rejected.
Every new housing estate being built had a mosque or a surau. None, I repeat “no” temples or churches were built for any housing estate!
So why with control over all these highly visible entities and business opportunities are the Malays still unable to stand tall and with pride over and above the non-Malays? We are unable to so do because it was not the Malays that benefited from these opportunities - UMNO did.  
Why must UMNO constantly harped about the need to spoon feed the Malays – about ketuanan Melayu when it is already in place and about Bumiputra status and all the privileges and rights that goes with that status?
And as a Malay I want to ask the non-Malays why you still chose to live in a country whose government has by its actions and deeds done whatever it could to make you not feel welcomed? The non-Malay I know have all told me the same thing – Malaysia is their country – they know of no other country they can call their own. And so they stay and put up with the abuses.
The difference now is that there are enough Malays who are shamed by the antics of this Malay political organization call UMNO. There are enough Malays to tell the non-Malays that we feel your pain. We understand your frustrations and despair at not being treated as equals in a country you call your own. And enough non-Malay has migrated abroad to cause our country to understand that their loss is another’s country gain. A loss, which our country can ill afford to sustain.
And more important all these ground swell of disgust and contempt at UMNO has manifested itself in a way these political idiots understand – losing our votes in the 12th General Elections. Amen for that.
And so we wait for the 13th General Election which we hope will dish out the relevant karma for UMNO and its Barisan Nasional partners. Meantime understand what they have done to us all – not only the non-Malays but also to the Malays and do not allow Barisan Nasional to play the race card and start their divide and rule antics on us anymore. You are one with me we are two.    

Anonymous said...
" 3 million Indonesians migrated to Malaysia to become Malaysian citizens with Bumiputra status."

In the not too distant future, I guess Malaysian bumiputras may have to worry about 2nd or 3rd generation Indonesian bumiputras, who I guess would have been taught the virtues of hardwork and thrift by their parents, or grand parents.

Anonymous said...
I think the Malay Politicians should teach their people the virtue of hard work. Work, work and try again if you fail.

The Chinese isn't a threat - they are just workaholics - they want wealth so much that no failures of any kind is going to stop them.

The newcomers Indonesians, neighbours of mine, went out to work before I awake and they are not home yet when I go to sleep. Will we consider them a threat when they find deservely new
wealth ?


komando has left a new comment on your post "UMNO and Population Engineering":

Travel around this country and check on the stats - pasar malam, who runs the stalls and business, go and check out our beloved "chow kit" road, who owns the thriving business?

Go to the PUDU wet market and see who is shouting for customers at 4 am!

Half the business now is with the foreigners, another half with other races, the Malays only have lands titles left (bumi status) that also can be converted and sold to a Chinaman!

All the GLC's are still in Malay hands, otherwise all will be sold off in due time also!

More than half the work force are pendatangs!

This country is not only bankrupt as said by IDRIS JALA, but also telah "de'lelong" !

The Malays left behind will become beggars and mat rempit, mat gian, mat ragut & mat dadah ( they are all subsidized by gormen funding to buy drugs - METAHDON )

Who culled their own RACE ?


  1. "The difference now is that there are enough Malays who are shamed by the antics of this Malay political organization call UMNO."

    But unfortunately we will miss your 1 vote as you are not currently in Malaysia and probably? not likely to come back to vote?

  2. Susah hati...I ll do my work from not forget your work over there! regards

  3. " 3 million Indonesians migrated to Malaysia to become Malaysian citizens with Bumiputra status."

    In the not too distant future, I guess Malaysian bumiputras may have to worry about 2nd or 3rd generation Indonesian bumiputras, who I guess would have been taught the virtues of hardwork and thrift by their parents, or grand parents.

  4. I think the Malay Politicians should teach their people the virtue of hard work. Work, work and try again if you fail.

    The Chinese isn't a threat - they are just workaholics - they want wealth so much that no failures of any kind is going to stop them.

    The newcomers Indonesians, neighbours of mine, went out to work before I awake and they are not home yet when I go to sleep. Will we consider them a threat when they find deservely new
    wealth ?


  5. it was not the Malays that benefited from these opportunities - do the bloody chinese too.. stupid you

  6. Travel around this country and check on the stats - pasar malam, who runs the stalls and business, go and check out our beloved "chow kit" road, who owns the thriving business?

    Go to the PUDU wet market and see who is shouting for customers at 4 am!

    Half the business now is with the foreigners, another half with other races, the Malays only have lands titles left (bumi status) that also can be converted and sold to a Chinaman!

    All the GLC's are still in Malay hands, otherwise all will be sold off in due time also!

    More than half the work force are pendatangs!

    This country is not only bankrupt as said by IDRIS JALA, but also telah "de'lelong" !

    The Malays left behind will become beggars and mat rempit, mat gian, mat ragut & mat dadah ( they are all subsidized by gormen funding to buy drugs - METAHDON )

    Who culled their own RACE ?

  7. I noticed the Bangladeshis have taken over many "Barber shops" and the recycle trade. They are picking up recyclables all over town.

    I noticed mamak muslims from India have taken over most of the corner shops for their restaurants. I have not see any Malay ones.

