
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Zaid Ibrahim : Are his intentions honorable? Your Comments!

Pensioner has left a new comment on your post "Zaid Ibrahim : Are his intentions honorable?":

Dear Sdr Hussein,

Congratulations on an objective post. I sent this e-mail to Malaysian Insider, Malaysiakini and the Nut Graph but none decided to publish it. I think more scrutiny should be placed on Zaid Ibrahim, as much as I respect him as a person but I just have too many questions which the media have not satisfactorily answered.

My Open Letter to Dato' Zaid Ibrahim

Dear Dato’ Zaid Ibrahim,

I must say I admire you for your courage in resigning from cabinet on the issue of the Internal Security Act and your efforts at trying to make amends for the judicial crisis in 1987. Congratulations. It is
unfortunate that you did not win the Hulu Selangor by-election. I have read your book, I Too am Malay and am truly inspired.

But I have yet to get a satisfactory answer on a few questions. I had been hoping more people to ask these questions, but it seems that you are a darling of the liberal media which would not bother you on these issues. But I really hope to get honest answers on these questions.

First, the issue of your stand at the beginning of the judicial crisis in 1987. Was it true that you formed the Muslim Lawyers Association upon Tun Dr. Mahathir’s instruction in order to counter the Bar Council critical stand? Why did you form the Association when we all knew that at least at that point in your life you led a very liberal lifestyle? While you claimed you did not endorse the sacking of Lord President Tun Salleh Abas, you accepted Tun Hamid Omar to chair the tribunal to try Salleh and distanced yourself from the Bar Council’s boycott of Hamid.

You continued with your battles with the Bar Council in 1992 when you proposed Justice Minister Syed Hamid Albar to be made President of the Bar Council.

Secondly, the growth of Zaid Ibrahim & Co to become Malaysia’s biggest legal firm. As much as I would like to think that ZICO was a success on its own, many have pointed that your firm was rewarded with contracts following your support for Mahathir during the judicial crisis and the UMNO split. Is it true you benefitted from UMNO through the awards of contracts from UEM and Bakun? I remember you were even investigated for insider trading with Tan Sri Bashir Ismail, Bank Bumiputra Chairman and Renong Berhad Executive Chairman, Halim Saad.

Thirdly, your love-hate relationship with PKR. My friends in Gerakan informed me that you actually considered joining Gerakan before actually joining PKR. I congratulate you for having that courage. But shortly after being appointed to the Political Bureau you then expressed your desire to take a six-months leave. Subsequently you returned to the Political Bureau. Yet you continued blogging against the party leadership.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for freedom of speech but also there
should be collective responsibility. Why, if you are really unhappy with PKR, accept the nomination for Hulu Selangor and subsequently as PKR Wilayah Chief? While you have criticised the party at many junctures, I believe to be fair the party has given you many
responsibilities in spite of being new and critical. It would be good
once in a while for you to have something good to say to friends who have been in the party much longer than you are.

I hope you can answer these questions so that I can truly be assured of your commitment to change and reform.

Azman Shamsuddin


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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Zaid Ibrahim : Are his intentions honorable? A Pen...":

Having followed the events that took place upon the sacking of the lord Preseident of our supreme court I cannot forget the statements uttered by the presiden of the pseudo islamic [there is nothing islamic at all about this] muslim lawyers association about his support for the replacement chief justice, hamid omar, a lecher by reputation.

it was like hitting by a double first
zaid a melayu supported the replacement lecherous cj . By logical implication when zaid supported hamid omar , he was agreeing that salleh abbas was justifiably sacked by mahathir. hence zaid's subsequent play of word that he merely supported hamid is only good for his kampung folks in kelantan.

From the writing above, what have we found out?

A rightful chief justice is dismisse on some trumped up charges. Then walking into the scene, a regular zaid'mabuk'bru who formed a 'muslim lawyer association ' just to show support to dr mahathir' evil act from a 'muslim ' group.

bastards... sob u zaid
Now there is a fresh allegation that an old mentor [ daim ] has planted him in pkr to destroy the party...

how credible is this?

