
Thursday, December 27, 2012

A food court off Jalan Sungai Besi, KL, is being used as a base for prostitution for China Dolls. At least more than a 200 of them can be seen at the place every night and some loitering at the streets nearby

Anonymous said...
Very true. A food court off Jalan Sungai Besi, KL, is being used as a base for prostitution for China Dolls. At least more than a 200 of them can be seen at the place every night and some loitering at the streets nearby. The police will conduct a surprise "raid" almost every night in an unmarked car to forcefully detain a few of them in the guise of getting rid of prostitution but in reality these "raids" are good money making for them. These China dolls told us that those caught will be released immediately if they can cough out RM2000 as "fine". For those unable to will be taken to be locked up at the police station till their friends came up with the "fine". Some claimed they were being molested while at the police station. And surprisingly it is always the few same policemen that comes every time. It is obvious they are not there to rid the place off prostitution but actually making money from it. They are "licensed extortioners" and these helpless Chinese dolls are their goldmine.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A food court off Jalan Sungai Besi, KL, is being u...": 
If each China doll will be "fined" RM2000 when caught, just imagine how much money these few same policemen will make each month? If they are honestly serious in trying to get rid of prostitution there, the logical thing they should do is to deport those caught back to their country of origin. Does it make any sense by releasing them to allow them to go back to "work" again? The answer is very simple: More China dolls there means more income for them. The gold mine is there, why try to break it? I have witnessed how they went after the China dolls in one of their so-called "raids". They sneakily came in an unmarked MPV. Once they reached their target they rushed out like lightening to get their preys. The China dolls were too shocked to react as they were caught unaware. Those trying to escape were kicked down like criminals and dragged by their hair to their MPV. Customers there like us could only watched in horror but dared not do anything as these men were police personals and anyone dare going against them may likely end up like Kugan who died in the police lock-up. My question is: Are the police being trained to detain people this way? They were supposedly professionally trained, not any road side gangsters but their action that day were worst than them. We are not siding the China dolls who comes here mainly to squeeze some money from men but the police must be professional in doing your work instead of involving in corrupt practices by using them. And the IGP keeps telling us to love and respect the police for their hard work and dedication in reducing crimes. Mr IGP, do you think your boys deserve any respect? Ptui. 

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Prostitution - a source of income for PDRM?":

Matters are so bad that the usually "business-friendly" Star has been highlightng these and gambling centres (under various disguises including pool) of late. People have demonstrated in some neighbourhoods. Thase complaints are met alternately with flat denials or "what can we do, others are not cooperating." A year or so ago, there was a report of a rural restaurant located in a planation, where you went behind for the extras. Every street and housing estate is crawling with Africans, Afghans and China dolls - the last hawking what they have brought from China in the day-time. Afghans have even been spotted coming through our airports with Malaysian passports.

The main reasons for the flood of illegals is (a) collusion to undermine the wages of Malaysians (one of the factors in local poverty and crime) (b) vice (c) manufacturing voters.

1 comment:

  1. If each China doll will be "fined" RM2000 when caught, just imagine how much money these few same policemen will make each month? If they are honestly serious in trying to get rid of prostitution there, the logical thing they should do is to deport those caught back to their country of origin. Does it make any sense by releasing them to allow them to go back to "work" again? The answer is very simple: More China dolls there means more income for them. The gold mine is there, why try to break it? I have witnessed how they went after the China dolls in one of their so-called "raids". They sneakily came in an unmarked MPV. Once they reached their target they rushed out like lightening to get their preys. The China dolls were too shocked to react as they were caught unaware. Those trying to escape were kicked down like criminals and dragged by their hair to their MPV. Customers there like us could only watched in horror but dared not do anything as these men were police personals and anyone dare going against them may likely end up like Kugan who died in the police lock-up. My question is: Are the police being trained to detain people this way? They were supposedly professionally trained, not any road side gangsters but their action that day were worst than them. We are not siding the China dolls who comes here mainly to squeeze some money from men but the police must be professional in doing your work instead of involving in corrupt practices by using them. And the IGP keeps telling us to love and respect the police for their hard work and dedication in reducing crimes. Mr IGP, do you think your boys deserve any respect? Ptui.
