
Thursday, January 3, 2013


Early this morning we lost a national hero – and I do not use that term 'national hero' loosely – because I know that by common consensus, there is none amongst us today! None as brave, as dignified and as much loved as Datuk Temenggong Kanang Anak Langkau – dead at 67 years old, only two years older than me!
I have never met the man but I know of him from many many years ago when I was working with the Bekas Perajurit outfit in Wilayah Persekutan. I wanted to try and do something for our heroes – to have them be remembered for their contributions to our nation. For the life of me I could not think of one name that stood out in the past history of our brave fighting men. And I started by asking the bekas perajurit that I was working with if they knew of any heroes that we had.
From the very beginning Kanang anak Langkau’s name was mentioned to me. His exploits were legendary and I was told that he was the recipient of not one but two bravery award: The "Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa" and the "Pingat Gagah Berani." He is the first and only person thus far to have received the two gallantry awards in the Malaysian Armed forces. And from that day his name has been in my thoughts and I wanted so much to meet with him and sit by his feet to listen to him tell me about himself, his life and to tell me what drove him to so much bravery.
Alas it was not to be. ..and now he has left us. Left us with memories of what good, decent human beings do. Aku doakan yang Datuk Temmengong berada di dalam kumpulan orang yang salih.      



NATIONAL HERO Kanang anak Langkau passes away in Kuching

1945 - 2013

NST ALERT at 10:14am 3rd January 2013 read : National hero Datuk Temenggong Kanang anak Langkau died at Kuching General Hospital this morning. He was 67 years old.

Kanang (on Najib Razak's right) during a recent dialogue session with the Prime Minister.

My deepest heartfelt condolences to Kanang's family, friends and comrades who have lost a man ... who was so full of fire in his belly. 

I first met Kanang in August, 2005 in Simanggang (Sri Aman) during my course of duty as a journalist in Sarawak. 

Loud spoken, aggressive and opinionated yet Temenggong Kanang was a humble man. I've met, had long chats and worked with the hero on many 'social projects' since 2005. 

Our last meeting was in Kuching sometime in 2011. A day earlier I had bumped into him during a Biro TataNegara do in Lundu which was officiated by Sarawak chief minister Pehin Sri Taib Mahmud and a bearded Kanang told me he was doing his bid to educate the younger generation on the value of peace.

Having had the truly 'bloody' experience of fighting the communist terrorists in Peninsula Malaysia, Kanang was engaging the young to enlighten them on the evils of war and armed confrontations.

Whenever we bumped into each other, Kanang (who often addresses his acquittance as 'tuan') will also always remind me "Tuan, ramai lagi pejuang lama yang masih tidak dihargai. Kita kena cari dia orang'. 

For it was Kanang and veteran Sarawak-based journalist James Ritchie who led me to re-discover Malaysia's sole surviving George Cross recipient Awang Anak Raweng, another legendary Iban tracker, also in August 2005.

May Your Soul Rest in Peace, TUAN KANANG! 

Agi Idup, Agi Ngelaban.

Below is another good write up on the National Hero who died today.


Lt. Gen. Datuk Seri Zaini Mohd SaidHE is a little paunchy now in the mid-section and puffy in the face. This, together with the full-white hair on his head, can make Kanang anak Langkau, the  holder of two of the country's  highest gallantry awards, look more like a longhouse elder than the fearless Iban warrior of the Malaysian Rangers he once was.But he could still inspire the young and soon-to-be-commissioned Reserve Officers Training Unit (Palapes) officers at Universiti Utara Malaysia recently.
Even I listened raptly to his narration of his exploits against the communist terrorists (CTs), especially in the jungles of Ulu Kinta, Perak in 1980.
I was all ears because I was the Brigade Major at the Brigade headquarters in Ipoh and had monitored that particular operation and his platoon's every move. I also realised that there were a number of things that Kanang and his rangers had gone through during that operation which were not known to me.
We had fired hundreds of artillery rounds into the area of operation before the rangers were to move in. The object was to destroy an enemy camp reported to be in the area, as well as to hit those who happened to be in the vicinity.
The rangers were then to hunt down the CTs who survived and were making their escape after the artillery fire lifted.
It turned out that the artillery pounding never did hit any of the CTs. But it successfully turned the area to be searched into a mangled mass of shattered and fallen tree trunks and other debris, making it difficult for the rangers to move, let alone search the area.
I remember the commanding officer, the late Lt-Col Loone, telling me of the difficulties but that Kanang's platoon had somehow managed to get through and even picked up the enemy scent.
Kanang, to this day, cannot forget that part of the ordeal of going through the mess and tracking the CTs at the same time.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kanang anak Langkau

