
Friday, January 4, 2013

Najib, Muhyiddin, Mahathir, UMNO and Barisan Nasional…the 13th general election will be here soon. We have caught up with you!

From the time Mahatiir, Najib and Muhyiddin got together to ‘persuade’ Pak Lah to leave office we have seen UMNO go through some very ‘interesting’ times - times fraught with disorder and much trouble. Things are going horribly wrong!  

It was never like this during Mahathir’s time.
Remember Petronas Twin Towers? From the sale of the Turf Club land to Ananda, its conversion to commercial use, Petronas purchase of it from Ananda at one hell of a premium and the subsequent construction of the Petronas Twin Towers – it all went as planned. Everybody that mattered to UMNO made a pile of money and at the end of the day – JOB WELL DONE!
The North South Highway, KLCC,KLIA and Putrajaya were done the same way! Semua diatur. Insane wealth given to a few at the expense of the many. JOB WELL DONE.
These were all massive projects worth billions of ringgits with cost overruns and variation orders the likes of which we will never see again in more rational times - sometimes as much as, if not more than the costs of the original contract - but it was all managed with consummate ease by Barisan Nasional. Done  from conception, planning, tendering and implementation by EPU, JKR, Treasury and other Government Agencies with the confidence that whatever needed to be done to do their political masters bidding can and will be done with no questions asked and none that needed to be answered.   
So how come today we have PKFZ,NFC and Deepak creating havoc for UMNO in the run up to the 13th general elections? These are kachang putih projects that Mahathir would probably leave to his Ministers to oversee so that they too could have their cut of the billions flowing out of the government and Petronas coffers. 
So how come Barisan Nasional cannot even ask Deepak to “shut the fuck up?” Can you see Deepak even raise a whimper in the time of Mahathir? “Off with his head!” would be the order of the day for people like Deepak! Sharizat would have been scrambling for a hole to hide in if NFC became an embarrassment to Mahathir and UMNO! PKFZ? They have done Petronas Twin Towers, KLIA and Putrajaya! PKFZ and that crooked bridge to Singapore, would have been a done deal by now.
Why the inability of UMNO today to prevent these matters from embarrassing UMNO? How come this Deepak can put the fear of God into the Prime Minister of Malaysia and that formidable Rosmah to such an extent that they now consider discretion the better part of valour! Both of them quiet as a grave – the grave that they themselves have dug while waiting for the end? So quiet that you can hear a durain drop in Kuala Pilah from Seri Perdana! 
How come our Prime Minister and his Ministers are unable to handle the situation with the iron grace that Mahathir had when he was PM? 
Mahathir spoke softly but always with that underlying menace that scares the hell out of those who crossed his path because he had power. Najib however is not even half the man Mahathir was - and I do not mean this in the biological sense!
What UMNO and Barisan Nasional are now left with are the remnants of a once great political force that still has the superficial trappings of greatness but none of its substance. Greed, corruption and money politics, like a cancer, have devoured all its insides and left it only a skeleton with barely a skin to disguise its present state.   

But why are the rats in UMNO not leaving the sinking ship? The rats in UMNO are not yet leaving because even as they make themselves ready for flight they are still foraging and looking for ways to acquire more wealth to take with them. An orgy of looting and plundering still being done from Putrajaya - done at our expense! All this done even as those within UMNO and Barisan Nasional began to understand that this general election is their Watership Down:

Well Najib, Muhyiddin, Mahathir, UMNO and Barisan Nasional…the 13th general election will be here soon. We have caught up with you!
Be afraid Najib,be very afraid. 
Mahathir has his wit, guile and sharp tongue that will not desert him even in retirement. Pak Lah is content with his lot - a man of God  does not need much. You Najib take Rosmah into retirement with you. And Rosmah...Najib is your burden! You two deserve each other as Hitler deserves power.    
Panic, chaos and disorder will soon overtake us if we allow this UMNO led Barisan Nasional government to stay another term. Go UMNO, your work is done. Let us all now do ours.  ABU!

1 comment:

  1. 101finavol815645dstyingshistory will judge all these politicians in ge 13-- aj jib anwar- maha n so on, soon we will know-- 100 days time
