
Saturday, June 4, 2011

We must take Malaysia back from BN!

We must take back our country from UMNO, from Barisan Nasional…from these corrupt and self-serving Barisan Nasional Politicians who govern this country of ours for their own interest! I remember a time when Tunku was OUR Prime Minister. Tun Razak was OUR Prime Minister…almost impossible to see him smile but we know that he worked tirelessly for our benefit! Tun Hussein was another non-smiler but he is as honest as they come. He did not look too happy too but I guess he took the burden and responsibility of being OUR Prime Minister to his heart.

And then the rot started! When you have a Prime Minister whose war cry is ME! ME! ME! ….whose focus is to consolidate power within himself for the greater God that he thinks is  himself and for UMNO…then Machiavelian politics becomes the norm rather then the exception in Malaysia. The two M’s. Machiavelli and Mahathir! How apt!  

Machiavelli stated, “If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared”. Was that not what Mahathir tried to do with DSAI? Thank GOD he failed!

"His "ideal" government was ever scheming and calculating about political gain and authority. Machiavelli’s persuasion differed materially from that of earlier writers: he rejected the ideal and moral and preferred the real and practical.

In the footsteps of Machiavelli politicians seek to gain the support of the electorate by any conceivable methods. They chatter, coax, and cajole, and if this is ineffective, they pretend, deceive, and promise the world. Promises are useful things, both to keep and, when expedient, to break. Since people are taken in by appearance, politicians appear devout and loyal; yet, in political theory, it is better to be a clever winner than to be a devout loser.

Once in power and at the levers of political control, Machiavellian politicians are likely to serve their own selfish ends. They seek success by saying what people believe, or can be made to believe, rather than what is demonstrably true. They think of the next election, rather than of the next generation. They look for the success of their party rather than that of their fellowmen. They grant benefits and confer entitlements to the most numerous class of voters, who in turn, pledge their votes for election and reelection. At the same time they impose financial burdens on less numerous classes of citizens who can be ignored at the polls".

When I read the above it describes Mahathir’s time as Prime Minister to a T! And the misery that unprincipled politics has wreck upon our Malaysia can be clearly seen in the Malaysia of today.

I remember a time when the leader of the Opposition was not only a Tan Sri but also referred to as “Mr. Opposition”.
This was Dr Tan Chee Koon. It was Harun Idris, his political opponent, who granted him that piece of land near Medan Tuanku for him to build a Private Hospital. And it was Prime Minister Tun Razak  who opened the Sentosa Medical Center! Can you imagine that happening in the Malaysia we now live in? Huh!

Oh yes we had a Jawa call Sardon Jubir (later a TUN) who served as Minister of Health, Minister of Works and Communication and also as Governor of Penang. No he was not a Dentist – he was a qualified Barrister. His legacy to Malaysia is not a RM24 million Bali styled Palace in Shah Alam for himself but the Tun Sardon Foundation to carry out charitable work including giving relief to the poor and needy in particular the widows and orphans, victims of fire, floods, famine or other calamity and to those in need of moral or social rehabilitation or welfare. 

The other Legacy of the other Jawa
I am sick and tired of hearing about Ministers in the Barisan Nasional government who continue to disrespect us with their arrogance and their insistence that what they are doing is in the “national interest” or “demi kepentingan bangsa, ugama dan negara!”.

Today we have this DPM of ours, Muhyiddin, declaring unashamedly when he opened the National Students Consultative Council meeting at Putra World Trade Centre  that "We are responsive to the desires and hopes of the younger generation as they play an important role in shaping the future of the country,"

Yes they are just as long as “their views are rational and constructive”. Right! 

And if Barisan Nasional does not consider that their views are not rational and constructive what happens to the students? The Malays get no scholarships and no entry in any institutions of higher learning. The non-Malays worse!  And just to remind them of this the Higher Education Minister Mohamed Khalid Nordin warned that undergraduates were barred from taking part in street demonstrations. "If the demonstration is politically driven or does not have a permit, students are not allowed to take part," he said referring to the Bersih rally scheduled next month. So much for the government listening to the desires and hopes of the younger generation!

And PDRM is now literally “branding” women arrested in vice raid as farmers are branding their cattle! Farmers brand their cattle to identify ownership. Is PDRM branding these women to denote ownership too? Is it not enough that PDRM are already taking their “share” of sexual gratifications from the sex trade in Malaysia for their willingness to look away while these illegal activities are being openly traded in 99% of the Massage Parlors and Spa’s in Malaysia? What a vile practice that degrades these women unable to protest against PDRM dehumanizing treatment of women!

This is the Malaysia that we must now take back from Barisan Nasional. Take back and make decent again. Take back and change it into a Malaysia we can all again be proud to call our own! 


  1. My question is how do you change a society which are so used to a corrupt culture?

  2. Change don't come in a day. it's a long process we all must work on it. You and I may not live long enough to see the change but our children will if we take the first step to change the government by the next GE. We'll have the chance to see the changes. Not the sociaty fault but the political system. Who is behind the system. You and I know pretty well.
