
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bring in the ATM! No lah not the Automatic Teller Machine...they already got their hands on our Petronas, EPF, Tabung Haji, PNB etc etc.....and our Treasury. This time they are bringing on the big guns into the Selangor equation...Angkatan Tentera Malaysia!

Now those F#@king idiots in Umno have taken it up another notch....bring in the ATM. No lah not the Automatic Teller Machine...they already got their hands on our Petronas, EPF, Tabung Haji, PNB etc etc.....and our Treasury. This time they are bringing on the big guns into the Selangor equation...Angkatan Tentera Malaysia!

The instructions have gone out to the Generals....pukul chanang...start beating the drums about "an attack on the Royals is an attack on the ATM!"

How soon before the "usual suspects" start getting into the act about "an attack on the Royals is an affront on the Malay race?" Cue Perkasa, Permuda Umno, that bloody Riduan Tee, the many Mamak organizations and other Malay Supremacist groups to also start beating the drums too....but we know empty vessels makes the most noise..betul tak...the cow that moos a lot gives little milk...and all that jazz.

And of course it is only a matter of time before the Religious guys gets into the melee with "an attack on the Royals is a stab at the very heart of Islam because the Royals are the head of Islam in their state!".

Come lah.....get real! 

If PKR and DAP are going to be stupid enough to go head to head with the Sultan of Selangor by naming only one candidate for the MB post...let them do so. 

Tuanku gets the one MB proposal on Wednesday...he sends it back to DAP and PKR on Thursday and tells them "Did you not hear what I say....I want you to submit at least two names for the MB's post?" Or he can either refuses to meet with them to accept the letter or he can send another letter reminding them of his "request". 

DAP and PKR gets the letter by next week and they can still insists on Azizah....and so the letters keeps coming and going between the Sultan and those two political long can this go on? For as long as DAP and PKR insists that they still will insists on Azizah being MB.

In as far as the Sultan is concern all he has to do (as he is doing now) is to keep Khalid on as MB until DAP and PKR understands that he means business.

No need for ATM, the other Malays the religious zealots  or Umno to come into the picture ma!  

As for the Selangorians.....wait for the next election lah....then you can hantam anyone one you want to hantam.

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