
Friday, June 3, 2011

Altantuya : More then a Smoking Gun....


Go stop any Malaysian on the streets – it does not matter if he is Dollah wearing a sarong and a songkok quietly having a smoke at Block A of the PKNS flats in Kampong Baru: Or if he/she is a concerned citizen having a noisy discussions over teh tarik and roti chanai with their friends at Mahbub in Lucky Gardens in Bangsar: Or you could be one of the fortunate BN political elites having High Tea at Biba’s Café at the Mandarin Oriental just after a meeting at Petronas: who ever you are in Malaysia : one thing and one thing only had been able to hold our rapt, undivided  and unwavering attention since October 2006.

Шаарийбуугийн Алтантуяа

Yes we know already who shot her twice in her head and then blew up her body with C4 explosives! We too know that Razak Baginda is now comfortably exiled in London. To all intents and purposes the AG seems satisfied that justice has been done! The Malaysia government is done with it!

So how come the murder of Altantuya is still taking space in our consciousness? What are the questions we still want answered? How could a murder of a foreigner that took place almost five years ago is still reverberating around Malaysia and threatens to deliver to UMNO what even DSAI and Pakatan Rakyat seems unable to do?

From her grave, Altantuya threatens to deliver the coup de grace to Najib Tun Razak aspirations of continuing as Prime Minister of Malaysia and with it the political demise of UMNO! How is this possible?

“Its name is Public Opinion. 
It is held in reverence.
 It settles everything. 
Some think it is the voice of God” 
Mark Twain

Notwithstanding what that the Malaysian High Courts have already delivered its decisions by sentencing the two UTK personals to death, the Malaysian public opinion begs to differ.

Lord Hewart from Rex v Sussex Justices; Ex parte McCarthy:

“… it is not merely of some importance but is of fundamental importance, that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.”

And the verdict of the Malaysian High Court does not take this into consideration.

And now the dye is cast for Najib Tun Razak.

Not Sodomy Two, not the Carcosa Tapes, not the threaten deregistration of Pakatan Rakyat, not the antics of this maniacal idiot call Ibrahim son of Ali….nothing will distract the Malaysian Public from taking their focus off that unanswered question they all want to know about the Altantuya murder.

What is Najib Razak’s involvement
with Altantuya?

By seizing the Prime Minister post from Pak Lah before it was time for him to do so Najib has bought himself some time. He managed to extricate himself from being drag into court during Altantuya’s murder trial. The office of the Prime Minister in Malaysia has now been corrupted by Najib to be a refuge for him from fair and natural justice! So far so good for Najib!

But what of Muhyiddin’s political ambitions? What of Mahathir’s naked nepotism to have his son as Prime Minister too? Will Hishamuddin side with Najib his first cousin or will the political realities within Johore force him to take sides? The plot thickens!

In all this all that Najib can do is wait for the axe to fall! No warlord within UMNO can weather the storm that the murder of Altantuya will unleash against Najib if ever UMNO takes the cloak of invincibility away from Najib. The question is not if they will take it away…it is when!

You can see the ebb and flow of UMNO stalwarts as the physically move from faction to faction, from one Ketua to another  - all the while forming and dissolving alliances/loyalties determined by one constant only: what can you give me for my loyalty? Ada projek? NAjib knows this and Najibs sahabats are powerless to do much. They themselves have grown fat over these Najib years and know that their time is almost over. Better to concentrate on accumulating more wealth then to concern themselves with shoring up the crumbling defenses of Najib – nothing could stem the tide that was now sweeping towards them like a tsunami of biblical proportions.

If you ask me when the 13th general election will be:
I will say this: 

When Muhyiddin decides it is time!

For our friends that are with Pakatan Rakyat, I have this to say.

BN kita Lawan. PR kita Kawan.