
Saturday, September 11, 2010

YOU mudah lupa!

I am not one for carrying Anwar’s balls! Neither am I in the business of saying something is right when it is so obviously not. Let us get things in perspective.

In 1998 when those balaclava masked police unit stormed Anwar’s house in Damansara and took him away  - did you remember if you were brave enough to protect him from the PDRM goons?

When he was brought to court black and blue  - did you stormed Bukit Aman, the courts or Mahathir’s house to show your contempt and disgust at the manner the Mahathir government was treating him?

And when he was sentenced - yes there were demonstrations all over KL - but were you in the demonstrations? What did you do against the goons from PDRM.

When Anwar was spending six years in jail – when Azizah was setting up Keadilan…when Mahathir was Master, Lord and King over all that he surveyed – where were these people who are now making all sorts of pronouncements as to what Anwar should or should not do, what PKR should or should not do?

This is the problem we have now. When Barisan Nasional is on the run, when Mahathir has been reduced to an old man desperately seeking to be relevant to the changing times by prostituting himself to Perkasa, when UMNO for the first time in its existence has to grapple with the possibility of defeat in the coming general election, and when FOUR states are under Pakatan Rakyat….…when all this has happened we have these rats, worms and parasites coming out of the woodwork making all sorts of grand pronouncements of how things should be – as if they have been beside Anwar all this time from 1988 until today, Friday the 10th September 2010.

Please do not try to share the spotlight that is now on Anwar and those people who have stood with him through thick and thin. Get out of the way! Anwar and Azizah have been through it all. Nobody and I mean nobody can even start to understand and comprehend what he or she has been through. To think that you do is making you out to be a simpleton…a village idiot!

Has Anwar made mistakes? Yes he has! Has Anwar made commitments he was unable to follow through on? Yes he has! What else has he done that you do not agree with? What he has done in Sabah? What he has done in Sarawak? You do not agree with what he has done in PKR? …and the list goes on and on and on!

Do not try to second-guess what Anwar or anyone else within the Pakatan Rakyat leadership is doing! None of us know enough to be able to make an educated guess as to what is happening.

Is there vested interest in the things that they do? Of course there are! They are all fighting for their survival in PKR, in Pakatan Rakyat and within the political arena in Malaysia which is full of devious personalities. They do what they have to do to survive. I have enough confidence and trust in the leaders of Pakatan Rakyat – of which Anwar is just one of – to do the right thing for our country, for our people and for Pakatan Rakyat.

Will they make mistakes tomorrow, next week or in the future? Of course they will! Just understand this – they are doing the best they can. And that is good enough for me!  

Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, Lim Guan Eng, Tok Guru, Anwar Ibrahim and Azizah – all these people have earned their place in Pakatan Rakyat. Let nobody try to say otherwise – not unless you have spent time beside them. Not unless you have been through what they have been through physically, emotionally and mentally.

If you, like me, sit in a comfortable high back executive chair with a cup of coffee by your side and tapping your keyboard to put your thoughts onto your PC, then please do not start to think yourself as GOD and start to tell Anwar or Pakatan Rakyat what they should or should not do.

Struggle as they have struggled. Understand the dread of waiting for that Special Branch knock on your door in the early hours of the mornings! Understand the ache of having those you love beyond your reach! And hope that you will never have the fear of God put into you by the goons of those who are in power. Only when you know all this then you can write what you want

Comment on your comments:

Is that the best you can hit me with? “backside lover?” Come on lah….call me a coward for not being brave enough to stay in KL and fight UMNO, call me a traitor to the Malays because I am against UMNO and you can even deride me for marrying a foreigner – but a backside lover?

Just look at what the others write on the same subject:

"The man has made immense sacrifices for the sake of the country. He has suffered immensely even physically under TDM's vicious regime in the hands of the Karate Kid. DSAI has persevered and today, he has to be the most admired politician Malaysia has ever produced, like him or loathe him. 
None of the present BN goons can face him in any debate. None can match him in focus and directional strategy for Malaysia. Sure, the man is only human but his dream is what Malaysia needs the most today. Then again, there will always be suckers for BN's nightmarish sandiwaras".

Antares said...
Exactly how I feel. I find it easy to admire, respect and love Anwar - and most of the prominent leaders in Pakatan Rakyat. Their fallibility as politicians and their vulnerability as human beings means they are not billboard figures. I focus on seeing a friendly and responsive new management in charge of the massive overhaul this country desperately requires. I long to be able to live in a land where I can admire, respect and love (and if possible befriend) those in power. When they make tiny mistakes, we alert them to the fact and forgive them. If they make big mistakes, we tell them straight up - because we don't fear being detained without trial, tortured by salaried thugs, thrown out of highrise buildings, beaten to death, or shot in the back of the head. Absolutely no way I can feel so warmly predisposed towards any BN politician - especially not those at the very top of the Umno dungheap, whose appalling abuse of power is compounded by arrogance and greed. Hussein Hamid, thank you for your clarity of mind and purity of heart.

