
Monday, January 14, 2013

“Din, it’s not about money. It has never been about money. It is about right and wrong. And I am happy they are now putting right what they did wrong.”


January 14, 2012


by Din Merican
Rosli DahlanThis morning I prepared myself to go to the Jalan Duta Court Complex to observe the trial where Lawyer Rosli Dahlanis suing The Star newspaper for defaming him in 2007. While I was on the way, I was told that it’s over and I can turn back home.
Over? What do you mean it’s over. The trial hasn’t even started, so how can it be over?
Is Rosli being prevented again from telling his story in court? Or is this another ploy to prevent me from reporting on Rosli’s trials and tribulations to bring accountability to those “Rogues in Government” and the mainstream media which worked hand in glove with these rogues to destroy his career and reputation?
In 2007, the mainstream media conspired with the Unholy Trinity consisting of former IGP Musa Hassan, A-G GaniPatail and rogue elements in the MACC to discredit Dato Ramli Yusuff’s investigation into Musa Hassan’s link with the underworld Along loan shark syndicate of Goh Cheng Poh @ Tengku Goh. When A-G Gani Patail abdicated his constitutional duty by refusing to prepare affidavits for the Police CCID, Rosli thought that it would be his patriotic duty to act for the Deputy Home Minister Dato Johari Baharom, CCID Director Dato Ramli Yusuff and six rank and file Policemen. So, he prepared their affidavits, which was a fatal mistake. This angered A-G Gani Patail who wanted to release Tengku Goh.
A-G Gani Patail was already angry with Rosli for helping the CCID’s investigation against Malaysia Airlines former Chairman Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli whereas AG Gani Patail wanted to NFA that case. Unknown to Rosli, A-G Gani Patailhad a covert relationship with Tajudidn’s proxy, Shahidan Shafie. This only came to light in 2011 when A-G Gani Patailwent to hajj with Shahidan Shafie like one big happy family, and they even shared their rooms! Yet, A-G Gani Patail was cleared by the MACC.
On the other hand, for helping the Police and MAS against theseA-G Gani Patail crooks, A-G Gani Patail made use of the MACC to fix Rosli. So, on the eve of Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2007, Rosli was brutally arrested, dragged in handcuffs, kept in the MACC underground dungeon overnight deprived of food and sleep to disorientate him. The next day, they paraded him like a circus animal along the Jalan Duta Court’s corridors in handcuffs and then charged him in court.
The mainstream media had a field day. Here was a senior Malay lawyer with an unblemished record and good standing in society that will be taught a lesson for going against the establishment. They were intent on making him an example so that others will never ever dare to go against those in the corridors of power. So they sensationalised the “ RM27 Million Cop Story and said that Rosli is a Singapore lawyer implying that he had hidden that money in Singapore.
They knew that was untrue. They knew that was false. But they didn’t care. This was a demolition exercise and they will make minced meat out of Rosli. That was what that was supposed to happen.
But they didn’t reckon that a normal man, a mere professional would stand his ground. They didn’t reckon that Rosli would fight back. And that was exactly what Rosli did. He picked himself up and fought back.
He sued Utusan MalaysiaThe Star and New Straits Times. He sued the MACC, its Chief Commissioner and its DPP. He sued the MACC officers who assaulted him, the Bank Negara officer who illegally searched him and the Government of Malaysia for having these rogues in government service. He sued all of them to teach them a lesson in accountability. He sued them so that they will never ever again do this to an innocent citizen. He sued them to   put the system right. He sued them with his own hard earned money.
Many thought he had gone mad, going against the might of the whole establishment. Had he become so bitter to the point of self destruction? After all, the man whom he had fought for and defended, Dato Ramli Yusuff had not even sued anyone.
But Rosli was not sidetracked by all his cynics. When he lost a battle, he just marched on to win the next. And one by one the dominoes start to fall. The walls of the conspirators began to crack. The mighty UMNO newspaper, Utusan Malaysia went down on their knees and apologised to him (see below).
Utusan Malaysia's Apology


  1. But still, just like Utusan, it will continue writing shits. Its sole purpose is to help BN win the GE.

  2. Toilet papers like Star, Utusan and NST do not know the meaning of integrity or shame. Defeated so many times yet they continue to write shits. Win or lose court cases does not matter to them so long as their motive is achieved, that is, to help a corrupt regime to win this coming GE. Newspapers are supposed to report truth and help to uncover corruptions but in Bolehland it is the opposite.
