
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Cakap cakap...steadyaku47.

Thursday 8th September 2016. 8.33 AM.

I have been negligent in not updating my blog as I use too ...not only daily but many times during the day as and when I can. I could blame my laziness, blame the lack of anything interesting to write about in K Hell except for the same old suspects....I can even excuse my myself by telling you guys that taking care of my wife is taking me away from blogging...but if truth be told ....none of the above has anything to do with the lack of postings on this blog. 

In the past three weeks, my focus has been on Sydney and things that I am doing in Sydney...or should I say with some parties in Sydney. I first embark on this project at the start of 2016 and, as I anticipated, it would be in the last quarter of 2016 that can see the conclusion of what it was that I have been doing for almost the past one year. 

I call this my last great adventure...for at 69 years of age, almost anything that you embark upon CAN be your last whatever! What I do does not concern me. It does not concern my family or anybody that I know or have made an acquaintance of. It is all about making connections and links to people I do not know and would not, in my normal life, would want to have anything to do with....but what is life without taking the road less travelled?

Anyway, this last great adventure of my life has begun.  The practical part of it begun two weeks ago when the alarm on my Samsung mobile woke me up at 5 AM  so that I could get myself to Tullamarine Airport by 7.30 AM to catch the morning Tiger Airway flight to Sydney by 9.10AM. 

That is all I can say for now....maybe in time to come, I can write more and share with you every twist and turn of this last great adventure of my life...and tell you of the people I met along the way and the people who made it possible or impossible for me to conclude this adventure as I would want it to conclude. I can tell you that there are more people who have their hearts in the right place that those for whom doing the dirty on others, is a way of life.....and thank God for that! 

For now, all I can say is this : Do expect some interruptions from the normal service that you are use to from this blog of mine....and wish me "God Speed" for what is to come in the last quarter of 2016. 


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