
Sunday, February 7, 2016

cakap cakap...Sudu and his GONG XI FUCK CAI and DAPig....jom kita viralkan!

steadyaku47 comment : 

From what I see on his FB...this En Sudu (as he calls himself) is not a complete idiot...he is missing some parts but from looks alone, I figure God must have not been too kind to him.... but hey, let us not get too personal. So please don't any of you Cina or India dare to say that this Melayu is ugly or looks like the son of Adnan Mansor (who is NOT a Tengku)  or make any jokes that when God was giving out "good looks" this Sudu guy must have got the date wrong or may not have even be in the que! OK...let us have some class on this blog.

What he has posted on his FB page must fall under one of those many many seditious/ racists/threat to national security akta's that our BN government has passed through parliament to ensure that the Rakyat do not start killing each other because of race, religion or a dislike for the current BN government or for what ever other reason (as if there are other reasons!) this Umno led BN government may have to enact those legislation's. 

In case our Internet savvy...or should I say twitter savvy IGP and his officers in the newly minted  "Internet Division" of Bukit Aman misses the above posting of Sudu on his FB page why not we make this posting viral? Remember the video that recently went viral of that bully who kicked and pummelled the Pakistani for "disturbing" his sister where PDRM eventually HAD TO TAKE ACTION? 

Let us make this Sudu posting go viral too .......then the IGP and his officers in PDRM cannot ignore what this Sudu guy has posted on the Internet....and will have to take action against Sudu.

Why not take a few minutes of your time to help us do this....and put the fear of God into Sudu...or more to the point...make him wet his pants just thinking of what the police can and will do to him! 

I am one...with you we are two...who else will join us?

P.S...He must think himself very clever to come up with that DAPig thing....well that could be an additional reason for PDRM to squeeze his balls again....for I know that there are DAP sympathizers in PDRM too! 

P.S. and this is what I posted on Sudu's FB:

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