
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pray that God and common sense will save our country but nothing will save Najib Razak

Najib’s and UMNO’s nemesis is Anwar Ibrahim. All things and everything are being rolled out to give credibility to this Najib/UMNO driven train hurtling towards Anwar. Najib thinks he already has Anwar  blind folded, feet shackled, hands tied behind his back and placed at the end of the railway line in front of a 10 ft thick granite wall waiting to be crushed to smithereens.

Like everything that Najib does he is only brave enough to move when he thinks that everything is in place. All the i’s have been dotted and the t’s crossed….so he thinks! He forgets Mahyuddin and Mahathir lurking in the shadows. He forgets that many in UMNO wants him to parade himself in front of everyone but none will tell him that he has no clothes on. Nobody tells him what would happen after the train hits the wall. The train cannot stop. The train does not have the option of reducing speed by steering itself into an uphill direction as a runaway truck without brakes can…..but Anwar, if he moves nimbly,  still has time to free himself and walk away. Najib cannot!

For Najib becoming Prime Minister gained him temporary immunity from the Altantuya juggernaut that was bearing down upon him. He thinks that by taking Anwar out of the 13th GE will extend that immunity. He hopes that by confirming the death sentence on Altantuya’s two proxy “murderers” will set him free of Altantuya and make him again Prime Minister of Malaysia and Rosmah as First Lady…so he thinks! 

The 13th General Election will certainly be upon us soon. Pray that God and the common sense of our people will save our country from another term of government by this UMNO led BN government but nothing will save Najib Razak from Mahathir, Mahyudin and an UMNO that has had their fill of Rosmah and a Najib who cannot lead UMNO out of its own demise! Not even if UMNO wins government again will Najib be saved!

So my friends read what you want. Listen to all that is being said. In the quiet of the evening do as I do….sit and think.

If you have good friends sit with them in quiet contemplation. Take yourself back to that day when balaclava clad thugs from PDRM went to get Anwar from his house in Damansara.

Take yourself back to that time when we see Anwar striding into court with his black eye but still defiant and unbowed.

Take yourself back to the early days of Reformasi when all this started. All this that had led to Barisan Nasional losing their two-thirds majority in Parliament.

Renew your sense of outrage at a BN government and a Mahathir that has gone mad hell bent in going after Anwar again because only Anwar constitute a threat to their existence.

Get back the anger that you had when you saw PDRM bludgeing so many defenseless Malaysian with their truncheons and kicking them with their leather boots.

And remember the many instances of nepotism, corruption and abuse of power that has become endemic in an UMNO that has failed the Malays.

Then bring yourself back to the present and ask yourself what has changed?

For UMNO and BN nothing has changed. They are still arrogant. Corruption and nepotism is still rife. Like in the days of old this Mahathir still rules but this time he pulls the strings from behind the curtains. Najib talks about KPI, about Greater KL, about that Tower, about transformation programs, about giving BN another term in government to do their work..….anything and everything that will allow them to keep their great wealth and make more wealth at the people expense. Our money… their gain!

And Anwar Ibrahim?

What of Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim?

Remember sodomy two…well there that is over and done with but there still have Nalla! Let us see what transpire.

Remember Reformasi…..well we now have Pakatan Rakyat with representatives in the Dewan Negara and the Dewan Rakyat.

Remember Permatang Pauh, Selayang, Puchong, Kepong, Kota Melaka……well we now have Kedah, Kelantan, Penang and Selangor.

Where we go from here is for us to decide. Not Anwar not Najib.

With the Internet we know in real time what is happening in our country. We know in real time when MACC murders Teoh Beng Hock and PDRM bludgeon Kugan to death. We know in real time what the powers that be did at the GH mortuary to stop Kugan’s family from seeing the state of his mutilated corpse. We know in real time every time PDRM kills another suspect in their custody or gun down suspects that they are chasing in what they routinely tells us is “self-defence”. Imagine four adult Policemen with automatic weapons against two teenagers with a parang! And 14 year old Aminulrasyid Hamzah was shot to death

….“seorang yang disyaki penyamun ditembak polis awal pagi di Seksyen 11 Shah Alam….sebilah parang dijumpai di dalam kereta disyaki digunakan sebagai senjata untuk menyamun

We know in real time what PI Bala said Najib did with Altantuya. We know in real time the massive rorts in Mindef. There is no escaping the truth. No escaping if you have done wrong. No forgiveness for lies told. Tiada Maaf bagi mu. You can run but you cannot hide and that goes for every Politician in the country!

Yes we have the Internet but Najib and BN has everything else. Media, Newspaper, Television and a limitless amount of resources – both financial and technical to put their lies and concocted stories to us. 

That is what they are doing now.

Everyday in their Papers, their Television and through every imaginable way they can – their purpose is to kill off Anwar Ibrahim.

Najib thinks that when Anwar is gone he will kill Pakatan Rakyat. Kill Pakatan Rakyat and he will kill the hopes of the people for a decent future for ourselves and our children. We cannot allow him to do this.

Remind yourself that our fight is to rid ourselves of UMNO/BN. This UMNO within our country that kills the very thing that gives life and sustenance to it. UMNO/BN is a parasite that lives off us all. Our struggle to take back our own country from the clutches of a corrupt BN…these parasites! Our fight is against everyone and anyone that stands in our way of doing this.

How skillfully Najib/UMNO/BN has used the resources at their beck and call in their attempt to isolate Anwar. Think my friend…
·      ·      Sodomy against Murder?
·      ·      Saiful against Altantuya?
·      ·      Saiful against RM$500 million of the people’s
          money given to Razak Baginda?
·      ·      Saiful against PKFZ.
·      ·      Saiful against Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan and
·      ·      Saiful against RM$70 million paid to APCO?
·      ·      Saiful against a Political Police Force call  
·            Saiful against NFC.
·            Saiful against Taib Mahmud

Ecetera! Ecetera! Ecetera!

That is all they have on Anwar. Saiful….and that too he has been acquitted of. But see how well they craft their battle? Money and power misused and Najib will continue to do this in the present political climate under Barisan Nasional.

As I have said before…we cannot allow this to happen! It insults our intelligence. It will gives free license to UMNO to continue to plunder and pillage our country’s wealth - or what is left of it - an UMNO that has consistently and without fail unashamedly use race, religion and money to further their vested interest.

And so my friends go read what is written. Go  listen what is being said. But always hold on to your right to make your own decisions in the quiet of your thoughts. Remember! You are one. With me we are two. Together we can make a difference. Together we will have Pakatan Rakyat become the Government come the 13th GE. God willing, God willing.

steadyaku47 comment: 
First posted in December 2010 with changes to suit present day.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, but i have to add this... all the ICs issued out to those illegal immigrants..!
