
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Semua nya MELAYU belaka....the race that is left with eggs on their face because of the Malay thief, the stupid Malay lawyer, the idiot of a Malay Minister and the bloody Malay led government that agreed to "invest" money in MARA Digital : semua nya MELAYU!

Saturday morning just past 7AM.

I have had my morning shower, wash the dishes in the sink, took the washing inside to be folded and put away where they should be put away, listed out what groceries I needed to get this morning from COLES, made myself a cup of tea.....sat down and powered my MAC ........and predictably, this day, as in many other day past, begins with those idiots in Umno confirming once again Albert Einstein's maxim :  "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." 

Remember this : The THIEF that launched MARA DIGITAL!  that I posted in my blog in January this year? Well guess what?

That thief that launched MARA DIGITAL, that stole the hand phone from that Chinese Shop in Low Yat, has been fined RM$2000 for taking meth at a toilet at the Dang Wangi police headquarters! 
I guess now we understand the "deer in the headlight" look he gave when his stupid MALAY lawyer hauled up his limbs in that "hands held high" victory salute! The idiot was high on I wonder what his lawyer was "high" on?

And of course any one can see these are all Malays! 
The thief that stole the hand phone : MALAY.
The thief that stole the hand phone and took meth in the toilet of the Dang Wangi police station : MALAY!

The idiot of a crusading Lawyer who vowed to defend the thief that stole the hand phone and took meth in the toilet of the Dang Wangi police station : MALAY.

The Minister who seized upon this incident as an excuse to launch another one of those "ketuanan melayu" fiasco call Mara Digital : MALAY.
Semua nya MELAYU belaka....the race that is left with eggs on their face because of the Malay thief, the stupid Malay lawyer, the idiot of a Malay Minister and the bloody Malay led government that agreed to "invest" money in MARA Digital : semua nya MELAYU!
And who are the other races laughing at : the MALAYS. 

About the only thing that we can involve the other races who are not MALAYS in this shambles is the fact that the MALAY led government is not just using MALAY money for MARA Digital....they are using money that rightly belongs to all all you non-Malays please stop laughing at the Malays because in the end we are all paying for the stupidity of this Malay led government!
Now that RM$64,000 golden question : How many more MARA DIGITAL are on the way? 

The MARA Digital that was launched because a Malay thief stole a hand phone from a Chinese shop at Low Yat and took meth in the toilet of the Dang Wangi police station -  what better reason has this Malay led BN government to launch MARA Digital than that! 

God help us all!

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