
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

So for those of you who believe that we can trust these politicians – whether PKR or BN – with the future of our people and our nation, perish that thought. They are all as blind as a bat, as clueless as Najib Tun Razak is in government. As useless as Malaysian astronauts will be at NASA and on a trip to the moon or Mars.

With thanks to FMT

Politicians and their end game

 | January 28, 2014
In every nation there are people who do bad things to each other – even if they are of the same race and of the same religion.
If you tell me that there are Chinese in Malaysia who are doing all they can to prevent the Malays from doing or succeeding in business – I will agree with you.
If you tell me that there are Chinese in Malaysia who are doing all they can to try and take political power away from the Malays – I will also agree with you.
If you tell me that there are Chinese who dislike the Malays and all Muslims, and are doing what they can to advance the cause of the non-Malays and the Christians – I will also have to agree with you.
There are even Chinese who are, at this very moment, plotting to cause mischief, mayhem and destruction to our nation and to our people for they do not want to see us all live in peace and harmony!
If there are Chinese doing all these things in Malaysia, then whatever Umno has been telling the Malays about the Chinese is true.
It is also true that there are Malays plotting to do the same things to the Chinese.
What these Malays want to do to the Chinese, they have actually started doing many years ago. And more chillingly, these Malays have the financial and logistical capability to carry through with their plans by 2020 – give or take a few years.
The Malays doing these things to the Chinese are better organised, possess deep pockets, larger armies and have at their disposal all that is needed to ensure that their end game of 1Melayu becomes a reality.
No matter at what cost to our nation, no matter what it does to the very fabric of our already fragile multi racial society, no matter what it will do to the future of our people, our children and our children’s children.
If they succeed, at best, the Malays will have a Malaysia as the Ugandans had a Uganda when Idi Amin hounded the Asians (the lifeblood of Ugandan’s business community) out of Uganda.
At worse, the Malays will have a Malaysia governed by Malay leaders who will continue to pillage and plunder their own nation as Haiti was plundered and pillaged under the rule of Papa Doc and his Tom Tom Macoutes.
Then, like the self proclaimed Emperor Bokassa of the Central African Republic who took all the important government posts for himself and then crowned himself Emperor in a ceremony that practically bankrupted his country, these Malay leaders too will begin the Sultanization of themselves as rulers of Malaysia.
We must understand that in every nation there are people who do these things to each other – even if they are of the same race and of the same religion.
That is the way human-beings sometime behave towards each other if they are allowed to do so.
Are there enough good, decent and rational thinking Malaysians to ensure that we do not start killing each other because or race and religion?
If there are, where are they? Surely not in politics! Are we not constantly amused by the antics of Malaysian politicians?
Blinkered views
I am amused at the concerns Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Kit Siang have about the escalation of racial and religious polarization.
Anwar had been calling for dialogue between himself and Najib to discuss how they can both resolve this problem.
Kit Siang has been broadcasting his concerns for the possibility of another May 13 happening and he too is calling for dialogue. Huh! Really?
These two really do not want an escalation of racial and religious polarization? To all intents and purposes, they may seem to be that way inclined but cakap bukan serupa bikin.
What you see in DAP today is Umno at the beginning of the Mahathir era. Kit Siang is Mahathir personified.
While Mahathir worked towards his selfish personal goal of political dominance by any means without the pervasive scrutiny of the invasive social media, Kit Siang cannot.
And because he cannot, he has to be more creative in his political maneuvering – this you can see in the things happening within DAP and to what is happening in Penang today under the government led by his son.
Anwar knows no other way to do politics but the Umno way. The emphasis is on the self rather that the people or country.
More of this will be seen played put in the coming days over the debilitating power struggle for the post of Menteri Besar in the richest state in Malaysia – Selangor.
A struggle that Anwar is powerless to manage or prevent because the politics that Azmin Ali practices was learnt at the feet of Anwar himself from the time both of them were in Umno.
And in all this, who will gain? Not Anwar, not Azmin. Not even PKR. Certainly not the Malays or Malaysians, only Umno will.
And the pity of it all is that for Anwar, Azmin, Kit Siang and Guan Eng, all they see is in that tempurung that they are all under now.
They do not see how what they do now will affect the future of PKR or DAP. Nor do they see the future of Malaysians, nor the future of our nation.
So for those of you who believe that we can trust these politicians – whether PKR or BN – with the future of our people and our nation, perish that thought.
They are all as blind as a bat, as clueless as Najib Tun Razak is in government. As useless as Malaysian astronauts will be at NASA and on a trip to the moon or Mars.
CT Ali is a reformist who believes in Pakatan Rakyat’s ideologies. He is a FMT columnist.

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