It is beleivable now that it appears that daim is making a comeback. 
see the news:

... a proposal to buy back all the tolls and replace them with one system [refer outsyed the box]

.... an appeal is ongoing by halim saad [a daim's macai] in the courts

... an appeal by mahathir's bestest fren and loyar- 'pundek' lingam, on the review of the findings of the royal commision had succeeded. it would probably a matter of formality [ a ruling framed by himself again?] that he would be found blameless. remember if this were to happen, mahathir's legasi of malaysia boleh
is still running and kicking.

so can we say that the old malay saying is still good for the year 2010?

.. anjing kalau dah biasa makan tahi, kalau tak makan pun. dia pasti cium....

.... a shit eating dog will always eat shit and when it does not, it will still smell the shit....

parting shot
what i have put down are merely conjectures.It maybe zaid has truly reformed and if he does he will always be in my prayers..

happy hari raya , with all the trappings and the corollaries that go with the phrase

khong khek khuat


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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Zaid Ibrahim : Are his intentions honorable? Have ...":

Zaid Ibrahim or Azmin? The choice is........PKR status quo tetapi kalau nak lawan pun lu fikir la sendiri....

Maaf Zahir batin and Selamat eidulfitri.
Surely they know in any decisions they both made there is an opportunity cost tetapi kalau tak tahu memang bangang!!! 

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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Zaid Ibrahim : Are his intentions honorable? Have ...":

I don't give a hick who will win this contest.

I want to see performances

Selamat Hari Raya 


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KoSong Cafe 
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KoSong Cafe has left a new comment on your post "Zaid Ibrahim : Are his intentions honorable? Have ...":

I like both prospective candidates. Why can't there be a healthy contest, and may the better candidate win?

If the objective is to takeover Putrajaya, there will be a shortage of top candidates to fill all ministerial positions. We cannot afford to lose good candidates because of pride and power.


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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Zaid Ibrahim : Are his intentions honorable? Have ...":

Selamat Hari Raya, HH.
May the new year bring you great fortune, happiness, joy, love and health in abundance.

Based on all that I have read so far, I feel that Zaid is more trustworthy. He resigned from UMNO for a worthy cause. He did the right thing.

For Azmin, stirred trouble in East Malaysia. Didn't contribute much. Dr Rafick said he sms-ed, wrote emails, phoned Azmin many times regarding some housing issues in Bukit Antarabangsa, but no response from this cocky man.

My gut feel tells me that Zaid is a more trustworthy person, is able and capable and not a racist.

Azmin is a clone of what Haris IBrahim asked Anwar in his blog...are you a malay activist within? Anwar cannot be a racist if he wants to sit in Putrajaya.

Don't you agree?

He has to fight for all races in Malaysia. 


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komando has left a new comment on your post "Zaid Ibrahim : Are his intentions honorable? Have ...":

Folks I was told there are 3 things to become a bloody good politician:

1. You must be bold.
2. You must be able to "lie".
3. You must be willing to kiss his hand, hug him and embrace him, and when the time comes, stab him in the chest in front not from the back !

Otherwise, you cannot lu balik fikir sendiri lah !

Happy Holidays
Selamat Hari Raya To One and All. 


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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Zaid Ibrahim : Are his intentions honorable? Have ...":

Uncle Hussein,

I'm a Chinese Malaysian and with a family. I started surfing the Net just before the GE12. I came a cross you site through Malaysia Today and I am fascinated by your insight into the Malaysia political spectrum. I'm worried about Malaysia with the political anarchy and with what is going on in the Pakatan be it PKR, DAP or PAS I am really confused.Is ther a way out for us Malaysian in this dire times. I hope there is. Please continue your work as people like me do get a bit of relieve from your writing, Thanks. 'Selamat Hari Raya" 


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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Zaid Ibrahim : Are his intentions honorable? Have ...":

BN ke, PR ke ... semua sama. They are all the same. All tak boleh pakai.

The only legitimate and sensible solution for Malaysians is to migrate. Malaysia is a 3rd world country. 

