
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Khalid Expelled from PKR....Now send in the Clowns!

Published: Saturday August 9, 2014 MYT 5:57:00 PM 

Updated: Saturday August 9, 2014 MYT 6:38:37 PM

Khalid Ibrahim expelled from PKR

PETALING JAYA: PKR has expelled Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim from the party after his continued refusal to relinquish his Selangor Mentri Besar post.
The decision comes after Khalid refused to turn up to face a disciplinary hearing, after being ordered to do so by PKR disciplinary committee chairman Datuk Tan Kee Kwong latest by noon Saturday.
Tan told a packed news conference that the party's central leadership, which had convened earlier to discuss Khalid's fate, unanimously decided that the MB was expelled effective immediately.
He said the party made the decision as Khalid had failed to adhere to the decision made by the central leadership on July 21 that he should relinquish his MB post to make way for party president Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail to take over.
"Having taken into consideration Khalid's reply to the show-cause letter issued to him, we feel that he is no longer abiding by party decisions and as such, can no longer be part of the party," he said.
Tan also said that Khalid had 14 days to appeal the decision.
Khalid's political secretary Azman Abidin said he was sad for him and as well as for the party.
"This is an unfair decision because Khalid could not attend the disciplinary hearing. The party should only have made a decision after having a full hearing," he said, adding that he had yet to get in touch with Khalid to discuss his expulsion.

Ahli Majlis Pimpinan Pusat (MPP) PKR Sivarasa Rasiah berkata Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim sudah tidak layak menjadi menteri besar kerana hilang kepercayaan majoriti dewan negeri Selangor selepas dipecat PKR.

Ini kerana, mengikut Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan Negeri Selangor seorang menteri besar haruslah mempunyai sokongan majoriti ADUN Selangor, katanya.

"Dari segi undang-undang tubuh, beliau (Khalid) tidak ada majoriti lagi di DUN Selangor jadi jelas beliau tidak lagi memiliki majoriti dan sokongan di selangor.

"Bagi saya dia tidak ada pilihan kalau dia diminta letak jawatan oleh ADUN," kata beliau dalam sidang media hari ini.

Sivarasa bagaimanapun mengakui bahawa Khalid masih memegang jawatan menteri besar secara sah.

Katanya, Khalid hanya boleh dipecat oleh Sultan Selangor atau melalui undi tidak percaya dari ADUN.

Dalam sidang media sama, Setiausaha Agung PKR Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail mengulas mengenai satu surat injunksi dari peguam Khalid yang dihantar semalam kepada parti.

Beliau menjelaskan, surat itu tiada kaitan dengan isu pemecatan Khalid.

"Surat (injuksi peguam) itu tak relevan kepada isu pokoknya iaitu pemecatan Khalid. Arahan yang jelas dari parti yang mencadangkan Wan Azizah sebagai menteri besar diingkari Khalid.

"Kita nampak dalam surat itu tunjukkan 'pengingkaran secara terbuka'. Beliau diminta secara baik unyuk undur tapi tidak berundur," kata beliau.

Sidang media itu turut dihadiri pengerusi Lembaga Disiplin PKR yang mengumumkan bahawa Khalid dipecat dari menganggotai parti itu, berkuatkuasa serta merta hari ini.


9 August 2014

MB terima keputusan PKR, akan dapatkan nasihat DYMM Sultan Selangor

Saya menerima keputusan oleh Parti Keadilan Rakyat untuk membatalkan keahlian saya dalam parti walaupun keputusan tersebut adalah salah dan cacat dari segi undang-undang.
Seperti yang saya nyatakan menerusi maklum balas terhadap Surat Tunjuk Sebab, pihak parti sesungguhnya keliru dengan butir-butir pertuduhan yang mahu dikenakan terhadap saya. Malah, Pengerusi Lembaga Disiplin gagal menyatakan secara khusus peruntukan mana di dalam Perlembagaan Parti yang telah saya cabuli.
mb3728a543b477098a4848e499317bdbbd_XLSaya juga ingin menyatakan walaupun saya telah memohon penangguhan sesi penjelasan kepada Lembaga Disiplin dengan mencadangkan tarikh 15 Ogos 2014 sebagai tarikh yang sesuai tetapi tiada jawapan balas diberikan.
Sebaliknya, Lembaga Disiplin tetap meneruskan pendengaran tanpa terlebih dahulu mendengar penjelasan daripada saya. Saya tidak diberi peluang dan proses yang adil untuk menjawab semua tuduhan terhadap saya mengikut tatacara yang teratur dan adil. Saya percaya ada tindakan sabotaj dari pihak tertinggi parti.
Saya akan mengadap DYMM Sultan Selangor untuk memaklumkan kepada baginda perkembangan terbaru ini, seterusnya mendengar pandangan baginda yang boleh dikongsi.
Sehingga isu ini diselesaikan mengikut  prosedur yang betul, mengikut peruntukan undang-undang yang termaktub dalam Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri, saya akan meneruskan khidmat terbaik kepada rakyat sebagai Menteri Besar  mengikut kemampuan saya.
Terima kasih kepada semua yang menyokong saya dalam menempuh masa-masa yang sukar ini.


steadyaku47 comment:
Those guys in Umno and Barisan Nasional have never had so much fun since the three Datuk's and Sodomy Two days...and this PKR circus is more fun because in the Three Datuk's and Sodomy Two episode they had to do some work and still did not get the outcome they wanted....this MB Selangor episode is just durian runtuh for Umno and Barisan Nasional. 
I can just imagine Najib chuckling to himself as news of Khalid's expulsion from PKR filters through. And that Din guy must be laughing his head off!

And you can just guess what these two are whispering to each other while trying to work out what PKR's next move will be...aisehman malu lah! 

Just what the f@*k is going on? 

Will someone in PKR chill and take stock of what is happening? 

As if shooting themselves in their own foot is not good enough they now want to stand under the durian tree when all the durians are ripe and are ready to fall to the ground on to their bloody head! And I don't even mind that happening but then the durians will no longer be fit for human consumption...a bloody waste of good durian!

This has all the hallmark of their leader Anwar Ibrahim! 

It is not enough that he has gone around PKR asking every Mat, Tan and Raju to swear allegiance to him  personally (not to PKR!) it seems he wants all the YB's and everyone else to swear allegiance to Azizah as MB! Where got road lah Anwar? 

Enough has been said about the mechanics of how the Selangor State government and PKR works....about how Pakatan Rakyat works....about what the Sultan can and cannot do. From every angle and every nook and cranny anyone who has a point of view has set forth his take on the whole damm sandiwara.....but you and I know that at the end of the day PKR and Pakatan Rakyat are the real losers....and we who have had so much hope and belief in their ability to be a credible alternative to Barisan Nasional are also losers....big time! 

I can only shake my head in disbelief at the antics of these PKR guys. 

Did they ever stop to think where all this is heading to? 

Did they ever stop to think how they will be able to face us to explain all that has been going on since the last election when they were almost given a mandate to take residence in Putrajaya? Those people who gave their votes to Pakatan Rakyat must be wondering what posses them to do so! 

Whatever your political inclinations, whoever you choose to support in politics you must tonight stop to think where we should all go from here if we want leaders in politics who reflect the aspirations of our people, our nation and who understand the future we all want....and the future we want can never be achieved by these clowns in PKR (Tan Sri Khalid included!)!    

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