
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

cakap cakap...Life is good. Sometimes it can get better!

Let me share with you,my friends, a tale about the Malaysia that I once knew. Not one decade ago, not two...not even three decades ago for the changes that have teared the fabric of the society that we once knew started over three decades ago. This is about the Malaysia that I once knew in the mid 60's - over five decades ago. Fifty years ago!

We were then living in Kuala Lipis. My father had just taken his new posting as CPO (Chief Police Officer) of Pahang and Kuala Lipis was then the Police Hq in Pahang - a throwback to the days of the British when Kuala Lipis was considered by the British to be a more strategic Hq for the Police than Kuantan - where the current Police Hq for Pahang is now located. 

As some of you may recall from an earlier posting, Kuala Lipis hold much affection for me for being the place where I spent the last few teenage years of my life. We lived in a large rambling house on top of a hill at the back of the town Resthouse. One theatre -The Paradise  - stood proudly in and around the middle of the one street town.I remember the theatre well. I still recall with much amusement the day when me and my friends were asked to leave the theatre before the film started because the manager was not going to screen the film -  "The Five Branded Women"  because we were the only patrons that day. Our money was returned and we left disappointed...very disappointed for you can see from the film poster below why we youngsters were looking forward to the film! Not one, not two but five women living and loving - our attention was more focussed on the word "Sin" than anything else. Ahhh the innocence of youth!  

I had a group of friends to do things with and among that group was a Bai - Balwant Singh.  The common consensus amongst us all was that he was too good looking for his own good!
As was the practice then, Balwant was the target of the usual corny Bai jokes. 

How do you know he was the only one in his family? Jaswant Singh! (Just one Singh)

And as many times as we heard each other tell the joke we still laughed. We were all still studying but Balwant was already working at the Post Office. So he was numero ono amongst us all. He had the looks and he had the money. 

I lost touch with Balwant when my father was transferred to Kuantan soon after when the Police Hq was relocated there. Lost touch with him maybe but his name and the times we had together never left me.

Last night I received a "Friend" request from a Balwant Singh on my FB. As is my practice I clicked "Accept" and then went to his FB to check out who I have just accepted as a friend....and there on his FB page was something that made my heart skip a beat:

"Studied at Clifford Secondary School Kuala Lipis"

Could this be the same Balwant from my teen years in Kuala Lipis?

Brother what year were you in Kuala Lipis? Did you ever work at the Post Office in Kuala Lipis?
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  • Balwant Singh Yes,Hussein,that's me.My God I have found you at last.Julaini told me you were in Melbourne,but he didn't have your address.I took a long shot and I am happy that i was right.I remember those days when we used your house on the hill and pass our time with our friends.`we must get together and catch up.How is your family?My family came here in 1993 and I came after I retired from my government service in 1999.Then I worked here until 2009.I had to retire as i had a mild stroke in 2009.You came contact me on my mob 041----------- anytime.
    Like · Reply · 11 hrs
  • Hussein Abdul Hamid Small world lah! I was going to ask you if you knew Rashid (our late friend from SABS who was going out with Julaini's sister ( I think). yes those were the good old days....and of course I never forget you were too handsome for your own good in those days. I have been in Australia for over 30 years - in Perth, Adelaide, Sydney and now Melbourne. Let me get through this week first because I have to write on a few things - especially what is going to happen to Anwar tomorrow. He is a classmate ...and I know that whether he goes in or stay out, I will need to write about. Let us get together early next week - Monday or Tueday ....I will call you. Good to get in touch with you brother!
    Like · Reply · 11 hrs

The world is indeed a small place. It was over five decades ago when we first met and now we are living in Melbourne together! All the memories of good friends, good times and a life where all that mattered was if you can get along with each other came rushing back into my consciousness! No questions asked of race or religion or of politics. A time long gone by.

I fell asleep with a warm glow all over me knowing that life is good...and sometimes it does get better!

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