
Friday, July 8, 2011

cakap cakap...isu semasa!

Dear me....what a tangled wed we weave when we set out to deceive. What do we have now? Bersih 2.0 has a Police Permit to hold a Rally. That son of Ali has none. KJ has none. Now what would any self respecting Perkasa and Pemuda UMNO member do? After being told by that son of Ali and KJ that they are sacrificing life and limb demi kepentingan bangsa, negara dan lain lain they are now left up a creek without a paddle. How not to get upset with Najib!

Now that son of Yassin should get Perkasa and Pemuda UMNO to still do their thing but get those 4 million Silat exponents to join them! If he can do so I guarantee that he will be Prime Minister by the end of the month July 2011...why? Well so far all  that has been happening has got the hall marks of that mother of all cowards - that son of Tun Razak and his cousin Din....and somewhere along the line they f*#ked up! Either they forgot to tell the IGP what to do and what not to do or the IGP have looked at the scenario and decided that he too will do something demi kepentingan bangsa, negara dan lain lain....namely he has to save his own skin....did a deal with that son of Yassin and issued that permit to Bersih and Bersih only!

For all of you out there holding your breath to see what is going to happen next...I suggest you desists from doing so. Whatever happens tomorrow, Najib is f*#ked and Muhyiddin is already picking his potential cabinet line in the lead up to the 13th general election. 

.....what happens to Rosmah? Your guess is as good as mine but I do not think that they are that many jobs out there for former First Ladies....maybe not even as wife of an ex Prime Minister! We do live in interesting times.....     

As for that son of Ali your cards right and there might still be room for you in Muhyiddin's cabinet....I can already see that son of Ali salivating at the prospect of becoming "almost a Minister"..i.e. like Nazri lah in charge of Parliament. And of course KJ might be his Deputy...or should it be the other way around? Tidak apa will still be a bit higher then where they are now under a Najib's administration. 

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