                            'Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban!'
                       'As long as I live,I shall Fight!'.
                   Warrant Officer 1 (901738) Kanang anak Langkau
Kanang anak Langkau of Simanggang, Sarawak was a Malaysian Ranger from the 8th BattalionRoyal Rangers (now known as the 8th Paras) is the first and only living recipient of both the "Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa" and the "Pingat Gagah Berani." He is the first and only person thus far to have received two gallantry awards in the Malaysian Armed forces.
He joined the service with the Sarawak Rangers as an Iban Tracker on the 21 April 1962. He was absorbed into the Malaysian Rangers when Malaysia was proclaimed on the 16 September 1963. He retired as a Warrant Officer 1 after 21 years in the service.
Following the death of one soldier in the Tanah Hitam area of Perak in enagagement with communists on the 8th February 1980 the Unit Combat Intelligence Squad (UCIS) of 8th BattalionRoyal Rangers under the leadership of Kanang anak Langkau was tasked to seek and destroy the group. They tracked the enemy over 11 days on terrain familiar to the enemy. On the evening 19th February 1980 at around 1500 hours his platoon managed to estimate the location of the enemy, who were close by.
Unfortunately, Kanang's group was mistaken as they were already within the enemy's perimeter, which they realised when they found a communications cord connecting the sentry outpost to the main force. The cord was usually connected to a bush or empty cans so that a sentry could use it to alert the main force of intruders.
Kanang, 8 metres from the enemy sentry position, launched an attack to his right flank. It then became apparent that the main force lay to the left. They assaulted the left and routed the enemy taking one casualty and killing five communists. One soldier was seriously wounded and Kanang himself took three rounds but survived and eventually returned to active duty. Kanang anak Langkau was conferred the "Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa" for valour in decimating the enemy on 3 June 1981.

Kanang anak Langkau, one of the national heroes during the communist insurgence in the 70s, has humbly declined offers to make him a Datuk. In a statement to press, he told that he can’t afford the Datukship title as he is not rich enough to dress and act like one.

He is the only Malaysian who has received 2 bravery awards – the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP) and Panglima Gagah Berani (PGB). The SP award itself is the highest award in the national order of awards, surpassing Datuk and Tan Sri titles.
Retired and now 68, Kanang now lives in Sri Aman, Sarawak, once a communist fortress.


  1. Kanang may not be the only one with 2 gallantry awards; SP Federal No.1 and PGB Federal No.2.
    There is one Cninese Officer in PDRM who also has 2 gallantry awards; SP Federal No.1 and PKH Pingat Keberanian Handal- Perak State No.1.
    There is also one Chinese Officer in PDRM who had 2 gallantry awards; Jasa Perkasa Persekutuan (JPP) 3 Class Bar
    (Double). But he had passed on 'un-noticed and unrecognised. Poor thing!!

  2. Kanang may not be the only one with 2 gallantry awards; SP Federal No.1 and PGB Federal No.2.
    There is one Cninese Officer in PDRM who also has 2 gallantry awards; SP Federal No.1 and PKH Pingat Keberanian Handal- Perak State No.1.
    There is also one Chinese Officer in PDRM who had 2 gallantry awards; Jasa Perkasa Persekutuan (JPP) 3 Class Bar
    (Double). But he had passed on 'un-noticed and unrecognised. Poor thing!!