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Antares has left a new comment on your post "Zaid Ibrahim : Are his intentions honorable? Have ...":

To understand political behavior one must closely observe the dynamics amongst a pack of dogs. Even canine siblings, sprung from the same litter, will turn savage on each other when it comes to food. This insight will not resolve PKR's Azmin-Zaid rivalry but it does teach us to not expect otherwise, as Steadyaku47 sagely points out in this clear-headed post. Azmin Ali is an Anwar loyalist who has stuck with him through thick and thin and Azmin is deeply embedded in party politics with a strong support base. However, he appears aloof to the public and has yet to acquire authentic star quality in his own right - instead, like the moon, he reflects Anwar's glory. On the other hand Zaid Ibrahim is an intelligent, urbane man-of-the-world who won wide admiration by quitting his post in Badawi's cabinet in protest against what he saw as abuse of the ISA. He has since shown himself to be a charmingly articulate, endowed with a sharp legal mind; a political thinker with an approachable personality and also a healthy sense of humor. Both men are indeed valuable assets to PKR and it's a pity to watch them pit themselves aganst each other. Azmin's clique appear more typically Melayu in their politics, while Zaid has broader appeal across the racial spectrum, especially with the liberal urban electorate. Each deserves a position of authority within PKR and I'm sure such an intelligent solution can be found wherein both Azmin and Zaid can contribute creatively to the evolution of PKR, instead of engaging in what seems to be an extremely destructive baring of fangs over a mere bone. Times like these I'm glad I'm not Anwar, who constantly faces internal dilemmas (e.g., Zul Noordin and Zahrain) that sap his energy rather than bolster it. May I suggest that PKR create another top post for Zaid and get both candidates for #2 post to stop attacking each other - at least until the danger of BN wresting back its 2/3 majority is long past? The question of Anwar's successor is not all that important, as Nurul Izzah wisely pointed out, when she stated that PKR must operate beyond personality cults and concentrate on restoring democratic freedoms stolen by Mahathir and promoting JUSTICE - the original reason why it even exists. 

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KS Cheah 
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KS Cheah has left a new comment on your post "Zaid Ibrahim : Are his intentions honorable? Have ...":

Hi HH,

I am perplexed by the point you have been trying to drive about Zaid going back on his word not to contest. Conversely, you mentioned that Azmin did commit no such thing. For that you crucify Zaid as being distrustful.

Azmin has never committed not to vie for No.2 and for that matter to anything else (as we know his incapability) but is clearly a staunch Anwar loyalist. Take a closer look at Anwar; what has he committed to but never delivered or turned 180 degrees around? September 16 first comes to mind.

Before GE12 he rallied the PR parties behind the People's Declaration as a joint manifesto but conveniently forgot about it after the fact.

The only PKR state, Selangor is doing okay DESPITE PKR and if you look closely at the socio-economic improvements in the state, the main drivers in Khalid's exco are non-PKR ADUNs! Most PKR ADUNs are only interested in politicking and we know Azmin is great at that. Look at Sabah. PR hopes to "misappropriate" BN's "fixed deposit"? It looks like eroding Zaid's PKR support in Sabah is more important to Anwar than winning Sabah for PR.

The reason the jury is still out on Anwar is that he has not delivered anything since GE12. Azmin IS Anwar.

Just review Anwar's ceramahs on You Tube the last two years. He only criticizes the excesses of UMNO/BN without presenting concrete measures he will institute for a Malaysian Malaysia. He is worse than Najib's elegant silence when it comes to racist slurs. Yeah, semua anak, anak dia. Pordah!

Who is the real UMNO plant here? Zaid or Anwar/Azmin? Has Anwar cashed in our chips to avoid jail for Sodomy II?

I say to hell with de facto PKR leader title...Anwar should just go for number 1 and Zaid number 2 in PKR. Or is Anwar waiting to ride into UMNO by invitation as a white knight?

Just ranting and venting lah. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri bro.


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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Zaid Ibrahim : Are his intentions honorable? Have ...":

Most comments appear hillarious to me. Most sounded from people who ride in after 2008 success. Before that they're no where in sight. Now they think they know best n they don't need Anwar. What pathetic! Would PKR, DAP n PAS come together? Most thought Anwar was crazy when he toured the country and pronounced victory. Can you see next GE without him? You could if you're still UMNO/BN diehards and most of you are before 2008. 

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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Zaid Ibrahim : Are his intentions honorable? Have ...":

salam aidilfitri to all

1.  When there is a small dispute that threatens to break the party, the       President must use wisdom to avoid the fracture.

2. The importance of the vp post is such that in the event that the President is indisposed, the vp will step into his shoes.

Looking at the event today, it is likely that the president faces a jail sentence. This would mean the vp is the de facto president and the prime minister in waiting should pr won the pru13.

