
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Cakap cakap...steadyaku47.

This blog started in early 2009. From 4 AM this Wednesday morning I find myself thinking what will I now do with this blog. I started blogging because I had something I wanted to say about the goings on in Malaysia.  Six years, 6932 postings and 5,776,819 page views later I find, to my surprise, that I still have something to say as evidenced in my latest posting "Mukhriz work is done in Kedah" posted at 5.53 AM this morning. You may agree or agree to disagree with what I write...that is par for the course when you blog....what matters to me us that what I put on my blog is ME. I write as I see it.   

But it has become harder to write. At times I find myself doing what I did when I was writing for other people, other publications, other blogs....writing to a deadline and picking stories out of the internet just so I meet those deadlines. As of a few months ago that has all stopped. I now write for myself. I write what I want to write and how I want to write it. 

Only what I have to do for my wife - who has Dementia - takes me away from my work on steadyaku47...and as I am fond of saying...writing is work!

To write you must first have something you want to write about that others wants to read. 

That is becoming harder because the condition of my wife requires me to be available for her 24/7. This is something I want to do not something I have to do. 

We have been together since I was 21 and she 23 when we first met in London in those heady days of the swinging sixties when the Beatles and London was the center of the Universe and we both did not have a care in the world. This year I will be 68 and my wife 70. Melbourne is home and we are still together. What has changed is our physical frailty. My wife can no longer walk or talk as she used to and I have hernia and gout - the usual suspects of old age that does not escape many....but we are still together! 

But I am tired. Physically and mentally. 2015 has been a challenging year for my wife. She was hospitalized for six weeks in August and now requires a wheelchair to get about. Dementia is a delibitating illness that takes a lot out of you and one of the most precious we have lost to dementia is her ability to speak. Her memory is still OK and we adjust to the changes that comes with advanced dementia.

But I digress, I was talking about blogging earlier on. 

Tired as I am, I know I will continue blogging. The challenge for me now is where I can take blogging to and how I can include others in the process - not only those of you who read what we bloggers write but also the many other bloggers whose work we should know because we will be the better for doing so.

I have begun the process of talking to others as to how I can restructure the format of this blog to include what I have in mind....not only people I know in Malaysia but also a few over here to assist in the actual restructuring of this blog. This will take time and money to do. Time I can put in but the money aspect I will have to look into. Two words comes to mind - adverts and donations. I will talk more about this in the near future...for now I must to sleep for a's almost 8 AM and I have been awake since 4 AM.    

 P.S. The recent "problems" I have with this blog has been resolved...I think. The "APPLE" people close by did their work and told me "not to open any email from people I do not know"....a near impossible thing to do when you blog!

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