
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Every responsible leader of any nation that loves their country will want to bring in the New Year in the company of his own people, in his own country and in his own home. But not Najib and his f@#king wife.

It saddens me to know that at a time when our nation is welcoming a New Year, at a time when we want to be with love ones and family to bring in the New Year together…..our Prime Minister and his Family is telling us to F Off. He prefers to spend his time in a foreign country to welcome the New Year with foreigners. Why is this so? Is it beneath his dignity to do so in the company of Malaysians? Are Malaysians not good enough company for him and  that wife of his?

This is a sad reflection of the mentality of this Prime Minister. The President of the USA celeberate New Year in America. Putin does so in Russia….every responsible leader of any nation that loves their country will want to bring in the New Year in the company of his own people, in his own country and in his own home.

But not Najib and his f@#king wife. 

Hell it would be my guess that this is again another “whatever you want lah” moment for Najib when his f#@king wife ‘suggested’ that they welcome the New Year at anywhere BUT Malaysia….that way no Malaysians would be around to see them ‘toast’ the new year in with Moet & Chandon Champagne and all the drinking and hugging and kissing that goes around when New Year is celebrated in these foreign countries. To this pathetic clueless couple it  is more classy to say that they celebrated New Year in Sydney, New York blah blah blah….!

By what they do you can figure out what loyal Malaysian they are! Their heart and soul are not in Malaysia. They don’t care a damm if anybody was to invade Malaysia tomorrow…they will simply pack up and relocate to another country. If there is a tidal wave sweeping the East Coast and FLOM gets advance notice of it  - where do you think she and Najib will be? New York, London or Milan would be as good a guess as any. Maybe Dubai too!   

Woi Najib....Malaysia is not good enough a place for you to see the New Year in? 

Malaysians are not classy enough to join you in bringing in the New Year? 

What about your King? What about the Sultan of your State? 

You cannot find  anyone you would rather spend time with to usher in the New Year here in Malaysia?

You prefer to be in the company of Westerners - white people? You prefer to be in the company those who really know how to party? Whose idea of bringing in the new Year is a lots of wine and spirits and champagne? 

This Prime Minister of ours and his wife insults Malaysian! They insult our King and our way of life. What they do tells us that they want to be PM and FLOM of Malaysia but they do not want to bring the New Year in with Malaysians – not good enough for them! New Year is party time for the two of them....and they will party no matter what the state of our nation is today! 

What has Najib not pledge to do? What has he not promise us to do? What has he said he will try to do? This PM has pledge, promised or said he will try to do everything we have wanted him to do…but what he has actually done can be put in the glove box of a kanchil and still leave room for big fat mama! 

And in his latest New Year pledge he pledges  to minimize the impact of price hikes….



“…where necessary, we will fine-tune government programmes so that the effect on household incomes is not too great. We will put in place mechanisms to cushion people from the rises in the electricity tariff and toll fares, and the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) is coming up with new ideas to ease the cost of living pressures,” he said in his new year message on his blog,

If the above statement from Najib is any indication of what he intends to do to minimize the impact of price hikes then it will be the usual SOP. You see his mouth moving up and down but the words that comes out of it means nothing and will do nothing to minimize the impact of price hikes…and do not forget that he also promised to do the following:

We will do everything we can to ensure the impact on the rakyat is minimised. Based on public feedback, where necessary we will fine-tune government programmes so that the effect on household incomes is not too great. We will put in place mechanisms to cushion people from rises in the electricity tariff and toll fares. And PEMANDU is coming up with new ideas to ease the cost of living pressures”

Read through that again carefully and in a more measured manner and what do you make of it? Again he promised much…much of nothing!

He is so good at saying nothing while saying so much that very soon he will be as good as  the former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield at saying nothing in so many words!

Dear God what have we done to deserve this stupid idiot as our Prime Minister? 

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