So may I suggest that you put some thoughts into what you write and try to put across some rationality and common sense into it. That way more people will read what you write and maybe…just maybe….they might be able to understand your point of view!

But I will allow what you all write to be on my blog because it gives us all great comfort to know the kind of people who are on the side of UMNO!

Stay there. It will do a lot of good for Pakatan Rakyat! 


  1. How gullible Tok Mid can be ........ some men just don't see it

    Poi, a village idiot

  2. Exactly how I feel. I find it easy to admire, respect and love Anwar - and most of the prominent leaders in Pakatan Rakyat. Their fallibility as politicians and their vulnerability as human beings means they are not billboard figures. I focus on seeing a friendly and responsive new management in charge of the massive overhaul this country desperately requires. I long to be able to live in a land where I can admire, respect and love (and if possible befriend) those in power. When they make tiny mistakes, we alert them to the fact and forgive them. If they make big mistakes, we tell them straight up - because we don't fear being detained without trial, tortured by salaried thugs, thrown out of highrise buildings, beaten to death, or shot in the back of the head. Absolutely no way I can feel so warmly predisposed towards any BN politician - especially not those at the very top of the Umno dungheap, whose appalling abuse of power is compounded by arrogance and greed. Hussein Hamid, thank you for your clarity of mind and purity of heart.

  3. Dont really matter with me. Malaysia is a 3rd world country, whether it is BN or PR makes no difference.

  4. The man has made immense sacrifices for the sake of the country. He has suffered immensely even physically under TDM's vicious regime in the hands of the Karate Kid. DSAI has persevered and today, he has to be the most admired politician Malaysia has ever produced, like him or loathe him.
    None of the present BN goons can face him in any debate. None can match him in focus and directional strategy for Malaysia. Sure, the man is only human but his dream is what Malaysia needs the most today. Then again, there will always be suckers for BN's nightmarish sandiwaras.

  5. Anwar has form but no substance if you look at him up, close and personal..... That sacrifices are peanuts compare to those who defend the country against the commies.... Your opinion is as shallow as the Klang River Sir!

  6. HH,

    "If you, like me, sit in a comfortable high back executive chair with a cup of coffee... please do not start to think yourself as GOD and start to tell Anwar or Pakatan Rakyat what they should or should not do."

    You lupa, PKR is just part of Pakatan Rakyat and the rumblings about Anwar is mainly about the state of PKR rather than PR. Most of us know what we will get with a DAP or a PAS. With PKR? That is a concern.

    You lupa that many of us were in most of the massive rallies for a "Better Malaysia" these last few years and only had our coffees afterwards.

    You lupa, the Reformasi rallies were mainly a Malay affair and would not have happened if Mahathir had handed the UMNO reins to Anwar, who in all probability will be a very different Anwar today.

    You lupa, Anwar's was an intrinsic part of the UMNO money politics that made so many people despise it today. We are only now beginning to see some of the monstrous figures.

    You lupa, the Reformasi movement was mainly by urban Malays who were ironically disenfrenchized by the NEP that was/is hijacked by UMNO elitists/chronies. Anwar played on this to garner support against his sacking.

    You lupa, the Reformasi movement ground to a halt with Anwar in jail. PKR got whacked in the 2004 GE. Did Anwar go to jail for ALL Malaysians? Can ALL Malaysians be blamed for Anwar going to jail?

    You lupa, Anwar is using DAP and PAS just as it is the other way around. When Anwar got out of jail, there was already widespread dissent in the country and it was opportune for him to play the role he is playing today.

    Ada banyak lagi bro, tapi I pun sudah lupa...

  7. Mr Cheah got a point there You see Tok Mid. You are much so that you too lack substance. I thought you would see a bigger picture from that land of plenty of yours.Probably got drunken from too much Aussie coffee, Try to write more by sitting in an hot attap house in Batang Berjuntai Padang Rengas.

    Poi, the village idiot

  8. Understand this :o)

    Please check this out.

  9. I'm no Umno goon. Why is that if somebody is not in the line of thought with the blogger's are considered umno buffoons. I'm no umno neither perkasa buffoon. But what you write about this cuontry from that bloody land of plenty of your matters to me SIR. so i will be peeping into your house once in a while.Till then enjoy the festive season from that land of plenty.Selamat hargi Rhaya Tok Mid
    Poi the village idiot
