
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Khairy tells us that this will be a campaign to preserve Umno's "dignity" after six years! In which part of Saifuls Anus has Umno's dignity been hidden these past six years?

Its payback time Khairy tells Anwar's supporters. 

PETALING JAYA, Feb 17 — Umno Youth will embark on a series of public forums to explain the Federal Court’s conviction of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for sodomy and rebut claims of political persecution by the opposition leader, the movement’s chief Khairy Jamaluddin said today.

Despite acknowledging calls for the attacks against Anwar to stop since he was already convicted, the sports and youth minister defended the campaign as necessary to preserve Umno’s “dignity” against the long-standing allegations.

“Why do we do this? To explain the case further? Because for six years, and this has been the basis of their defence, that it was a political conspiracy by Barisan Nasional and Umno, and as a political party you expect us to keep quiet?

“For six years we have allowed them to criticise us freely and we just waited because we wanted to respect the judicial process… up until the latest case we kept quiet.

“Do not expect us to keep quiet after six years of silence,” Khairy told the forum.

steadyaku47 comment: 
This is interesting! 
Khairy tells us that this will be a campaign to preserve Umno's "dignity" after six years!
In which part of Saifuls Anus has Umno's dignity been hidden these past six years? 
How can we believe that Saiful been able to keep Umno's dignity hidden up his anus when there was already wide spread derision at his ability to keep sperm up his anus for even a few days - what more six years!
And will there be any "show and tell" during this campaign. 
Will we have Saiful paraded before the thousands of people who will certainly be attending these campaigns. What will Saiful "show" to the audience? The actual anus in question that was involved in the incident? How will he be able to demonstrate his ability to hold Umno up his anus for a period of six years? Who will be pushing Umno up Saiful's anus? Khairy himself? Or will KJ co op that Azzz guy?

It will take at least two guys to push Umno up Saiful'd anus and I know why! 

Najib will insist on coming along because after all he is President? And if Najib goes who is to say that all  the Umno's Naib Presidents should not come along too?  

Sure got full house lah!

How is a campaign that involves Saiful's anus going to preserve Umno's dignity? 

This is presuming that Umno had any dignity to start with! 

How does a political party that had one of their Chief Minister labelled a pedophile for raping an underage Malay schoolgirl has any dignity.

How does a political party that appoints some one convicted of being corrupt to be head of Felda have any dignity?

How does a political party that appoints a raba raba guy to be our envoy to Washington have any dignity?

And I can go on and on and on and on. Woi  KJ, Umno lost it's dignity ages ago...many many years ago!

KJ tells us that there will be a series of Public Forums to explain what took place in and around Saiful's anus. Will attendance be only for those over 18? What about the ladies - especially the Mak Chiks? Who will be explaining to the Mak Chik what sodomy is? Visual aids or are you actually going to have Saiful enact the whole thing on stage? Or are you going to have someone simulate the act of sodomy? I expect these Mak Chiks will be having a good laugh at the whole will be different from the other Umno forums that they have been attending...though I am sure they will still be expecting some (Ahem!) buah tangan or sagu hati. Nudge nudge wink wink!

“Do not expect us to keep quiet after six years of silence,” said Khairy. Well one thing you can be sure of KJ - Saiful will not be keeping silent while you and that Azeeeez are pushing Umno up his anus!   
All I can say is this KJ. I hope this is not the start of your campaign to be PM.I know that you have been keeping quiet far longer that the six years that you say Umno has kept quiet about this Saiful's anus case! But if truth be told I think it would not do any good for your future to be the one in Umno to spearhead this "anusgate" for Umno, I know some one has to do it and guess who they picked? YOU!

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