
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Is DSAI effort failing?

This morning I am saddled with an unpleasant task of my own making. I made myself read through Christopher Badeaux article: 

Anwar Ibrahim’s Western Public Relations Effort Failing?

And as I said: “I made myself read” it because it really is a pedantic boring and unmitigated self-serving article written by this Badeaux about Anwar Ibrahim - but if I need to comment on it I do have to read it! Let us begin…

Badeaux starts by insisting that Malaysia has strong ties with the United States. Yeah strong ties indeed but not strong enough to forgo the $1.2 million payment made to Abramoff in 2002 to have him arrange a meeting between Mahathir and President Bush. Mahathir days he knows about it but as he said it was not his concern as to who these people making the $1.2 million payment were! Amazing statement from our ex-PM! 

Badeaux says that Malaysia is a moderate Muslim country. Depends on what “moderate” is : “avoiding extremes of behavior or expression: observing reasonable limits”

These are some of what the government of Najib Tun Razak does – notwithstanding what he said at his Oxford speech about eschewing barbarism and extremism:

Yes I am in agreement with Badeaux when he says that calls for extremism are loudly and roundly denounced by most Malaysians – but allow me to inform him that it is the very government of Najib Tun Razak that is unashamedly and irresponsibly now using the issue of race and religion to divide and rule the people of this country just so they can try to maintain their grasp on power....and the operative word here is "try"..the 13th general election is still to come. Here is Najib's Deputy insisting that he is a Malay first and a Malaysian second!

Najib decry the practice of suicide bombings: Najib is especially adept at decrying anything that is contrary to Islam and then proceed with haste to do exactly that which he has just decry. Corruption within his Barisan Nasional government is a case in point. Badeaux just listen to this election promise he made in Sibu recently and you will get the gist of what we here say “Cakap bukan serupa bikin” which loosely translates means “ Najib is a f@#*ing Liar”

Badeaux if you do not understand what this ex Prime Minister of ours is saying then you have no business writing about our nation, our politics our way of doing things without understanding Bahasa! 

Then you start going after his “political opposite” 

Yes Sir Anwar Ibrahim is his political “OPPOSITE!” You got it right there buddy. Corruption, nepotism, greed, using all government machineries at his disposal to harass the opposition, complicity in Altantuya’s murder…you name it Najib has done it – he has just not been caught yet because he controls the very authorities that should have been used to hold him accountable for his deeds. Anwar is now on trail for Sodomy: on trial means “innocent until proven guilty” – we would like to see Najib put on trail for his deeds – and we will see that after the 13th general election. Then we shall see what “Opposites” there are indeed!

Anwar’s ties with the Muslim Brotherhood goes way back to his student days in 1968 and two constant define his time with them: Teaching and non-profit work.

Badeaux then proceed to insist that Anwar “has played the nasty demagogue at home, then played the good democrat in the West; and what’s worse than that is how the Western policy establishment has historically tolerated this”.

Let me tell Badeaux that dancing to the tune of the West or (heavens forbid!) the American Jewish Lobby in order to cultivate goodwill is no longer of any concern not only to Anwar but also to the rest of the world! The rest of the world has heard about China for starters. The rest of the world knows the deceit and underhanded foreign undertakings of the USA government that time and time again confirms what we all know: The interest of the United States takes precedence over all else. Over the lives of the old, of women and of children! And if the USA decides that Najib is the preferred partner for detente  - than that reality is tempered by the necessity to do so because it is in the interest of the Americans: NOT THE MALAYSIAN PEOPLE!

As for Anwar insulting a “vital and potential ally” that would damage his coalition effort in Sarawak and Anwar hiding his “ties with radical Islam”  - what precisely does Bordeaux understands about the facts on the ground in Sarawak? Has he ever been in Sarawak? Has he spoken to those who are in politics in Sarawak? Does he understand the mystery of politics in Sarawak where voting trends tend to go along personality lines rather than party lines? Anwar is adamant that Sarawak is a work in progress. Walking together with our Sarawak brothers and creating a national identity together is what he is doing. You need to understand the ethnic disparities and division that lies hidden below the surface of Sarawak if we are to make sense of the situation. So please Badeaux do not talk about: “facts on the ground.” I would insult you if I were to even begin to tell you that I do understand the “broken US economy!” that needs to be fixed. So please do not insult us with your comments about “facts on the ground” in Sarawak. And you talk about Sarawak without mention about the biggest thief of them all: their own Chief Minister Taib Mahmud? Huh!

As for the Obama Administration treating Anwar “as a matter of secondary importance” you should go ask Mubarak if being treated as “a person of importance” by the USA at one point of his political life has done him any good when his people had had enough of his corrupt and dictatorial ways?

Yes the next few months will be interesting to watch. If this Badeaux understand Malaysia he will also understand that what has happened in PAS recently is cause for great concern for Najib. He will also understand that the ghost of Altantuya is now reaching out for Najib’s very soul through the French Judicial system and the relentless efforts of Suaram. And then there are the people of Malaysia. Not just the non-Malays but more telling the Malays themselves are knowledgeable of what Najib has not done for the Malays and what Najib have done to bring our nation to the political abyss it is now on the brink of falling into.

That is why Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat are where they are now! They now present a credible and effective alternative to the government led by Najib. When you write about matters that you have no “FEEL” for it only make us understand how desperate this Najib’s government has become. Write what you want but be assured that we from the East can and do think for ourselves. Now go elsewhere and not bother us with your rantings!    


  1. Let's not talk about Western
    PR.....internally in Malaysia,
    PKR's image has taken a huge
    beating what with all the
    bastard "kataks" jumping around
    and betraying the party.

    If DSAI can't even rein in his
    own people, what is the use of
    PR this ..PR that to the Western
    media ? Those people (West) see
    only one factor...$$$$$$.

    With the shit good for nothing
    BeeEnd party going for his balls,
    DSAI better do something to salvage his own name.

    But first, let us start with those
    kataks & useless dudes .Let us start with winning the hearts & minds of the Malaysian majority.

    Western PR can wait.

  2. As long as we worship the West and allow their thieving satraps to bilk us, clueless journalists will continue to be parachuted in for makan-angin trips to what they call "Aye-sheh".

    The ordinary people of USA (not America) and Europe are learning to break their chains from Arabs. Now, that is irony. Journalists of this ilk will of course not want us to learn of the totalitarian tyranny that is USA today.

  3. Western powers in particular USA has always been about weakening their neighbours so that they remain strong.
    In other words, they are political shit stirrers and worse.
    China, for one, got wise to their game and starting economic cooperation instead. Today, USA is in deeper shit while China is a huge dragon come alive.
    Malaysia? It only knows how to kowtow to both Western powers and China under BN, while masquerading as a rich whore.
