
Friday, February 5, 2016

Graduates of Umno University.

steadyaku47 comment : Here are a few of the "graduates" from that University.

My university is Umno, said newly sworn-in Kedah Menteri Besar Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah to critics who had questioned his lack of academic qualifications for the post.

New Kedah MB says lack of academic qualifications made up by experience and leadership skills.

steadyaku47 comment : This Ahmad Bashah or Basah...what ever his name a good example of what a successful Umno university graduate should be. He is the political numero uno in Kedah. Syabas not forget to pay off the student loan you took from the president who was kind enough to extend you that loan from his own personal account when you did not have enough money to pay for your first year at the University....then you must not forget who paid for your books, your living expenses, your pocket are indeed indebted to your president for least for the length of your political life! As your president is fond of scratch my back I scratch yours....nudge nudge wink wink!

  • steadyaku47 comment : This other Mat is a bit of a Mat Spanner aka Jaguh Kampong. (For those unsure of what aka stands for stands for "also known as"). We know he can do a decent fried rice. We know he is good at multi tasking - can do three jobs at one time. And we know that a certain Sultan down South refuse to have anything to with him. All things considered this Umno graduate is still a another Umno success?

    The following Umno graduate is a bit of a question mark! As Deputy Education Minister he should be able to cross his T's and dot his i's when posting anything on his blog. This he did not do as the following post taken from his blog indicated. So how? Well it shows that you may have graduated from the Umno university, you may be promoted to Deputy Minister but you better not post anything on any blog.  Better to be quiet and not been thought of as a fool then to open your mouth and let everyone know you are one! 
    Deputy Education Minister Mohd Puad Zarkashi

    Following is what he posted in his blog: 

    Tuesday, November 17, 2009


    Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Assalamualaikum wr.wb. dan salam 1Malaysia. 1 Malaysia and peace.
    I was opening the International Conference on Linguistics and Culture Development malay.. Conference is organized by UPM in cooperation with DBP.. The theme of this seminar is 'Pemerkesaan Malay identity as a nation-state building' I take the opportunity in the inauguration speech was to raise the matter that is the tree 'acculturation Malay' in Malaysia.

    Language is social capital and cultural capital. Nations that marginalize language is a nation that does not animate the race and there is no self-esteem.. Therefore language acculturation is very important. It will produce a nation that move collectively.. Feeling accountability thick. This is what Francis Fukuyama called, why have the Japanese culture Japanaese Incorporated. They have their own culture to language.

    Language but the culture of Malaysians especially the Malays is very annoying, sometimes frustrating and sometimes disturbing. Just look at the language and text and language on the Internet. Very strange cultural language of the Malays today.

    The first example, when the Malays chat chat among themselves, especially the elites, they like talking in English. What they need to converse in English. We do not like the French, the Japanese and Korean people. If talking to each other, they use their language, not English. Strange is that we both love to chat chat, especially those middle-class language use rojak mixed mixed between Malay and English. This is clear enough drama in TV dramas including those published in the TV 1 and TV 2. TV 3 do not matter. Skripnya we see is a script language that mixed mixed. Malaysia is the third culture people do not obey the French language as such abide by the language.  Although the French know and speak English, but they still speak French.

    For those French have a long history. They claim that the French language in the diplomatic Erofah than English. Actually malay also aged 2000 years. Malay 6 stages of evolution have suffered from an ancient language to the language of modern. But what problems we are. The problem is that we can not distinguish perana Malay as the national language and English as a second language. We see the role of the Malay language as the language of official business only.. That is spotted. Next problem is that we are no longer as capable of not even want to control it GLC and private actions that make full use of English in their board meeting meeting. With the rapid development of the private sector, he feared, culture does not abide by this language become increasingly so.

    The problem, the problem is not Malay, but our problem attitude.  That betray our own national policies or pollute citra culturalMalaysia That's why there are meetings and meetings at the faculty senate that the university will use the English language entirely. This is a challenging acculturation Malay language inMalaysia. 

    Now the next Umno graduate is a classic! Umno University can lay claim to this guy as being one of their success story - after all he did become Chief Minister of Melaka...and there it all unravelled. He started chasing anything in a skirt...anything! That is until he raped an underage Malay Schoolgirl and got caught! Somehow he still makes himself relevant to Umno but still going back to the sex evident in him being one of the Three Datuks caper a few years back. 

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