KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysia’s Prime Minister Najib Razak yesterday took the
opportunity to use a symbolic event for the Malay community to lash out
at his number one critic and former mentor Dr Mahathir Mohamad, calling
the latter a traitor for cooperating with “enemies” of the Malays.
Mr Najib has been under intense political pressure over RM2.6 billion
(S$902 million) deposited into his private accounts, as well as
irregularities in state investment firm 1Malaysia Development Berhad
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) alleged last year that the
money from 1MDB-linked entities was banked into Mr Najib’s accounts
before the 2013 General Election, but local investigators have since
declared the sum to be a gift from an Arab royal, the bulk of which has
been refunded.
Several countries, including the United States,
Singapore, Luxembourg and Switzerland are conducting investigations into
1MDB for money laundering. The Monetary Authority of Singapore said
last week that it has called on some banks operating in the Republic to
disclose information about transactions and fund flows related to its
probe into possible money laundering involving 1MDB.
Critics of Mr
Najib, led by Dr Mahathir Mohamad and other ruling party bigwigs,
recently launched a bipartisan Save Malaysia movement seeking his
steadyaku47 comment :
I have been waiting for Najib to come up with his pièce de résistance.....his creme de la creme.. his numero uno definasi for some one...any one ...who is against him...and he has done so this time with Tun Dr Mahathir.
He calls Tun Dr Mahathir a Traitor!
Even I could not have come up with that definition of Tun Dre Mahathir.....I have called Tun a lot names...but never a Traitor.
What is Mahathir a Traitor to? Umno?
What is Umno today?
UMNO is greed. UMNO is deceit. UMNO is dishonour. You Najib, have brought dishonour to UMNO and shame to us
Malays. That UMNO has become a bloated, corrupt and sleazy organization is a given
fact – a fait accompli – a fact realized and accomplished.
Today I can say to your face what you already know - that UMNO, under your leadership is corrupt to the core.
And if you say that Mahathir is a traitor to the leadership of this present Umno...an Umno that is corrupt, full of greed, deceit and dishonour then I say to Mahathir...
"Sir what you do is honourable!"
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