
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The people of Selangor will not be part of this process in an issue that concerns them all but they will still have their say at the next general election.

Given that all the relevant participants are back in town - the Sultan and the President of Umno merangkap Perdana Menteri Malaysia - we should see the kemelut in Selangor being resolved (to quote Julian Assange) soon! 

Tapi for Anwar Ibrahim, PKR and possibly Pakatan Rakyat nasi sudah jadi bubur and Humpty Dumpty cannot be put together again. 

That Khalid Ibrahim will soon no longer be MB of Selangor is given - you, I and every Mat, Tan and Raju knows this to be kosher. 

Common sense will also tell you that this Selangor Sultan is not someone Anwar Ibrahim can push around.

Simply put, Anwar may soon finds himself up the creek without a paddle (the Chinese will say "Die lah") 


Putting your wife forward as the only candidate to be MB of Selangor is potentially putting yourself up the creek without a paddle.  If (and it is probably more "when" than "if") ....if the Selangor Sultan say's "NO" to Anwar's wife as MB of Selangor by requesting that PKR submits more than one name....what then for Anwar Ibrahim? 

But this kind of kemelut is par for the course for Anwar in the manner he has conducted his private and public life. When he wants to do something (anything!) he goes ahead and do it regardless of the consequences. We have seen him face the consequences many times in the past...Mahathir and Saiful have so far been the most destructive. 

The outcome of this Selangor Kemelut will be "life changing" for Anwar and his political ambitions. The pity of it all is that whatever the outcome of this kemelut, PKR and Pakatan Rakyat will emerged weaker and more divisive within themselves. More worrying is that more  questions than answers will be raised as to Pakatan Rakyat's readiness to govern in Putrajaya.

The pity of it all is that with hindsight and common sense this very public spate of trying to manage an arrogant and self opinionated MB in the figure of Khalid could have been done with grace and tact....but since when has Anwar had grace and tact in pushing forward his political ambitions? 

For now we will just have to wait and see if the Sultan will be given the right "advice" to make the right decision for Selangor or will the temptation to profit politically and financially from this kemelut be too much even for Tuanku and Umno  to resist? 

Let us wait and see this out in the next few days. The people of Selangor will not be part of this process in an issue that concerns them but they will still have their say at the next general election. Until then we will just have to grin and bear this kemelut!     

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