
Thursday, December 27, 2012

cakap cakap....count your blessings!

steadyaku47 comment:

when you wake up this morning, you think that life has not been too good for you this Christmas. 
you think that the coming new year holds no great promise of renewal or hope of better times for you and for those that you love.
 you think you have no blessings to count for the passing year.   
Then think and pray for those who have no promise of renewal or hope for better times, 
no love ones with them - 
those who have nothing with them but poverty and the promise of death. 
Warren Rodwell is one of these people. 
A fellow human being with not much hope, 
not much blessings to count for the past one year - 
only the possibility of death!

So go count your blessings that you are not Warren Rodwell and go pray for his life.

A new video has emerged from the Philippines showing kidnapped Australian man Warren Rodwell making a plea for the payment of a ransom to save his life.
Mr Rodwell was abducted by gunmen in Mindanao more than four months ago.
In the video he is seen holding a copy of a Philippine newspaper dated March 26.
The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) says the new video is welcome news given the ongoing concerns about his welfare.
"The government continues to attach a high priority to Mr Rodwell's safe release and is working closely with the Philippines authorities to resolve this case," a DFAT spokesman said.
Both DFAT and Australian Federal Police are in close contact with Mr Rodwell's family to provide support and information.
In a video released in January Mr Rodwell asked his family to help raise a $US1.96 million ransom.
The Australian Government has repeated it has a no-ransom policy, on the basis that paying will encourage other kidnappings.
It has advised Australians not to travel to Mindanao.
Mark Turner, a specialist on the Philippines and kidnapping from the University of Canberra, said kidnappings were not uncommon in south-western Philippines.
"The strength of the state is perhaps not as great as you might find in other parts of the Philippines," he told Connect Asia.
"There are a lot of people with guns, there is an area where there has been secessionist movements where you do have a bandit tradition."

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