
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"Against stupidity; God Himself is helpless." Number Two

PM announces 23 ecosystem, wealth creation initiatives


PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today announced 23 ecosystem and wealth creation initiatives which will attract billions of ringgit in investment and unearth even more of the nation's intellectual wealth.

Launching it as an "Innovation Lift-Off", he said, it was a new direction that will positively impact wealth creation.

"Their spill-over effects will be far reaching and will enhance the technical and business skills of the entire supply chain.

"Unlike research and development initiatives, these innovation projects have attracted customers internationally even before their launch," he said when launching the initiatives today.

The projects have been divided into three categories -- new wealth creation; intellectual property from universities; and public research institutes; and eco-system initiatives.

The global market for the said wealth creation sector is estimated to be US$472 billion (RM1.46 trillion) and carving a niche in this segment could be lucrative for Malaysia.

Steadyaku47 comments:

It seems to me that Bolehland under Najib is now bringing to me that charming practice of assisting those wanting to learn another language.


But instead of opening my consciousness to the magic and joy of a new word a day Bolehland brings to me a daily dosage of a bewildering complexity of astounding and oomph sounding grouping of words that can even put to shame the likes of Einstein or even Edward de Bono – the physician, author, inventor, consultant and originator of the term lateral thinking. Each new grouping of words are deliberately designed to shift our perceptional assumptions for the purpose of guiding our senses towards a new dawn of Barisan Nasional enlighten directional movement (DOWNWARDS!) for the future of our once great nation. Today’s group of words:

"Innovation Lift-Off"

This time around no made in Malaysia Angkasawan will be involved in this "Lift Off". The Malaysian National Space Agency’s ex Minister is already doing his raba raba (not Poco Poco–that is haram!) in Washington. The Angkasawan has already made a pile of money for himself, UMNO and even Russia! This time our Najib is going to awe and inspire us into a “new direction that will positively impact wealth creation”. And is it not heartening to observe that this “Innovation Lift-Off” initiative comes on the day just after the Tricubes 1Malaysia e-mail announcement? Stupidity compounded to eternity!        

Najib insists that it will “attract billions of ringgit in investment and unearth even more of the nation's intellectual wealth.” Let us just take five here. I cannot see how UMNO or the Barisan Government can contribute in this area. First the billions of ringgits in investments is either coming from the business sector (not bloody likely given BN’s track record) or it will be “investments” or outright “grants” to UMNO cronies from the BN government using our hard earned money. Secondly I put it to you that UMNO and the Barisan Nasional goons are  devoid of any “intellectual wealth” required in such an undertaking. Any intellect BN might have is severely limited to the “taking” part and NOT the “giving"part.   

Najib goes on to say "Unlike research and development initiatives, these innovation projects have attracted customers internationally even before their launch" - when launching the initiatives today. Most comforting to know this but aisehman he does not go on to identify or even hint where these “international customers” are coming from…….and you know that these BN goons will go to town if even ONE international customer have indicated any interest – even if that international customer happens to be Uganda or Nigeria! There will be the usual public signing of the “Letter of Intent”…blah blah blah. Nothing so far. No news is bad news lah!  

Now the clincher! Najib states “The global market for the said wealth creation sector is estimated to be US$472 billion (RM1.46 trillion).” Now before any of  you business people and UMNO and Rosmah's cronies starts frothing at the mouth at such a trillionistic bonanza just back off a little. It says “global market”….not Hutang Melintang, not Batang Berjuntai, not even Kuala Lumpur….”global” and since when have this BN government shown its ability to compete for global opportunities? Zilch, zero….never ever. Even now it is scrambling to bring back Malaysian talent gone walkabout overseas! 

And then the gibberish part of the whole announcement starts. This part really fucks up my whole “Learn a Word a Day” frame of mind. Words like GTP (Government Transformation Programme), ETP (Economic Transformation Programme), UNIK (Special Innovation Unit), MyMap Innovation Accelerator and 3T’s (opps this last one is linked to Carcosa not to the “Innovation Lift Off” initiative–sorry lah!) starts popping up all over the place. Like this die lah!  

And right at the end is that moniker that stamps the authenticity and genuineness of the report – that it was all kosher “BERNAMA”. Need I say more? I rest my case. No more "Learn a Word a Day" from Bolehland for me!  


  1. HH,

    I believe the only thing that has lifted off is Najib's brain and those of his cabinet ministers. Their brains are now floating somewhere in the stratosphere where no man has gone before.

  2. the only "lift-off" they are getting is by watching Datuk T's sex video
