
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Pak Arshad : I am not one, nor my children and grand children to be asked to share the burden to pay off 1MDB debts!

Najib.....let me be straight with you. The protestors demand is not to topple the government. This has been said many times. They demand your removal; it is you that they want removed.....that's as simple as I can say. And should you decide to heed the protestors demand to leave and all your bootlickers decides to leave as well causing the government to fall, then you should shoulder the blame; not the protestors. Even when you leave, that's not the end of you. There are questions for you to answer especially on how are you to resolve the huge 1MDB debt. Are you to leave it to the rakyat to bear the debt? Oh no.....I am not one, nor my children and grand children to be asked to share the burden to pay off 1MDB debts. Get Arul Kanda and Jho Low and all other financial wizards within 1MDB to solve it, even if they all have to sell off whatever properties in their possession, and that include yours as well.

PM sounds a warning about Arab Spring revolutions and changing the government outside the constitution.
steadyaku47 comment : Enough said! Sebodoh bodohnya sa orang manusia...tentu dia faham bila rakyat beribu ribu demonstrate suruh dia undur. Apa lagi Najib yang di tunggu?

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