
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Truth. Nothing but the Truth!

Let us do some straight talking here. I can write good or bad on just about any politician in Bolehland - in BN or Pakatan Rakyat. I would confess that I would be clutching at straws when it comes to Tok Guru and there are a few that I would rather leave alone not because they are unblemished but simply because they are doing their best demi kepentingan bangsa, negara dan lain lain. For most politicians in Bolehland trying to write good about them would be an effort indeed but as I said, if I want to write good about them I will find something.

Have I thought about writing for a living....or to be blunt, will I write for money?
I would consider doing it. Writing is work to me.You get paid to work so why not me? But what if I am asked to write about things that I do not believe in? What if I am asked to make up stuff that would damage the reputation of the politician I am writing about? Will I do it? To be honest I have not been confronted with such a choice - but if I am to write for money sooner or later I will be asked to do so - and when I am asked to do so I am sure the money on offer to me to do so would be tempting. What will I do?

This I know. I have been talking with a few people who have read what I write and were "talking" with me about "working" together. They are from UMNO, MIC and the opposition. Nothing has eventuated. I simply want to be paid for my "writing" work and to have my costs covered - not to make money from my writing.Not because I do not have stories to tell! I have stories to tell but I would rather be paid to work at writing on my blog - not to do expose or dig up dirt about these politicians from Bolehland. If in the course of what I write these politicians have their private lives and wrong doings expose - then so be it.

I am writing this to let you all know that I am still a free agent. Yes I hantam BN and UMNO politicians but it is because for now that is what I choose to do. Politicians in the opposition too have their stories to be told but I sincerely believe that of the two evils -Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat - you all know where I stand for now.

What I hope to do for now is to write on the situation in Malaysia "as I see it" to quote our beloved Tunku. I have no hidden agenda. No vested interest and certainly I am not writing for money. Will this change in the foreseeable future? Maybe. Every body has his or her price and I am not that naive to think that I cannot be bought. What has transpired so far would make interesting reading for most of you but I know there are areas that even I would not want to go simply because it would be a breach of confidence to those that choose to "talk" to me on these matters.

Enough of all this for now. Expect the unexpected. I know that to be able to write about anything I would need to identity some element of truth in what I write - the embellishment and the stretching of this element of truth to make the telling of the story interesting is something I might or might not do to add "oommph" to the story!

Call me a hypocrite. Call me a mercenary. You can even call me a taxi if you want to but as I have said earlier I work at writing. Do not begrudge me in trying to earn a living by doing so but in as long as I can be true to myself and my beliefs, then nothing else really much matters.


  1. Mr Hussein, write what you want to and anyway you like. Its your blog. If you write the truth, its your truth. If you write lies, its your lies. I'll continue reading both and decide for myself, that is if I can really tell the difference. Thus far I have enjoyed all your postings. I'll share with you some 'wise' words from Oscar Wilde (although I do not know whether it is true he said them - I discovered them in cyberspace lah!).

    “The truth is rarely pure and never simple.”

    “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”

    “Man can believe the impossible, but can never believe the improbable”

    Cheers mate!


  2. Just be true to yourself and please do not be a hypocrite.Its not easy to find someone who say it straight from the heart,you are one of them and maybe RPK.You dream thing that never were and say why not,RPK with NO HOLED BARRED and both of you have been an inspiration not just to me I am sure but to a lot more out here.....chill bro chill....

  3. I can understand you wanting to write and be paid for it, but I'd be very disappointed if you were paid to write , no, spin, news. My respect for you will plummet.

  4. always appreciate your writings and always will ~ to me, it doesn't matter who you write or who you hantam as long as i know you are telling the truth

  5. Salam, please write whatever that suits you, either paid or otherwise. However, you may do alot of good if you're to write in a crerative comical way. The truth is still out but a humorous one. Let's giggle at the truth. Lat is good at that in pictorial form, but you can be as good in words. Go ahead bro, earn your keeps.

  6. "Every body has his or her price..."Spot on. That is why there are so many frogs and mercenary writers and bloggers in Malaysia. Najib is very adapt in this principle. The problem is that he's using our hard-earned money and not his own.

  7. Bro,

    Is the inflation in Adelaide that bad ?

    Dah miss sorru ye ?

    Come back Bro., lets fight together here !!!

  8. Helllo, out there he was sincere by saying that everyone has a "price" is the truth!

    But if you think you can sleep better, eat better and at the end of the day die EVEN better, so be it, 'tepuk dada & tanya selera'! Just an ole malay proverb lah, no offence meant to bro Hus!

  9. Why worry Pak!
    Everything in this world has a price but just a reminder that at the end of the day we have to answer to only one that is GOD the almighty.
    Never fear. Mahu duit ke, mahu nama ke atau apa pun sendiri pilih according to the guideline in your life and what ever is your value judgment.
