
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tun Husseins genes skipped one generation! Din is an Idiot!



Bersih supporters nabbed for waging war against King

June 26, 2011
KUALA LUMPUR, June 26 — The police said today they are probing an alleged attempt by some Bersih activists to revive communism, and are investigating 30 Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members, including Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jayakumar for “waging war against the Yang DiPertuan Agong.” 
Deputy Penang police chief Datuk Abdul Rahim Jaafar was quoted by Astro Awani as saying today that remand orders would be applied for to detain the 30 activists under Section 122 of the Penal Code.

steadyaku47  comment

I have been too lazy to write anything these last two days. No excuses...just plain lazy. I have not had a look at any of the local papers or anything on the net - that is until a few minutes ago when I had this comment from one of our friends on something I had just posted:

Anonymous said...Well, the 30 guys now charged with "waging war against the Agong" sure could use some great entertainment to relieve their 'shell-shocked' souls. What has this country come to?

And I went straight to my preferred news source "Malaysian Insider" and saw their posting above. As I read that piece a very deep anger started to surge through me. Just when you think that they cannot top the Carcosa Tapes this Din guy, on Najib's and UMNO's instruction of course, tells us that they are investigating 30 PSM members etc for waging war against the Agong!

You son of a bitch Din and you idiotic Najib why the bloody hell do you need to drag the Agong into your dirty insidious plots? There is simply nobody around - and I mean not only in Malaysia but in the whole wide world that would have the slightest inclination to wage war against the Agong! They will be people who will want to wage war against Barisan Nasional, against UMNO and even against Rosmah - but the Agong? Do you really think you will be able to convince the Agong to start wearing bullet proof vest just in case a sniper tries to take him out? What about building a bunker in the grounds of his Palace (at least some of your cronies can make a few million ringgit there!). 

Will there be a dawn to dusk curfew announced so that you can go and nip this "war thing" in the bud before they nip you in your backside? And of course all those suspected of doing this must be communist. And in Malaysia only the Chinese can be communist. So round up the Chinese before they have a chance to start this war with the Agong? 

Najib and Din please think....this is the year 2011. There might be some communist around in Malaysia - for all I know they might have already penetrated into UMNO, BN and where ever you want them to be. But to accuse the communist of wanting to wage war against the Agong is making a lot of Malaysian....and I mean a hell of a lot of Malaysian...start shaking their head in disbelief at the sheer stupidity of this latest UMNO/BN caper! Come on lah Din did you just found out that Chairman Mao is really alive and well and is now living either in Penang, Kedah, Selangor or Kelantan? And you are going all out to expose these four states for harbouring Chairman Mao? And while you are looking for Chairman Mao go look for Chou En Lai too...he is too smart to be left alone to plot UMNO's and BN downfall! But do not bother to look for Deng Xiaopeng because by all accounts he is dead!

We Malaysians do accept that BN and UMNO are pretty amateurish in all their plotting and attempts to implicate the opposition and any one that they think are against them. We have suffered in silence at the ridiculous manner you have tried to blame the opposition for any and everything! Nothing seems to be BN or UMNO's doing! ISA arrests are because those arrested are a national threat. The Police go whack Malaysian citizens because they too are a threat to the nations security. Liong Sik, Lingam, Razak Baginda, JJ, Thamby Chik and every other dirty crook that have evolved from UMNO's doings are not prosecuted to the full extent of the law because "they must not be denied due process blah blah blah". But when it comes to your attempts to stop BERSIH 2.0 nothing is sacred. You drag down the name of the Agong to excuse your efforts in investigating these 30 PSM members. 

I can only say this. Can the Agong, just this once, stand up and speak for himself? Or better still let me ask him myself. Tuanku do you believe this Din and Najib when he tells you that these 30 PSM members wants to wage war on you? Wage war when you have the Army, the Navy and the RMAF protecting you? Wage war with you Tuanku when PDRM is sworn to protect you? And do not forget the UTK!!!

And against all the might of the Defence Force - and we hope that the Submarines can be deployed if thought necessary to defend the Agong( at least if not to selam at least to float on the surface!) - these 30 PSM members wants to wage war against the Agong?

Din these 30 PSM members - whoever they are - are not as stupid as you. If you tells us that Singapore is thinking of waging war against the Agong the people might go...Hmmmmmm maybe. If you have said that Indonesia has declared July 2011 as "ganjang Agong" month...again we might go ...Hmmmmm. But if you are that stupid to say that 30 PSM members are going to wage war on the Agong then I only have this to say...and I say this without any disrespect to your late Father and Grandfather -Tun Hussein and Dato Onn.

This is the only excuse Din has...and I do want you all to take this seriously. It is a scientific fact that even if your father is a genius or a great has been known that a father's good genes sometimes skip one or two generations. So for Dato Onn his good genes has already been passed on to Tun Hussein. But Tun Hussein's good genes seems to have skipped a generation with you - because you are indeed an idiot of the highest order. 

Ditto for Najib!              


Anonymous said...


You missed one important factor that is common to these two morons. Their mothers are sisters. It is not their father good genes did not pass down to them. It is just their mothers bad genes overcame their fathers. Maybe as you said, it is exacerbated by their fathers good genes skipping a generation.


  1. Octogenarian Chin Peng is still considered a threat and cannot set foot to visit his parents' graves in Sitiawan, despite promise at the time of signing peace treaty. Promises are meant to be broken, laws administered differently depending on who broke them. We are to believe them when they say our elections have always been fair because opposition won more seats and so on. Demands for clean and fair elections mean threatening our national security. Is it any wonder why more and more people are getting confused?

  2. I always said that that bumbling guy is an idiot. In the mode of "Dumb and Dumber" characters. He thinks he's still in primary school and the schoolyard bully. With the likes of him and Najib, it's a wonder that the country is in deep shit.



