
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bersih 2.0 : Let there be a Truce!

Let us call a truce - if a truce is at all possible with the powers that be for we understand that nothing will be gain by any head to head confrontation between parties that draws its strength from two opposing forces. BN from its large armies and deep pockets and Pakatan Rakyat from the people. Who can win is something we will only know after the battle is fought. Are there  enough common sense between us all in these two opposing forces to not want any confrontation to take place, no battle to be waged and certainly no killing of any lives of the innocents, the young, the old, and the weak to take place?

Our Prime Minister cannot always push the opposition to the brink in the hope that there are enough cool heads within them to understand that discretion is the better part of valour. Like Bersih 2.0, once started, these matters takes a life of its own and we know not where it will go. In the last general election Pakatan Rakyat took it upon itself to be low key in its celebration after denying BN its two thirds majority and winning government in five states. They did so because because they understood that nothing would be gained by taunting a weakened BN in their hour of defeat. 

If cooler heads prevailed then, do not expect the same of Pakatan Rakyat now because they have been pushed to the brink in the period between the 12th general election and now - July 2011! Pushed to the brink by the loss of Perak, by the constant  harassment from BN through the deployment of PDRM, MACC and the Judicial system against Pakatan Rakyat politicians and now by the irresponsible decision of the BN government to make the Bersih 2.0 rally as their "must win" assault against the people in Malaysia -so much so that BN has labelled the people as being communists, illegal activists, racists and even war monger against the King for wanting to take part in this Bersih 2.0 rally. A "must win" situation that necessitated BN to use every "weapon" at its disposal to win because defeat was not,until this week, an option BN would accept.

And now it would seem that common sense has prevailed and there is a truce.A truce is not a victory or a loss for either side. Both parties has called time out to negotiate a cessation of hostile acts in order to negotiate a final end to hostilities. Goodwill on both sides must prevail if these negotiations are to be successfully concluded. This should mean the release of all those detained or arrested in the lead up to this truce. All cessation of provocative activities by Bersih activists and supporters. All cessation of provocative acts by PDRM against Bersih activists. Everybody chill!

In these next few short days the logistics of allowing Bersih to hold their rally in a designated Stadium or stadiums are to be worked out and arrangements by the authorities and Bersih to ensure the peaceful and orderly happening of these rallies have to be worked out. Much work needs to be done and ideally more time would be needed to do this but with goodwill and a spirit of give and take - Malaysia Boleh! - all should be in place by the 9th of July -Insha' Allah! 

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