
Thursday, January 31, 2013


steadyaku47 comment: 

Following is an email I received recently. Contents are self explanatory. While we have agreed to disagree on a number of issues the writer shows that it can all be done with grace. I have replied to the writer via email and what I wrote to him is for him to know.  At my request he has given me permission to post this email on steadyaku47. I trust you will read it in the manner that I did and with these thoughts - I think that every Malaysian has a role in making things right. We may not agree on how we can make things right and what to do but we all know that our country is in trouble. For now he will remain as Anon:   

steadyaku47 comment:

Have just received a request from Anon to take down his posting "PAKATAN BETTER THAN BN" from steadyaku47. Yesterday I requested his permission to post that letter on this blog and he had agreed that I can do so. He wants it taken out today because "he is uncomfortable with the sudden very very negative attention" he is now getting. I will do as he has requsted. Maaf.


  1. Wo.. wo... wo... what a nice letter. you know what Bro, PR will win, and, suppose, just suppose you are appointed Malaysia's High Commissioner to Australia, or the least as a Consular to S. Aust, West. Aust, Queensland, Vitoria or NSW, I'll be the most happiest man on earth then. With your understanding of Australia, policy, education, cultural and what not will surely be handy and helpful to Malaysian. But for the author of this email, who is 2 years your senior, can't be that blind, not his eyes though, but his heart. I just can't figure how he wants to compare Australia's living standard with income from Malaysia's standard. Typical UMNO mentality. ABU! ABU!! ABU!!!

  2. The writer of this letter is not accepting the reality of the actual political situation on the ground. Not worth to waste my breath and time rebutting him. All I can tell him is to go and collect his dues from UMNO/BN morons.

  3. Why is the author's daughter and 2 cucu living in Perth?

    To 'escape' from Malaysia or even from their 'buta hati' father (and grandfather)??

    Didn't this guy even try to convince his daughter that Malaysia has one of the best education system in the world for his cucu (better still enroll them in Rosmah's PERMATA), peaceful, low crime rate, low corruption, high standard of living.. blah blah blah ???

    He needs to work harder trying to 'tegakkan benang yang basah...'

  4. This guy must be living inside a well and can't see what's happening outside? Can he be that stupid to go on and on supporting a regime knowing it is corrupt to the core and almost lawless in their dealings with things connected to them? No matter how bad PR may rule it cannot be more worse than the current one. We want change for a better Malaysia. Give the UMNO/BN another 5 years, the country will go bankrupt.

  5. The issue IS the UNFAIRNESS and BIAS of the ruling MALAYS are recruited to work for Telecom Malaysia - NOT MALAYSIANS !! Why ? Aren't the NON Malays NOT Malaysians ?!!

  6. Hey, this guy is nut's!! He don't seems to know the current events happening to our beloved Malaysia.
    He must be one of the 3 monkeys...see no evil, hear no evil and talk no evil. It's a pity we still have such characters around in this IT age. Maybe just came back from Timbuktu.

  7. This writer must have gotten something from this rotten government like sekolahship for his children or some business connections to have written such an email. Long as he can live in comfort with the clutch provided by the government, nothing else matters to him. It is attitude like his that cause his race to be perceived by others as lazy and have to depend on the government's help for survival. He is probably worried that if PR came into power he may not have that anymore.

  8. Daughter and cucu staying in Perth, Australia,... that speaks all isn't it? And quoting Mamakthir.... that evil man..Huh!

  9. I'm sorry to learn about your wife's dimentia. A friend of mine who is in his 80s is similarly afflicted. A year ago he started receiving treatment with MEMANTINE at the University Hospital PJ. The last time we met I was very surprised that he could recognise me and he could even discuss politcs quite lucidly. Before his treatment he would only stare
    blankly at me.
    I don't know of course, if it works for everybody.
