
Monday, March 2, 2015


The Middle East, Arabs, ISIS, Africa, Boko Haram, Jihadists, Talibans, AL Qaeda the US Marines, the pro Russians separatists, PDRM, them what you like....they have all brought into my life an awareness that we live in a world where there are others just like us with families father, mother, wife, children and friends - no different from you and me - that there are people just like you and me out there who have enough hate in their heart to be able to kill another fellow human.

And not only kill but they will kill another human being in the most horrific of ways possible in order to inflict as much fear and suffering as they possibly can before that human being breath his last on this earth.

Yes they have been women killed this way but for the most part they have been men. Mostly young, healthy men who have the most reason for living. And the dead include all nationalities, all possible political inclinations even those whose life work have been in the service of humanity and in the service of those less fortunate than them.There have been no rhyme or reason for their killing except that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and their murderers believe that by the death some cause being fought in far away lands will gain some attention,however brief.

I have seen beheading.

I have seen hanging.

I have seen men throttle to death. Men burned alive.

Seen men buried alive.

Men being thrown from buildings.

I have seen rows and rows of men being made to knell before graves that they themselves have dug and they are then shot in the head one by one and kicked into the grave that they have dug. Some mercifully dead some still visibly alive for the few moments before another volley of bullets rip into their bodies to still them or worse buried alive.

There have been times when death rained from the skies as planes and helicopters direct their withering fire into insurgents and at times deliberately into innocents civilians, women and children and the old.

One moment you see a peaceful countryside or rural scenes and the next everything is blown to smithereens. 

I have seen raids being conducted into insurgents camps as live feed video relay the raids in real time into our living rooms. Men drop like flies as well trained soldiers fan into the camps in well coordinated raids inflicting sudden death as they move from tent to tent. From house to house. From village to village. No quarter asked, no quarter given. 

I see Tanks being driven over dead bodies and tanks being driven over men who are alive.

Bombs dropped from the skies that kill not in the dozens but more...much much more.

All for what purpose?

To kill people and most times to kill indiscriminately.

These killings are justified as being collateral damage in a conflict most of them are not involved.

As being a fight of the willing against the axis of evil. Always good against evil.

As used as I am to seeing these image I still flinch in horror, anger and helplessness as I see yet another execution on YouTube -always of the defenceless being killed by armed men in groups, by planes that rained death from the skies and by every other means you can thinks of that will enable one human to snuff the live of another for no other reason than because they can.

When I see these images I do not think that Islam is to be blame. I do not think that any religion is to be blamed - even if the killing of thousands in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam are done by Christians and by Americans no religions, no race no country can  be blamed  because in truth these are what human do to each other through history for reasons that really no longer matters because the killing of another human being is always reason for us to pause and ponder the inhumanity of men towards each other.

And like any human beings when they do something that they should not - there will always find a reason for doing so.

I can find reasons to condemn the Americans for many things that they have done all around the world - but I would rather think of the good that they have done for the poor, the hungry and the sufferings  around the world. 

I can condemn those in ISIS , Taliban and Al Qaeda for the deaths and sufferings that they have perpetrated in the regions that they operate in  - but if you were to take them individually and ask them why they fight -maybe you too might start to believe that maybe the world has not been very kind to them.

I choose to try and understand why the Americans invaded Iraq, why they kill Saddam and Osama. I try to understand why the terrorists do the things they do. Why PDRM murder  suspect in their custody.Why there are so much injustice in the world we now live in.

Sometimes it is hard to understand the motivation why these things are done. Sometimes the cruelty and barbaric acts they committed on other human beings simply cannot be forgiven.

But ask yourself this.

Why are you not fighting with ISIS in the middle east? Why are you not in the front line in Egypt fighting with the people against a government that was not elected by the people? Why do you not go and fight aganst Boko Haram in Nigeria? Why am I in Melbourne sitting in a comfortable apartment while Anwar Ibrahim is in Sugai Buloh? Why are things the way there are?

The simple answer is this. You are where and what you are because of circumstance.

Given all that you have in life you then decide what you should and should not do. Do not fault others for making the choices that they make in life. Right or wrong that is their choice. If we can start to understand that nobody in their right mind would want to go and kill another human being for whatever reason...then you start your own journey to making this world a better place. In your own way try to make others see that there is another way to living life.

You need not kill to have a better life. You need not kill to eat, to have a roof over your head or to be able to have your own spiritual peace. Tell them that you have achieve all this without killing. Tell them that there is another way and if you can, show them the way.

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