
Saturday, January 5, 2013

UMNO - How it became UMNO BARU under the leadership of Tun Mahathir.

You all remember the internal battles of the two M's  - Mahathir and Musa - Team A and Team B - that led eventually to the formation of UMNO Baru - though really in fact there was nothing 'Baru' about it. 

Despite the refusal of almost all of UMNO's present Majlis Tertinggi to assist steadyaku47 in providing some insight on what really happened I have managed to piece together this attempt at clarity so that we can all understand and appreciate what Tun Dr Mahathir had to go through in the formation of this UMNO Baru. 

It was almost impossible to get any credible footage to verify the events that took place as Mahathir single handedly undertook the mobilization of members of the 'Old UMNO' into a movement that became 'UMNO Baru' - a massive undertaking that could be compared to Chairman's Mao 'Long March'! Here then is a dramatization of how Mahathiir started that 'MOVEMENT'.

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