
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to shut politicians up


  1. The next post here will be put up by big old arsehole

  2. salam pak HH,

    what's ur opinion on latest RPK's statement???

    jika boleh tulis lah something.

    terima kasih

  3. Arseholeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you are.....dawai koko+

  4. Yes, anon 12:21, I admit I too am one. But it does take a bigger one to recognise another, ain't that right Dato'?

    Fair dinkum

  5. Yes, Pak Hussein please comment on the latest revelation by RPK on
    TV3 ? TQ

  6. You gonna get a hell of an opinion about rpk by one big old arsehole soon..... dude

  7. rpk ass is showing................he's either desperate for cash OR an ass hole....

  8. I don't think so la he can comment one about RPK. Where got brain one,he He's got alzerhaimer ie alzheimer.....diminishing memory to time ratio

  9. I for once don't think rpk is so the bloody stupid and so the bloody naive. He's got something up his sleeve knowing that conniving basket......what say you Tok Hussein

  10. ye le dawai kokot, i boleh le tulis something tapi i takut le nanti i terpijak pula kepala botak rpk tu nanti. nanti le bila i dah semboh sikit nanti i tulis ye wai..bai bai wai ....tata tutu titi

  11. Many MT readers and supporters of RPK seem to have been easily swayed by a simple TV3 interview. If theses readers have been following RPK and truly understand what he has been saying than they should have by now be beyond paranoia and insecure character. RPK can never turn his back on his principles. If he appears to do so it could be only because he is made to look so by the media or he wants to do so to as a covert operation to achieve a something bigger. RPK has reignited the fire through Deepak. The reality show as begun. Every one is now attentive and waiting for RPK to spring a surprise. Those readers who have lost faith in MT and RPK and the few who undermine him too contribute to this reality show that RPK has devised. Wait and see the turn of events and the culmination of the final countdown before the curtains are reeled in a close.

    PM should not be so naive as to think that he had been cleared of complicity to a very serious crime, just through RPK's interview broadcasted by Tv3. What RPK said was that he didn't accuse the PM and his missus of the murder of the Mongolian woman through his SDs but that somebody else did and they were ever ready to be witnesses in case they are being called to do so in some court action.

    So until and unless the PM takes some legal action to have his name, reputation and integrity cleared in the country's court-of-law, he will always carry the stigma of complicity in Altantuya's murder

    In my mind, the whole court case on the murder of Altantuya has been done in a cover-up manner. And of course, the judiciary, the Prosecutor, and the PDRM are all in cahoots in this cover-up. While the killers were convicted(part of the cover-up), no attempt was made by the Judiciary, the Public Prosecutor, and the Police to find out or carry out investigations on the master-mind. In fact, every attempt was made to steer away from investigations on the master mind. What sort of justice do you call this, if not a kangaroo court. The two policemen and their handler, Mus Safri, do not know the deceased, let alone having any motive to kill her. To my mind, and I think in the minds of most people, it is obvious that only two people can have any motive for wanting Altantuya killed. You know it, I know it, the police know it. But now the powers-that-be pretend not to know it. One chief suspect was found not guilty. so it has to be the other suspect. But this suspect was not investigated, let along called as a witness. And I understand the faces of the two policemen were covered up all the time while in court. This, in my mind, could mean only one thing. And that is, even when found guilty and sentenced to death, I am sure, they will be paid handsomely and told to leave the country under different names. Maybe, even their appearance will be changed. I don't believe these two will be executed. Anyone know where they are now?
    how's that dawai