    Pakistani and indian Muslims have taken over the furniture trade with imports from Indonesia (Jati furniture). Where are the Malays? They are just customers and they don't even know how to bargain properly let alone count mental arithmetic in their heads. They have UMNO to thank for the Malay schools and teaching methods.

    And the Indonesians - they are not only maids, factory workers, plantation labourers - they are also independent contractors, traders, stall owners and much more. Where are the malays? They are office boys, messengers, drivers, roadside nasi lemak sellers. What went so wrong with UMNO's affirmative policies. Where is the logic to blame it on the Non-Malays? How has Robert Kuok, Quek Leng Chan, Teh Hong Piow and others 'caused' or taken away the Malays' nasi periok? I cannot understand Perkasa's battle-cry.

    You want me to go on. Just thank UMNO for the mess created for Malays.

  8. Well said. But do you know that 'invertebrate' human loves to get things the easy way. The saddest thing Malays, as a whole, do not realize is that the community has to compete with the world to survive; not with their Chinese brethen. Supporters of PERKASA must realize that unless they can compete with the world, survival is at stake. That's what globalization is all about.

  9. Thank you Hussein for telling the Truth!

  10. Hi Sir,

    Pls translate in other languanges also.


  11. Migrated to Australia for 22 yrs & still consider myself a Malaysian Chinese after having Australian Citizen for 20 yrs. Still visit my families in M'sia every 2nd yr. My sister has been in the country as a child and after 55 yrs is still not considered a Malaysia. The main topic all my M'sian friends & I have in our conversation is always about the M'sia. Do we still care ? You bet we do! All being said in this article is not new to us - but it still makes me weep knowing at last there are Malays who start to Chinese as not a treat. All we Chinese hope is a better future for the next generation. We work hard for it as we know there is no free lunch.

  12. Australia vets thru thoroughly all immigrants before allowing them in.This ensure qualty in terms of education, health and finance.
    Umno deliberately allowed in 3 mil. Indonesian Malays,knowing they're illiterate,unfit ,poor and easily controlled. So sadly the non-Malays know where this country is heading, why do you think 3.5 mil. have emigrated? Only the Malays can bring change to this beautiful country, by realising who are their REAL enemies and traitors!If they don't, then this country is doomed.


    The reality here does not reflect such noble goals.

    We need a CHANGE.
    CHANGE is a MUST.
    Every VOTE counts!
    Lets AMEND our CURRENT policies, constitutions and whatever it is needed for the sake of our second generations and highest good of mankind.

    In the name of true humanity.
    Lets get READY and BE PART of REAL, BIG, POSITIVE CHANGE this time.

    Lets not be observers but VOTE for CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE.

    James Poon


    The reality here does not reflect such noble goals.

    We need a CHANGE.
    CHANGE is a MUST.
    Every VOTE counts!
    Lets AMEND our CURRENT policies, constitutions and whatever it is needed for the sake of our second generations and highest good of mankind.

    In the name of true humanity.
    Lets get READY and BE PART of REAL, BIG, POSITIVE CHANGE this time.

    Lets not be observers but VOTE for CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE.

    James Poon

  15. It was interesting to note too that in the UMNO general assembly, the original countries of the various bumiputras were discussed when they should have been bumiputras of Malaysia. And surprise surprise, "Orang Asli" are not bumiputras in Peninsula Malaysia.

  16. We have an admim girl who speaks good English, We are happy with her. BUT to our surprise she is an Indonesian came to Malaysia since she was young, married to Malaysian. No problem with her work, no last minute leaves, no emergency leaves. she is good when comparing to other malay girls we had employed before.
    They are hard working!!!

    Time to change !

  17. Raja Petra Kamuruddin

    To begin, Your Slogan to your blog “Source of Independent News” is but a laugh!!!! For your blog swears by The Most Lob-side news that is merely to promote you and your one-track mind

    In response to your claim that you did not accused and implicate Dato Najib and Rosmah with the killing of Altantuya;

    RPK, once and for all stop being a fake, you have been a phony all your life. You cannot be counted with the rest of your Malaysian, so you had to seek an attention seeking way out – write rubbish to get into the news.

    From your days at VI you have been troublesome. It was your father’s influence that saw to your admission at VI never on merit. Then when you became a misfit among the brighter students, you turned into a frenzied attention-seeking maniac. And you ran into trouble at every nook and corner at school.

    As an adult, your failure in life, again saw you turn into the same attention-seeking maniac. You began to hide behind the skirt of your wife to strike out al all others.

    Everyone was wrong in your eyes except the failed megalomaniac in you. The history of Malaysian was wrong, Independence of Malaysia was wrong, May 13th accounts was wrong, Tun Dr Mahathir was wrong, Abdullah Badawi was wrong and then, Dato Najib is wrong, only Raha Retra is the righ one.

    After having dragged Najib and Rosmah through the dirt now you come up that you never collaborated or character assinated by publishing degradotory article and printed false photographs of the PM.

    So you are not merely a fake and a bluff but a traitor! - A traitor is one who would abandon and ditch his sons and daughters and run away to safety to save his own neck. One who runs not wanting to fight another day but to criticize from afar! One who saves his soul to live in comfort when financed my some greedy jealous zealot.
