
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Where does UMNO get these Malay idiots from?

When I came across that above image I really could not decide if I should smile, laugh out loud or just shake my head in disbelief and sorrow that UMNO/Barisan Nasional can keep attracting these kind of this particular instance, a Sheikh Prof Dr. Sulaiaman Salmooi who is an Ahli Majlis Fatwa Masjidi Haram to say the things they say and I quote:

"Ahli Majlis Fatwa Masjidil Haram, Sheikh Dr. Sulaiman Saloomi telah menegaskan adalah haram bagi umat Islam menyokong kumpulan yang berniat atau bertindak mahu menjatuhkan sesebuah kerajaan negara Islam walaupun dalam kepimpinan itu didapati berlaku kesalahan melibatkan hukum syarak.

Kata beliau, ia kerana tindakan menjatuhkan kerajaan negara Islam itu adalah tidak dibenarkan agama, apatah lagi jika umat Islam tersebut mahu menggantikan dengan pemerintahan yang boleh mendatangkan bahaya lebih besar" ~ Utusan

I would put this fatwa at par with the other fatwa that tells us "Haram undi DAP!" but there is an interesting proviso in the above fatwa that states: 

"walaupun dalam kepimpinan itu didapati berlaku kesalahan melibatkan hukum syarak". 

Now that really put the cats amongst the pigeons! I wonder what those "kesalan melibatkan hukum syarak" are? You guess is as good as mine! I really do not have the inclination to go into these religious mumbo jumbo but I will grant UMNO this......having that Sheikh Prof and Dr. before that idiot's name does add some 'oomph' to the whole fatwa...but it does not make what he said right!

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