
Thursday, January 3, 2013

But in all this I know that Najib and Rosmah will win again. Najib and Rosmah are over weighed but they can slim down eventually if they so desire. You Deepak cannot do anything about your looks…God help you there!

Be brave. Be sincere
“I don’t want my truth to be used by political parties. Rafizi, please don’t use my crusade for your political mileage. If you are with me, then let’s stand hand in hand.”
Deepak also asked PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim to “do it right”.
“You must be sincere and consistent,”
“I’m alone in the desert. I need support,”
Deepak said he would invite all groups, including both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat, to assist him in “exposing the truth”.
“But even if there is no support, I will still go forward all the way. But now I’m calling out to all sides. It can even be an Umno man or even MCA president’s son Chua Tee Yong.”
He also said he had more truth to expose
“I’ll be back. I’ll be back,” he said.
Those are all words uttered by this new Messiah who have been sent by persons unknown to preach to the converted amongst us (UMNO and BN politicians!) on how to do what they all do best : The taking of our money, the Rakyat’s money for themselves!
Hallelujah! We have amongst us this Deepak who single-handed (that means no body else wants to be associated with him, at least not publicly) is fighting a crusade to bring decency, accountability and truth back into the most important aspect of politics in Malaysia – the acquisition of material wealth for oneself!
What he is saying is simply this – if you want to make money do not lie to people. Do not not use politics for your own gain. Just use blackmail and put the fear of God into Najib and Rosmah and wait for Najib to instruct Mindef to instruct LTAT to ‘invest’ in the company you want to ‘unload’ …I mean sell, to them.   
At the same time try to get in touch with Pakatan Rakyat, talk to Harakah, talk to anybody who will listen to you …and don’t forget…write a book.
Please remember to remind everyone that you are fighting for justice and the truth! Your justice your kind of lying truth!
Ask them all to stand beside you, with you, holding your hands….anywhere they like to stand but also remind them to get the hell out of your way when you have already got that fat pay cheque that you have so earnestly been fighting for!
Then when all is done and you have extracted all the financial gain possible from this episode of playing dare and chicken with Najib and Rosmah (assuming that you have managed to stay out of the clutches of the Special Branch, UTK and the AG – in that order) and that you are still alive and well to enjoy the fruits of your audacious brinkmanship with Najib and Rosmah (more Rosmah than Najib!)….we expect you to do what all the others do….unclasps Najib’s hand from your balls and flee.
But in all this I know that Najib and Rosmah will win again. Najib and Rosmah are over weighed but they can slim down eventually if they so desire. You Deepak cannot do anything about your looks…God help you there!

1 comment:

  1. Cik Hussein, you have aptly psycho analysed this worm.
    No one would touch him (it ?) with a ten-foot pole.