  4. i think many malaysia struggle to remember what our Agong looks like so how do we wage a war against HRH... but most of us (yes, even the apek on the backstreet) remembers what altantuya looks like

  5. Hussein

    You missed one important factor that is common to these two morons. Their mothers are sisters. It is not their father good genes did not pass down to them. It is just their mothers bad genes overcame their fathers. Maybe as you said, it is exacerbated by their fathers good genes skipping a generation.

  6. Like I had said many times before, these infamous sons of their fathers, najis and hishamuddin, have undone what their fathers have done and have already taken malaysia to the rubbish bin.Hishamuddin is dumber than the dumb. Together, They have shamed their school, SJI, and their universities in UK beyond expectations. I agree that it must been the genes from their sister mothers, that somehow manifests in this behaviour. Rmemeber their maternal grandfather was chairman of Genting, remember seeing his name in the genting group management CV.

  7. G'day Hussein,
    Just calm down. The people deserve the government they voted in for half a century. You and I may not agree with this.Hopefully the bersih
    march on the ninth of July will be peaceful and rewarding. I will do my part here in Sydney on the day.
    Kind regards and many thanks for your informative postings.

  8. Wow! Such believable fact and truth coming from the ever brilliant melayu Minister! NOT!

    This mythical fantasy product of a delusional and brain dead minister (mangkuk ni memalukan bangsa melayu aje) are short sighted and a dangerous precedent. Are we expecting the "PER" organization and UMNO youth (Patriotic??? LOL!)to be holding a massive (to Ibrahim Ali and UMNO youth, 50 jack asses is a massive number) demo in front of the Chinese Embassy demanding them to stop existing? Logic dictates that since the Chinese govt is a communist state, their mere existence is a danger and pose a security threat! Well, since the Malaysian govt have bilateral and trade relationship with the PRC, then the govt of Malaysia doesn't see the Chinese communist state as an enemy, right? And that can ONLY mean that UMNO and The PER Org are the ones who abhor and disgusted with Communist China (BTW it was revealed that the leader of the "PER org" (read as FROG) is very chummy with the Communist Chinese businesspeople), correct?

    So since when does the PDRM is acting on the fears of a political party? If the govt is very chummy with communist china and Vietnam too, on what basis are they saying that the communist is threatening the country? Are they saying that the PSM activist are using a communist ideology that is not related to PRC and the Vietnamese? Has PSM somehow found an ancient communist ideological scroll buried thousand and thousand of years underneath their HQ and are now trying to implement it in Malaysia? NO? Then are we now stopping bilateral and trade agreement with China and Vietnam for being a communist government? Are the government going to deport all of the Chinese tourists who are visiting this country presently because their very presence in Malaysia pose a national threat (they are not actually tourist but subversive element)? Are we going to implement a close door policy and sever all ties with every nation that recognize PRC and Vietnam government? Are we going the way of Japan in the olden days and become a nation hiding under a coconut shell? Dear Minister! is this what you are asking for?

    Clearly this low IQ minister has no inclination for thinking ahead or have the wisdom of thinking before deprecating ..err..speaking! And that goes to all melayu who voted this idiot and who put this brain dead person in the Home Ministry (he is better off staying at home playing PS3 or a game that more suited him which is "batu seremban")...Auwww!


  9. Threats, threats and threats! Guess who's heading the Ministry of Threats?

  10. PSM has always worked for all communities. Such colour-blind activism terrifies BN. This explains why Gerakan and PPP were neutralised. Bersih also presents problems with pigeon-holing. The underlying hate against "others" must be constantly stoked for the plunder to proceed.

    "A totalitarian government suppresses anything which may cause doubt or discontent about its wisdom, including comparisons to past conditions, knowledge of alternatives, and suggestions of its incompetence or failures." - Freidrich von Hayek, Road to Serfdom, 1944

    "The greatest right is the right to be wrong... When agitators talk against the things considered holy, or... radicals... satirize the political gods... question the justice of our laws and institutions, or pacifists talk against war, how the old inquisition awakens, and ostracism, excommunication, the prison, the wheel, the torture-chamber, the mob are called to suppress the free expression of thought." - Jacob Weinberger, 1917

  11. Dr M has changed many under him by buying their loyalty with position and wealth. Now they are all addicted to it. Blame it on the culture that was inculcated under Dr M. Malaysia need a new leader who are willing and have the political will to change the patronage system.

  12. Actually the real culprits in this matter is the Malaysian public themselves,how come we the rakyats 28 millions and all can let 9 stupids monkeys called Raja or Sultan or whatever you may want to call them dictates the way we want to lives our life,the easiest way out is to just throw this 9 monkeys into the Pahang river and make sure the voice of the rakyats is the one that matters."wage war against the yang di pertuan agong" sound more like go fuck your ass to me.....

  13. Had the pampered 'boys'Dumb & Dumber experienced for themselves the test of the ISA they are ever so ready to use to threaten the people with, they would not be so nicknamed.

  14. You got it wrong - it is Onn Jaafar's genes

  15. Sir, a bloody good article you wrote which expresses eloquently what I (and probably a lot of others!!) feel about this nonsensical claim by this idiotic so-called minister who was also our one-time so-called education minister who screwed up our educational system big time!

  16. Pooi, * spits * Din has the brain of a monkey.

    Come on lah...nak tuduh orang biarlah plot cantik sikit. Ini mainan budak tadika ...tsk tsk tsk

  17. Wait he is LAWYER!

  18. Hell there,
    Can someone in the cyber world tell
    about bersih 2.0 march in Sydney.
    Time and place?
    Where do you get the yellow jersey?
    Many thanks. I'll be there on the ninth July.
