
Sunday, February 8, 2015

cakap cakap...Sunday morning.

Have been awake since 5 this morning ...too hyped up about the 'VALENTINE" signboard I saw last night  and I could not wait to write about it. 

Valentine's day has nothing to do with Islam or that schmuck holding that sign. You kiss your parents hand to show respect. Yes it is free and you do not have to buy a card to do so...but what if you are in Australia and your parents are in KL? 

What religion forbids you from paying money to an airline to buy you that ticket to get back to KL so that you can tell your parents that you love them? You pay the airline company to get to your parents so that you can show them and tell that you love them but it is wrong to buy a card to tell your loved ones that you love them? Huh! 

Valentine's day is just another day, another way, another excuse for you to say "I love you" to somebody you love. Same sex, different religion, different race, same religion, same race, boy girl, girl boy, white, black, old young........anybody you love tell them that you love them with a hug, a kiss, a card, flowers, your thing and you will be king!

Now when did Islam forbid anyone from doing that? 

Anyway that's enough time spent on that!

I have never written anything on 1MDB. Never at any considerable length. It is there floating around in and around my head but the effort needed to comprehend the complexities of a financial scams of this magnitude  is, for now, just beyond me. There are too many zeros after the numbers that 1MDB are involved and it is simply mind boggling to think that the common consensus is not if it will fail, but when! Rule of thumb with this BN government ....with anything involving billions there is always  some one out there making hundreds of millions! And at that level of money the PM is involved! End of story!

What are the issues that is bothering the Australian Prime Minister? 

Come 9 am this Monday his own party will vote to decide - in a secret ballot - if they still want him as their leader less than two years after he had led them too victory in Australia's last general election. How has it come to this for Tony Abbott? 

Abbott campaigned as a leader who is firm, committed and determined to fulfill his election promises to rein in the budget deficit and do what he promised to do if elected to government. Since securing government he has done everything else but that. Now even before the people of Australia can have their opportunity to tell Tony Abbott what they think of him through the ballot box, his own party will tell Abbot what they think of his performance as a leader so far. That they are doing so to Tony Abbott already speaks volumes of his future as leader of his own party and as Prime Minister of Australia. Common consensus says that he will not last the distance. 

There has been many major changes in Australian politics these last few months.  The people of two states, Victoria and the Northern Territory have voted to oust the sitting government convincingly. Now there is a move to oust the Prime Minister by his own party. Democracy is alive and well and any premier/leader not doing their job will be rolled over even before any election! The electorate are truly and firmly in charge!

I read about politicians telling consumers where to shop. Aisehman Chinese, Malay or Indians...all of them can think for themselves ma! 

When I was in KL I stopped going to the high end barbers (they call themselves hairdressers) because why should I pay RM100 for a haircut  when I can get the same thing done at the Indian barber in Bangsar for RM10 with a massage thrown in after the haircut? And parking is right in front of the shop while I would have to pay through my nose for when parking at the high end shopping centers where these high end barbers are located. 

And here in Melbourne my son got one of those "self cut" hair gizmo and I have not been to a barber for over a year. So please lah all you politicians- stop telling Malaysian where to shop, We know what to do with anybody charging more that what we are prepared to pay for anything. Not only do we not patronize these outlets we will also text, email, FB or even blog about it! 

And yes we do the same thing to politicians that takes us for idiots and tell us to boycott this and boycott that! 

It' almost 10.30 Sunday morning and there are still no traffic on the streets outside my apartment. A car passes by now and then but no traffic. Sunday is good. There is enough cooked food in the fridge to take us through to dinner tonight. All we need to do is warm them up for a meal. The weather is cool without being cold and there is a promise of warm weather in the afternoon - warm enough to walk around in shorts....though as always once evening comes, I will be in my sarong...sarongs kindly given to me by two Chinese ladies (they know who they are!) late last year. 

Life is good.    

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