
Thursday, January 23, 2014


PKR: Khalid not being replaced by Azmin

 | January 23, 2014
Khalid's office also denied that he had resigned from his post.

PETALING JAYA: PKR denied today reports that it had decided to replace Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim with his rival, Azmin Ali, the party’s Selangor chairman
Party secretary-general, Saifuddin Nasution, the call by ‘three or four’ PKR leaders to sack Khalid during the supreme council (MPP) meeting on Jan 15, had not gained traction among their peers.
“From about the 50 or so members of the MPP, several took the extreme and firm stance that Khalid should be sacked. It was just an opinion, not a proposal nor a motion.
“Nor did the ones objecting to Khalid mention that they wanted Azmin to replace him as the menteri besar,” Saifuddin told a press conference at the PKR headquarters here today.
He also pointed out that PKR was in no position to unilaterally decide to have Khalid replaced, given that it did not hold the majority seats in the Selangor state assembly.
PKR has 14 seats, DAP holds 15 and PAS another 15 in the state assembly.

steadyaku47 comment:

Let us get a few things straight and out of the way first. 

In PKR as in any other political party, your position within the party depends on the support you have in the party - Anwar Ibrahim included. Khalid does not have that support.  Azmin will beat him hands down without any problem because Khalid had never depended on support within PKR to be MB or Selangor or to win any election standing as a candidate for PKR. 

Why? Because PKR needs Khalid more than Khalid needs PKR. 

There are many in PKR, Anwar Ibrahim included,  who does not want Khalid to be MB of Selangor because with Khalid there none of them will get any tenders, any contracts any business opportunities from the Selangor State Government.  Even if they submit the most competitive and the best business proposal that will benefit Selangor and the people of Selangor most they will still not be considered by Khalid. That is the way Khalid wants it done so that there is no conflict of interest to bother him in his administration of the state government. 

Some will argue that this is an impossible situation for PKR to be in. There are many of PKR politicians who have spent their own money to assist PKR to get where they are now and it is only right and fair that they be allowed to recoup what they have spent in the interest of the party. 

Some will argue that Khalid is a rare breed amongst politicians - an honest one -  and the people of Selangor will want him as their MB and will vote PKR as and when required to do so against UMNO! 

Some will even say that without access to these contracts and business opportunities in a PKR controlled Selangor, Khalid is  killing his own political party because no political entity can survive without financial inputs...and so the debate rages on.

What is now keeping Khalid in office is DAP and PAS.....not Anwar Ibrahim. 

The people of Selangor may want to keep Khalid as MB but in the scheme of things what the people of Selangor wants really has no bearing as to who will be their MB.

So what happens now? 

Until PKR can once again dominate politically in Selangor (at the next election maybe) PKR is stuck with having Khalid as MB - unless Khalid has had enough and he resigns. 

This is a possibility because why would a man with enough FU money (that is fuck you money...when you have FU money anytime you do not like what is being done to you by others you can just tell them to F off!....and Khalid has plenty of FU money!) put up with the jokers in PKR when all he is trying to do is to administer Selangor to the best of his ability for the good of the people of Selangor so that PKR will continue to recive the votes of the people of Selangor? 

And for doing this he does not get any thanks from PKR, from Azmin or from Anwar - what he gets instead are people within PKR scheming to kick him out of Selangor, out of PKR and out of their life.

We have seen this happen to Zahid and many others in PKR who are not part of the Azmin gang! Who else are part of this gang is debatable but you can rule Azizah and Nurul out for now. Anwar ibrahim? Your guess is as good as mine! 

If you ask me the whole PKR party is f*#ked! Spare a thought for Khalid too. Damm if he leaves PKR and damm if he does not.

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