3. The solution
The President should think of creating 2 posts of vice presidents so that zaid and azmin can fill. The choice of of who will succeed the President can be left to the central committee.

That is my 2 cents worth

Khong khek khuat 


  1. Having followed the events that took place upon the sacking of the lord Preseident of our supreme court I cannot forget the statements
    uttered by the presiden of the pseudo islamic
    [ there is nothing islamic at all about this ] muslim lawyers association about his support for the replacement chief justice, hamid omar, a lecher by reputation.

    it was like hitting by a double first
    zaid a melayu supported the replacement lecherous cj . By logical implication when zaid supported hamid omar , he was agreeing that salleh abbas was justifiably sacked
    by mahathir. hence zaid's subsequent play of
    word that he merely supported hamid is only good for his kampung folks in kelantan.

    From the writing above, what have we found out?

    A rightful chief justice is dismisse on some trumped up charges. Then walking into the scene, a regular zaid'mabuk'bru who formed a 'muslim lawyer association ' just to show support to dr mahathir' evil act from a 'muslim ' group.

    bastards... sob u zaid

    Now there is a fresh allegation that an old mentor [ daim ] has planted him in pkr to destroy the party...

    how credible is this?

    It is beleivable now that it appears that
    daim is making a comeback.

    see the news:

    ... a proposal to buy back all the tolls and replace them with one system [refer outsyed the box]

    .... an appeal is ongoing by halim saad [a daim's macai] in the courts

    ... an appeal by mahathir's bestest fren and loyar- 'pundek' lingam, on the review of the
    findings of the royal commision had succeeded. it would probably a matter of formality [ a
    ruling framed by himself again?] that he would be found blameless. remember if this were
    to happen, mahathir's legasi of malaysia boleh
    is still running and kicking.

    so can we say that the old malay saying is still good for the year 2010?

    .. anjing kalau dah biasa makan tahi, kalau

    tak makan pun. dia pasti cium....



    .... a shit eating dog will always eat shit

    and when it does not, it will still smell the shit....

    parting shot

    what i have put down are merely conjectures.It
    maybe zaid has truly reformed and if he does he
    will always be in my prayers..

    happy hari raya , with all the trappings

    and the corollaries that go with the phrase

    khong khek khuat

  2. Having followed the events that took place upon the sacking of the lord Preseident of our supreme court I cannot forget the statements
    uttered by the presiden of the pseudo islamic
    [ there is nothing islamic at all about this ] muslim lawyers association about his support for the replacement chief justice, hamid omar, a lecher by reputation.

    it was like hitting by a double first
    zaid a melayu supported the replacement lecherous cj . By logical implication when zaid supported hamid omar , he was agreeing that salleh abbas was justifiably sacked
    by mahathir. hence zaid's subsequent play of
    word that he merely supported hamid is only good for his kampung folks in kelantan.

    From the writing above, what have we found out?

    A rightful chief justice is dismisse on some trumped up charges. Then walking into the scene, a regular zaid'mabuk'bru who formed a 'muslim lawyer association ' just to show support to dr mahathir' evil act from a 'muslim ' group.

    bastards... sob u zaid

    Now there is a fresh allegation that an old mentor [ daim ] has planted him in pkr to destroy the party...

    how credible is this?

    It is beleivable now that it appears that
    daim is making a comeback.

    see the news:

    ... a proposal to buy back all the tolls and replace them with one system [refer outsyed the box]

    .... an appeal is ongoing by halim saad [a daim's macai] in the courts

    [to continue]

  3. [continue part 2]

    ... an appeal by mahathir's bestest fren and loyar- 'pundek' lingam, on the review of the
    findings of the royal commision had succeeded. it would probably a matter of formality [ a
    ruling framed by himself again?] that he would be found blameless. remember if this were
    to happen, mahathir's legasi of malaysia boleh
    is still running and kicking.

    so can we say that the old malay saying is still good for the year 2010?

    .. anjing kalau dah biasa makan tahi, kalau

    tak makan pun. dia pasti cium....



    .... a shit eating dog will always eat shit

    and when it does not, it will still smell the shit....

    parting shot

    what i have put down are merely conjectures.It
    maybe zaid has truly reformed and if he does he
    will always be in my prayers..

    happy hari raya , with all the trappings

    and the corollaries that go with the phrase

    hong khek khuat
