
Friday, July 1, 2011

BERSIH 2.0 please go away....

There are many government in this world that takes the responsibility of governing their country as a privilege and a trust placed upon themselves by the electorate -and that privilege and trust they will shoulder and do what is best for their country and its people. 

Why does the UMNO/BN government not do the same? This UMNO/BN government brings back to me memories of things that happened in  KL quite sometime ago. I used to work at Oriental Plaza in Jalan Parry - as it was then known. And at all times there will be cars parked in the driveway at the front of Oriental Plaza with their drivers on stand by waiting for their Tuans to emerge and go do their errands elsewhere. Of all these drivers there was one well built Bai who stood out from the others in his well cut beige Safari Jacket, He could almost pass for an executive - for those of you that can remember those were the days of the Safari Jacket! I said almost because while his beige Safari Jacket looks great his trousers were always too tight and a bit too short exposing his multi coloured socks and the sandals that he wore. But when he is in the driver seat without his Tuan at the back - he could easily pass off as the Tuan himself. And there were times when he himself thought that he was the Tuan when he was trying to get a parking space in the driveway of the Plaza because he was not beyond tooting his horns excessively at the other visiting drivers who would quickly move out of the way when they see the Bai driving up in the Mercedes with his beige Safari top - thinking that it was the Tuan himself that wanted to park at his designated parking lot! I use to watch his antics with much amusements and wished him well as he enjoyed his 15 seconds of respects from the other visiting drivers.

It would seems that UMNO/BN are also labouring under the impression that they own Malaysia! Let me remind UMNO/BN that Malaysia is OUR country - Ours as in the over 28 million Rakyat that makes up the population of Malaysia. You guys are simply the caretakers given executive powers to govern the country for the good of the 28 million people that calls this country their home! That executive power can be taken away when you abuse the trust place upon you by the people of this country. And the 13th general elections is the time to do it!   

Let me put that in a language you idiots will understand. And we will start where we should start - at the very top! With Rosmah! 

For our Number One Lady - that means no more Batik fashion show trips to Monaco. No more air kissing with Sharukh Khan. No more air brushed images for public consumption. You can still use the Hermes Handbag as it has already been paid for by u know who but do not expect any other Hermes Bags presents from same! No more official overseas conferences or visiting Head of States on behalf of the Prime Minister. Just for the record -it is Najib that is the Prime Minister - you are his wife - not the First Lady! Never has been, never will be and in the near future you will be consigned to the "never never basket" for good!

For Najib you will no longer have to pretend that you are the Prime Minister because we know who is really the Prime Minister in your house and who is the Prime Minister in Cabinet - you are a big fat zilch - zero!

For Muhyiddin - you can start to indulge in your fondness for the good things in life with gusto! Wear whatever hats you want and be comfortable with what you really are - an arrogant pompous ass who had had the good fortune of being DPM simply by default. i.e. you were there to be made use of by Mahathir for his own vested interest. 

For all you so called UMNO elites and (ahem! self proclaimed) Warlords you all better start watching your backs and holding on tight to whatever money you will still have in any banks in any part of the world. You might not know it yet but if Rolls Royce can become insolvent and placed into receivership what hope will you all have to keep spending your money as if it is going out of fashion now that the source of your wealth - UMNO -  has been neutralized at the 13th general elections?

And that is why this UMNO/BN government is fighting tooth and nail to stop the Bersih 2.0 rally from happening because this rally will tell them what we, including UMNO/BN, already know. The time has come for change. But for UMNO/BN they would rather not know what they already know....hoping against hope that Bersih 2.0 and what it signifies will simply go away and let them live happily ever after....well I got news for you Najib....That will not happen! For UMNO/BN ignorance is NOT bliss! 

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