
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cakap Cakap...Mi Casa Su Casa

I do not pretend that what we bloggers write will make any difference to the political goings on in KL. I myself do not read other bloggers except for a handful – and that too for specific articles posted on their blog that I have read snippets of and wanted to know more about. Without fail I will go to MT and some daily Media – most likely NST and then I focus on the matter of working on my blog.

Right now I am conscious that I am at loggerheads with my good blogging buddy Zorro Unmasked. He writes about Zaid and I write about Zaid. So what is the problem? Well there are many ways to skin a cat! And we disagree on how the cat should be skinned. This has been on my mind this last week and I know that Bernard will be reading this sometime soon. Just wanted to let you know that East is East and West is West…but after the PKR circus we will still be blogging….so for now you will write about Zaid and I will write about Zaid but Mi Casa is still Su Casa!

There is one other blogger that I enjoy reading – Art Harun and his ARTiculations…that guy is hot when he gets going on something and he takes us along for the write…errr I mean ride - not even giving us time to catch our breath!
Din Merican takes his writing seriously and it shows in the depth of his articles. Sometimes a bit too heavy for my liking but time spent on his blog is always worth my while.
I am in awe of Haris Ibrahim and his People’s Parliament blog. His noble cause requires much commitment and work and I wish him the best. I wish I had his stamina and commitment! 
The other bloggers on my blog list are visited as and when I am drawn to their writings. And sometimes we get into some bantering on the net and a good time is had by all. My problem is this. I have a dry sense of humor and I am inclined to look at anything I write or read through that looking glass. At times it would be difficult to work out if I am serious in my comment or just pulling a fast one on the writer of that article. There had been times when I sprung my dry comments on those whom I have just got in touch with and that would be the end of that connection – they will bolt mistaking my familiarity for an attempt at being too critical of their attempts at communicating with me. But I learn from each encounter and so now I am more restrain.
This last week or so I have tried very hard to write something decent about UMNO. I have had to go back to Tun Ismail Rahman to find someone worth writing about and that was too far back to make it relevant to those who are around now. And so I gave up. I am sure there must be something decent I could write about UMNO but for now that something escapes me.
Ok enough for now. This has just been me indulging myself and giving myself space in my own blog to tell my friends out there of what is in my head now. Go and see that YouTube video I just posted on “Politician Lie?” and see the startling similarity between what Bush and Hitler did….and just in passing I want to tell you what I think about Hitler. I am reluctant to do so because you should not say this of this man, but I think Hitler is a great man. What he did affected the world and millions of people. I am not condoning the killings and the destructions he waged on the world but just think – this man single handedly changed the course of history. There have not been many people in history capable of doing this. Just for that, for me, makes him a great man. Hit me if you want to…but ‘great’ does not mean ‘good’ !! If only he had use his power for good rather then for evil!   


  1. Snif snif, I thought I was the only blog you follow.


    Just a bit of syok sendiri, HH.

    You betcha, I'm smiling now.

    Good nite!

  2. hello brader

    you have to move along with the
    famous fei loh -jho loh

    he will have a better gifts for you

    it will be better than mi casa su casa

    he paractise the ameno's budaya pass- pass

    remember the eskimo culture

    my women , your women

    the last I HEARD he sent a plane load
    of busty beauties from the big apple's
    elephant club to be shared with the
    ameno braders in kl

    {report from nytimes- no shit!!!]

    khong khek khuat

  3. Pak Hamid,

    As the Americans love to say...when the goings get tough ... the tough gets going ... over here in the desert I experience restrictions especially with video clips that you attached ... so I have to wait to return to Malaysia to watch the video clips .... sigh ... such a hot dusty desert & so boring not able to watch the clips ....keep on writing, I may not agree to all but I do love good arguments & facts ....& I don't mind the dry jokes, probably getting old myself....

    Eid Mubarak & regards

    mood@ desert
    maarib yemeng
