
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

No political party or politician is perfect or holy enough to be able to accomodate the whims and fancies of every section of the diverse community without having a slightest sense of favouritism, nepotism, cronyism and all the synonyms that goes with it.

steadyaku47 comment: 

Came across this write while surfing the net...good read and well each his own. I have my own thoughts on this but we must be open to others who will want to have their say of these matters!

jaksa pendamai January 20, 2011 at 1:20 am 

Let’s not wasting time by debating, assuming or making it to appear that UMNO will become unpopular or irrelevant in the closest possible future!! No political party or politician is perfect or holy enough to be able to accomodate the whims and fancies of every section of the diverse community without having a slightest sense of favouritism, nepotism, cronyism and all the synonyms that goes with it. Face it! and lived with it that certain degree of money politics, corruption, abuse of power, administrative mismanagement are all part and parcel of politics no matter who or whichever party is in power. 

There’s no government in the entire world that is completely ‘pure’ so to speak. Even those who externally appears to be championing the so called justice for the rakyat or suppose to be ‘pure and holy’ will do whatever it takes to legitimize their acts in their craze for power even up to a hypocritical point of sharing a marriage bed?? 

No!No!No sir! 

These three parties to be specific, has to put their house in order first before they can convince me of their sincerity and honesty !! 

Yes, UMNO has its own short falls or to cut the story short, has its own stories rapped up in history but obviously it has not remained static and stale. UMNO has moved forward rigorously adapting itself to changes and needs, improving its tracked record towards a better Malaysia and is certainly miles ahead of the rest in the league! Upholding the rights of Malays and Islam should not be construed as a threat to others especially when freedom of religion is enshrined in the constitution. That has been the basis of their struggle and its their rights and legitimate responsibility to do so! 

No doubt, liked in any political organization there are bound to be extremist..
UMNO has opened it’s door to the non-muslim bumiputera and this is a positive step towards integration and solidarity. Despite others being skeptical about its political motives yet bumiputera irrespective of their cultural and religious background must be far sighted and positive towards consolidating this common ground in order to achieve equilibrium in the economic cake which is undeniably conquered by non- bumis. 

In reality, this effort of helping the bumis has been relentlessly misconstrued and debated particularly by those who wants ‘equality’. Maintaining political power is the only bargaining power for the bumiputera to move towards equality before all Malaysian can be considered 1Malaysia. This is a hard fact!!! Any detrimental efforts will only slow down the progress and the blame should be on those selfish, materialistic and inconsiderate lots! Until and unless these understanding are practice and act upon, then the question of having ‘equality’ or a Malaysian Malaysia will remain rhetorical and not even closed to 1Malaysia!!

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