
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Do not talk about giving me any kind of burial once I die...because when I die it will be my loved ones who will do what they think is right for me. Damm if I want any Islamic religious idiots to decide that for me.

How sick are these so call religious authorities to enter the house of grieving loved ones and take the body of their daughter away to be given a so called Islamic burial because these religious zealots claim that she is a Muslim convert?

And even if she is a Muslim convert, any sane, rational and decent human being would not seize the body of a loved ones and carry it away from grieving family members for what ever purpose! I repeat, for whatever purpose! Do these religious whores not have some ability to reason out things....some ability to empathise with grieving parents who have lost a daughter....surely they must have a slither of decency and leave the dead girl parents to grieve over her?

But no...these religious idiots tell us that they are doing ALLAH's work on this earth...and it is ALLAH's will that they give the dead girl an Islamic burial because she has converted to Islam. If this is what they say ALLAH tells them to do....then I say the will of ALLAH should be questioned because we are told time and time again by these Islamic zealots that Islam is a religion of peace. 

Now what happens if someone who is a Muslim quietly renounce Islam -  and then dies? What happens to corrupt Umno politicians who steals millions from our nation's coffers and then dies? What happens to Muslims who drink hard liquor and fornicate outside the bonds of marriage, as so many of these Umno politicians do? When they all die....are they still deserving of an Islamic burial?

Do not talk about giving me any kind of burial once I die...because when I die it will be my loved ones who will do what they think is right for me. Damm if I want any religious idiots to to decide that for me. 

Of course these religious idiots do what they do because they can get away with it. And we know that they will keep getting away with it the next time, the next next time and the next next next time because these days we all know that religion is the preferred weapon of choice for umno politicians to hold sway not only over the Malays but also the infidels....and ALLAH really has nothing to do with what they say they do in the name of ALLAH.

Maybe it is really time for all of us to hide that stone in our hand to be used in these kind of situation when these religious authorities come into our house to take away our loved ones in order to do ALLAH's bidding of giving them an Islamic burial.    

When the parents went to collect the body, there are two vans waiting..

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