
Thursday, April 21, 2011

cakap cakap..nonsensical nonsense of the sexual kind.

Another alleged sex tape of Anwar in 1999, says ex-cop
KUALA LUMPUR, April 21 — A retired senior police officer has said Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was linked to a sex video in 1999, and is asking for an investigation to uncover any connection with similar allegations last month.

Former KL CID chief Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim wrote about his suspicions in an open letter to Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar this week, saying he had investigated the first case 12 years ago.

Steadyaku47 comment:

Why would a retired senior police officer write an open letter to the IGP about another alleged sex tape involving DSAI? First thing first. Let us look at two items relevant to this issue: Retire and Open Letter 

re·tired/riˈtīī(ə)rd/Adjective : Having left one's job and ceased to work.
Open letter: An open letter is a letter that is intended to be read by a wide audience, or a letter intended for an individual, but that is nonetheless widely distributed intentionally Open letters usually take the form of a letter addressed to an individual but provided to the public through newspapers and other media, such as a letter to the editor or blog. Especially common are critical open letters addressed to political leaders.
This is not an officer still serving within PDRM who is going slow slow with his duties but one who has actually left the service, retired and still wants to do his duty to Bangsa, Ugama dan Negara. So far so good. Now comes the tricky bit.

The “open letter” to the IGP. Did he wrote the open letter because he was worried that no action would be taken by the authorities (read Barisan Nasional government here!)? Mustahil/Not possible! This is another sex tape that is alleged to involve involving DSAI. Ann anything adverse concerning DSAI goes straight into Najib's "IN" tray. 

If I remember correctly, sometime back there was this Saiful guy who brought up allegations of sexual misconduct by Anwar upon himself. He was fast tracked to meet with the head honcho himself – the same Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak aka the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Our Prime Minister wanted to be informed of the state of Saiful’s anus and other unmentionable aspect of it and having satisfied himself of that he then went on to discuss other pressing matters like education. Maybe Najib might also had inquired about the financial net worth of Saiful too because he knows how expensive school text books are. And you need to buy books to further your education.    

Recently another allegation of sexual misconduct by Anwar was made by the 3Latuks aka Three Stupid Idiotic Stooges. Again sex tapes were involved  and  the three stooges were projected into the realms of being “saviour of our national integrity”......well at least that is how they see at PWTC. Again the Three Stooges did it for “Bangsa, Ugama dan Negara”. 

So does this retired senior police officer has a death wish or is simply craving for his 15 minutes of fame as promised by Andy Warhol ?

For all we know this senior retired police officer might, at this very moment, be at Seri Perdana having tea with our prime Minster to discuss the possibility of him furthering his education at Yale or Harvard while attached to Ambassador Raba Raba security detail in Washinton! Or would he prefer to explore business opportunities within PDRM given his exposure to the system there? Wink wink say no more! You rub my back and all that sort of thing!

I am sorry guys for making light of these latest sex tapes allegations today but is it not getting just a little bit overwhelming? Are not these people just trying a bit too hard to give our DSAI a hard time? Sarawak elections has just been wrapped and paid for – done deal! Does this retired senior police officer knows something that we don’t? Is another Government Minister about to be exposed for grave sexual conduct by me? I don’t think so and I should know! 

I guess this retired senior police officer must be going the same way that the three stooges did. Doing something for Bangsa, Ugama dan Negara. Good luck to you!   


  1. Bro, you might have missed his point if you care to read again the news. The one I read seems to question Latuk Lahim's credibility!

    Moreover, if not mistaken, this officer seems to have one of his reports sidelined before, for reasons best known to those responsible.

  2. KoSong agree with you that he did question Latuk Lahim's credibility...but then why highlight "another Anwar Sex Tape" allegation? Aiyah so many pusinh here and there I got lost myself...

  3. I think he did raise the possibility the video released recently could possibly be the same one from 1999 .
    I think this is possible, as the dress that lady wore as shown on the clip seem to be from that era.

  4. I am disappointed that you failed to grasp the message in the open letter To me it appears very clear that the writer is in fact trying to cast doubts on the whole video episode - to clear Anwar not implicate him in some new scandal

  5. Ya..lah. Sex video 1 was distributed by unknown parties to character assassinate Anwar. PKR members lodged rpt just like Sex Video II and Police investigated. Mat Zan was I.O. Allegation that Anwar was the actor in Sex Video 1 was complete bullshit. Mat Zan can't recommend to charge anybody then because those who distributed sex video were unknown...and still on the loose. He suspects Rahim Thamby was behind that video.

    Sex video II is similar to sex video I. he is implying if you don't charge 3 latuks, then the probability is that Police will be wasting time investigating another sex Video III to be distributed by Rahim. Mat Zan thinks Rahim is behind sex Video 1 & want police to investigate link, so that they can charge Rahim further for distributing sex video 1... and put a stop to all these sex video nonsense.

    This is my take from reading is piece. He is sure from his investigation that the actor in sex video 1 was not Anwar...that is why the distributors were unseen beings.

  6. Obama's look-alike in Indonesia is doing quite well as a comedian. He has no plns to go into acting.

  7. Dear HH,

    While all of these sex tapes/video/DVD expose are giving Anwar a hard time, I think certain individuals and ultra NGOs are getting a HARD ON hearing about them and they can hardly wait to view these sex tapes/videos/DVD to give themselves an ORGASM. You know who these individuals and NGOs are, right?......wink, wink.

  8. I believe that this Mat Zain character has been "bought over" by Najib, and the IGP can do nothing about it. The IGP will be told to ignore all of the previous reports made by Mat Zain, that seems to be for Anwar and investigate this new allegation. it doesn't matter if anything can be proven, just so long as they can keep Anwar fighting all these allegations and creating the public perception that Anwar is a person with low morals.
    Anwar was right when he said in Sarawak, "everytime Najib thinks of me, (Anwar), Najib thinks of sex". It seems to be true isn't it? Such is the stuff Najib and Rosmah are made off, just pure filth and vulgarity.
    The IGP says that the PDRM will eventually catch the criminal masterminds, irregardless of their standing in society. The former IGP, Musa Hassan has been accused of protecting these highly placed individuals. Thus, it sounds as if Musa Hassan might be investigated, but in actual truth, all it is, is a smokescreen.
    If you think that the present IGP is just as bad as the others', just hope that the recently appointed Deputy IGP doesn't become IGP, then we are all doomed'. Just look at his track record as CPO Selangor, and you would have good idea of what I am saying.
    This is what happens when people have no sense of shame, no primciples and get their guidance from the devil.
    All Najib and Rosmah think about is sex and that too sex that Anwar has had. It's all very disgusting.

  9. if it is true that the man is DSAI,do you the police will take so long to nail him?

  10. Exposing sex scandals once too often may let the cat out unintentionally.
