
Monday, June 6, 2011

cakap cakap...UMNO kemana? Nak bunuh Cina ka?

Dr Soebandario’s name came into our consciousness when he, as Indonesia’s Foreign Minister, declared KONFRONTASI with Malaysia! The new Federation of Malaysia had been set up to threaten the only truly free and democratic state of Indonesia! Now Malaysia would be crushed by the might of the Indonesian Military. Ganjang Malaysia! But backed by the Soviets it was really Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI) that called the shots in the “Ganjang Malaysia” campaign.

Sukarno’s balancing act of playing the Indonesian Military might against the sheer mass of PKI’s 3 million members finally culminated on the night of 30  September and 1st October 1965 when six of Indonesia’s top Generals were killed and their bodies thrown down a well. In the end an estimated 500,000 communists (real and suspected) were killed and PKI effectively eliminated! In total it was estimated that over 1 million Indonesians were killed. A CIA study of the events in Indonesia assessed that "In terms of the numbers killed the anti-PKI massacres in Indonesia rank as one of the worst mass murders of the 20th century...".

November, 1965
A suspected communist sympathizer is questioned at gunpoint in Jakarta. At least 500,000 were killed in a wave of violence that targeted communist sympathizers amid a power struggle between Suharto and President Sukarno.

General Suharto out-maneuvered Sukarno politically and was appointed president in 1968, consolidating his influence over the military and government.

August 1966
Suharto talks with President Sukarno. Following endemic violence and social unrest, the charismatic independence leader was forced to grant Suharto executive powers that would eventually lead to the general succeeding him.

Now what has this got to do with what is today happening in Malaysia?

Simply this. UMNO is irresponsibly playing off Malays against the non-Malays, Muslim against the non-Muslims and more alarmingly, the Malays against the Malays. In Sukarno’s era he mistakenly allowed Malaysia to be the pawn used by Dr  Soebandario’s to consolidate PKI’s power against the might of the Indonesian Military. Even with 3 million members PKI was no match against the guns and killing efficiency of the Indonesian Military. Now in Malaysia UMNO is using race and religion to consolidate their “voting bank/reserves” amongst the Malays. To what end? Do they hope for the Malays to unite against the non-Malays? For the Muslims to unite against the non-Muslims? And what if they do? Do the Malays and the Muslim then go on to physically eliminate those that UMNO is trying to make them believe is against the Malay race and Islam?

This is madness. If Perkasa is to spearhead UMNO’s “Ganjang the Non-Malays and Ganjang the Non-Muslims” mass cleansing then we know that the time for rationality and responsible leadership within UMNO has long past gone. Najib must remember that it has taken over 50 years of MERDEKA for us to be where we are now. Extremism and hatred will kill us all. Not just the young and the brave but the old, the weak and those most unable to defend themselves – the children of our future generations.

From the one million killed in Indonesia which started, with the killings of the six generals, there is one life that reflected the sadness of it all. That of Adik Irma Surjan Nasution – General Nasution’s daughter, who, at the age of five years old, was shot dead in her parent’s home during the failed assassination attempt against her father.

We have already had our Adik Irma Surjan Nasution. There is Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan, Aminursaysid and all those that have died unnecessary deaths at the hands of those that have sworn that it is their duty to protect us. We do not want one more unneccesary death! Not of a Malay, a Chinese, an Indian or any from Sabah or Sarawak! Not one more unnecessary Malaysian death!   

Enough of this madness. UMNO must take religion and race out of their arsenal of weapons to be used in their desperate attempts to cling to power. Let me very clear. We do not have the luxury of allowing violent extremism to take root in Malaysia. We do not have the luxury of allowing Ketuanan Melayu to continue at the expense of the non-Malays and other Malays simply because the time to do so has long past gone and whatever benefit that should have been accrued to the Malays have already gone to UMNO! 

Let not the desperate need of UMNO to win at the 13th general election be a cause taken up by extremists:
Such extremists as PERKASA! 
Extremism in the defense of poverty yes! 
Extremism in politics in Malaysia? No!  

[steadyaku47] New comment on cakap cakap...UMNO kemana? Nak bunuh Cina ka?.
semuanya OK kot 
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semuanya OK kot has left a new comment on your post "cakap cakap...UMNO kemana? Nak bunuh Cina ka?": 

Well said. In Europe from the Middle Ages to around the 17th. century, the average person could eliminate his neighbour for any personal purpose by accusing him of being a non-Catholic or dabbling in witchcraft. The West and Japan have largly avoided facing up to their past and ongoing atrocities against others. Zionism and capitalism together are manipulating the whole planet with propaganda, primarily for the Western conquest of land and resources. Among the few peoples who have faced up to the evil they committed in a national and official way are S Africa, and Liberia.

Instead of our preparing for the epic challenges coming towards us, our beloved country is infested with evil that is
- destroying the environment by rip-off exploitation, mad "development" and hosting dirty foreign industries. 
- destroying unity very deliberately.
- driving away talent while double-talking about wanting to bring it back.
- promoting stupidity that grows more incredible by the day. 

1 comment:

  1. Well said. In Europe from the Middle Ages to around the 17th. century, the average person could eliminate his neighbour for any personal purpose by accusing him of being a non-Catholic or dabbling in witchcraft. The West and Japan have largly avoided facing up to their past and ongoing atrocities against others. Zionism and capitalism together are manipulating the whole planet with propaganda, primarily for the Western conquest of land and resources. Among the few peoples who have faced up to the evil they committed in a national and official way are S Africa, and Liberia.

    Instead of our preparing for the epic challenges coming towards us, our beloved country is infested with evil that is
    - destroying the environment by rip-off exploitation, mad "development" and hosting dirty foreign industries.
    - destroying unity very deliberately.
    - driving away talent while double-talking about wanting to bring it back.
    - promoting stupidity that grows more incredible by the day.
