
Monday, December 24, 2012

Godind Singh Deo...the not so little Lion of Puchong having his say on Altantuya and other matters.

24 December 2012

Bukankah kita harus diberitahu oleh kucing2 kurap UMNO, kenapa Altantuya dibunuh...


Perkasa dan seorang  bekas pemimpin PKR telah meminta saya dan Tony Pua untuk menjelaskan siapakah  yang akan membayar hutang Deepak, yang didakwanya  berjumlah RM170 juta.

Mengapa mereka mengemukakan kepada kami  soalan-soalan itu? Bagaimana mereka tahu berapa banyak hutang Deepak? Apa  kena mengena kami dengan Deepak? Sebaliknya,mengapa tidak mereka  sendiri tanya Deepak?

Mereka ini semuanya adalah tak berguna. Mereka seharusnya  periksa fakta2 mereka terlebih dahulu sebelum bercakap dan tidak menembak secara membuta tuli dalam gelap. Jika mereka mempunyai bukti bahawa sama ada saya atau Tony prihatin terhadap hutang Deepak atau pengaturan penyelesaian hutangnya, sila nyatakan dan tunjukkan kepada kami bukti2nya.


Jika mereka tidak mempunyai bukti ini, dan saya yakin mereka tidak ada sesuatu pun, maka mereka harus menutup mulut dan sebaliknya mengatasi  perkara-perkara lain yang lebih penting seperti meminta Najib  dan isterinya untuk bertindak balas kepada dakwaan yang dibuat oleh Deepak  baru2 ini.

Persoalan seluruh negara mahu jawapan

Mungkin mereka boleh memberitahu kami, setidak2nya kami harus  diberitahu mengapa Altantuya dibunuh? Sudahkah Peguam Negara  mendedahkan ini di mahkamah atau di luar? Mengapa tidak? Rupa-rupanya mereka yang didakwa membunuh beliau(Altantuya) tidak tahu atau mengenalinya. Jadi mengapa mereka menembaknya di kepala dan meletupkan tubuhnya  hingga berkecai? 

Adakah lelaki2 ini berpangkat biasa? Bukankah  pegawai2 khas bertindak di bawah perintah? Jika ya, siapakah yang  memberi arahan? Mengapa tidak menyiasat semua aspek-aspek ini?

Mengapa kerajaan kita tidak berminat untuk mendapatkan semua jawapan? Mengapa Malaysia mengelakkan soalan-soalan ini?


Dalam kes Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan, Aminulrasyid dan Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, antara lain, seluruh negara menuntut untuk mendapatkan jawapan. Kami mahu tahu apa yang berlaku. Perdana Menteri maha mengetahui apa yang perlu dilakukan dalam kes-kes seperti  ini. Peguam Negara juga tahu bahawa pertanyaan dalam kes-kes seperti ini adalah bertujuan untuk mencari  kebenaran. 

Siapa yang melakukannya dan yang lebih penting kenapa? Adakah orang lain yang terlibat? Jika ada, tidakkah seharusnya mereka juga disiasat dan dihukum jika didapati bersalah?

Kenapa Bala menarik balik Deklarasi Berkanun pertamanya (SD)? Siapa yang merangka Deklarasi Berkanun ke-2  dan mengapa? Apakah Perdana Menteri mempunyai peranan dalam semua ini?

Mereka tidak seharusnya alih perhatian dalam isu2 ini. Saya  ingin memberitahu mereka di sini  bahawa kami tidak terlibat dengan hal2 tentang hutang piutang Deepak serta pengaturan penyelesaian hutangnya. Dan kami benar-benar tidak mempunyai sebab untuk menjadi prihatin kepada perkara2 itu. 

Sekarang, mereka harus bagi tahu mengapa Altantuya dibunuh? - Gobind Singh Deo, Malaysia Chronicle

Shouldn't we be told why Altantuya was killed - Gobind ticks off UMNO lapdogs...

Perkasa and an ex-PKR man has asked me and Tony Pua to come clean on who is to pay debts of Deepak Jaikishan allegedly amounting to RM170m.

Why are they asking us such questions? How do they know how much debts Deepak has? What have we got to do with it? Why don't they ask Deepak instead?

They are pathetic. They should check their facts first before talking and not shoot blindly in the dark. If they have evidence that either me or Tony are privy to Deepak's debts or his debt settlement arrangements, then say it and show us the evidence.

If they have no evidence of this, and I am sure they have none, then they should just shut up and get on to other more important things like asking the PM and his wife to respond to the allegations made by Deepak of late.

Questions the entire country wants answers to

Perhaps they can tell us, shouldn't we be told why Altantuya was killed? Has the AG revealed this in court or outside? Why not? Apparently those charged for her murder didn't know her. So why would they want to shoot her in the head and blow her body into bits? 

Were these men of ordinary rank? Don't special officers act under orders? If so, did anyone give orders? Who gave the orders? Why weren't all these aspects probed? Why is our government not interested in getting to all these answers? Why is Malaysia avoiding these questions?

In the cases of Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan, Aminulrasyid and Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, amongst others, the whole country demanded for answers. We wanted to know what happened. The PM knows full well what needs to be done in cases like these. The AG also knows that inquiries in cases like these are meant to dig out the truth. 

Who did it and more importantly why? Were others involved? If there were, shouldn't they be probed as well and punished if found guilty?

Why did Bala retract his first Statutory Declaration? Who drafted the 2nd Statutory Declaration and why? What role did the PM play in all this, if any?

These people should'nt sidetrack the issue. Get to the point. I am telling them here and now that we are not privy to Deepaks debt details nor his debt settlement arrangements, if any. And we really have no reason to be privy to such details at all. 

Now, they should tell us shouldn't we all be told why was Altantuya killed? -Gobind Singh Deo, Malaysia Chronicle


  1. We have been through all the important valid points raised by Gobind, which are yet to be fully or properly investigated by relevant authorities for reasons best known to themselves.

    What struck me as unbelievable is the suggestion that Gobind and Tony could afford to settle Deepak's Rm170 million debts for his recent revelations. Even Umno, with their well known deep pockets, would be unwilling (not unable) to pay this kind of money.

    From reports, much lower amounts were mentioned to get people to do things: Eg. Rm5 million for Bala to make U-turn on his 1st SD; and if my memory serves me right, court hearing was told that only Rm100k was promised to the two blokes to kill Altantuya?

    Does it make sense? Not to me, esp. when comparing the accusation against the DAP MPs and the others, based on information reported.

  2. All info point to only one thing.....jibbi and the wifey are the main culprit unless of course you belong to the idiotic umno group whose job is to lick the ass of those two moron.
