
Monday, June 13, 2011

Of cybertroopers and morons

Euphoria in Misery If Everything was Right, What is Left? Home The person Of cybertroopers and morons June 13, 2011 in Musings | Tags: Cybertrooper, Umno, Zahid Hamidi It has been said that people in high places often insulate themselves from reality and grassroots change has been known to completely overwhelm them. The Internet and its various subcultures have been repeatedly cited to be a cause of change in the Malaysian political landscape that resulted in the shock results of March 2008. Yet many in the establishment continue to operate blindly, as if money could buy them yet another general election. (It might yet, but that’s another story) Case in point this time is Umno VP Zahid Hamidi. Here, he exhorts Umno cybertroopers to step up their efforts to counter the “hate culture propagated by irresponsible groups against Umno.” Does the dude realise that the term “Umno Cybertrooper” itself is a SLUR? Yeah, to the initiated Malaysian Netizen, it means ill-mannered cyber hacks who are paid serious lucre by Umno to terrorise and spread lies and propaganda. Ok maybe not propaganda, since the average cybertrooper doesn’t have the brains to spread propaganda. That is left to some rambling canines and angry hacks who when confronted by a backlash, are quick to run with tails tucked between the legs. Zahid has my sympathies. He doesn’t seem to know that his cybertroopers lack quality. That they would not even do the job if not for promise of money. That they lack the brains and social media savvy to engage the other side in battle. No fella in his right mind will want to continue to “tegakkan benang basah” for his party anymore. Kesian. Share this: Facebook StumbleUpon Reddit Digg Email


  1. Anyone who has watched any of the Star Wars movies would probably prefer to identify with Princess Leia, Han Solo, Obi Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Yoda and the Rebel Forces. That silly bugger Ahmad Zahidi thinks he can persuade people it's more glamorous (and profitable) to be a Stormtrooper and serve the Evil BN Empire!

  2. When all UMNO Cybertroopers did was "tegakkan benang basah" (literally - standing the wet yarn/string) is no easy job for them to do and they will only do it for money, UMNO on the other side found it even more difficult to even "tegakkan benang kering" (literally - standing the dry yarn/string).

  3. These so-called "cybertroopers" are idiotic, inarticulate and the comments they leave are totally illogical.
    The worst part is that they're paid using our tax-payers' hard-earned money!
    Anyway, they're going to hell!
