
Saturday, January 11, 2014

cakap cakap.....of Padang Brown, Pulau Tikius, Top Top and Tip Top and a Jaguar MK II

An old and dear friend of mine, Kassim SA loaded this photo of me on facebook and it brought back many memories of Penang. That guy to the left of the picture is me....many many years ago in Penang and I was selling Beef Burgers and Hot Dogs at Padang Brown - (possible the first Malay to do so in Penang) next to the Penang Prison around the early 70's.  I resigned as Regional Supervisor of Malaysia Nasional Insurance of the Northern Region (earning about RM$600 p/m) to sell burgers! Business was so good at Padang Brown that we could afford a Jaguar MK II within a few months of starting there.

The late Lim Kean Siew then opened a hawker place in Pulau Tikus (if my memory serve me right) and we took a stall there next. What I remembered about Pulau Tikus were the two bakeries - TIP TOP and TOP curry puff around then. Are they still around?
From there we moved to manage the canteen beside the swimming pool at USM and then my Father asked me to come back to KL to do business. Penang holds many wonderful memories....good times!

And who is Kassim SA? Here is the legend himself!

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