
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

"Saya tahu India macam mana."

This just came thru "WhatsApp"- can anyone verify this? 

17th February 2017 at 3.05 PM 
Research in Curriculum Development by Prof Dr Norlidah at Faculty of Education 
I would like to lodge a complain upon your lecturer, Prof. Dr. Norlidah. 
My friend Rinishah and I rushed to class taking time off from work, as we step into the class we greeted Prof Norlidah and proceeded walking towards our seats. As we were about to sit, she abruptly said 'India, saya tak suka India duduk bersama-sama. Jangan bawa budaya UNITAR kesini. India duduk sama-sama lepas itu akan tiru assignment dan plagiarise. Saya kenal India.' she then continued saying to me, 'You, baju merah, duduk depan sekarang.' subsequently said to my friend 'you duduk sana'. Prof Norlidah further said, 'Saya akan pastikan awak dan kawan awak tak akan dapat kumpulan sama untuk buat assignment. Saya tahu India macam mana.'

At this time, I was infuriated by her racist remarks towards me and my friend; I did NOT expect this from a well-educated person especially a person whose title is ’Professor’. She did not stop, she was merciless as she proceeded to insult other indian students. How would the wawasan 2020 be fulfilled if we have educators like this in ’Malaysia’s Top Public University’? 
She went on defending her atrocious behaviour by confessing that this is her style and proceeded to encourage student to not promote UM to anyone else as she prefers her class to be smaller in number. 
This wasn’t first time we had experienced this lowly behaviour of hers;on our orientation day, we met Prof Norlidah along with other two possible lecturers for a session with the faculty. Her first words were indeed hurtful and demotivating 'Do you think you can do Masters with just 2 years experience? You and your friends can never graduate together, I challenge you. You do your business and I will do my business.' her words crushed our eager selves who thirsted for knowledge. 
I’ve never been more insulted in my life before until recently by your lecturer. Never did I came across someone with a PhD who could act despicably rude. It is a shame that such lecturer/former student hail from "Malaysia’s Top Public University". It is important to remember that respect does not come with papers and titles but attitude. She lost the respect before gaining one. Such arrogance and racism from someone who should be an inspiration. 
Let me remind you that we are paying to be here, she has no rights to insult us as such. Actions could be taken. She had hurt me and my friend emotionally. 
I demand for an apology from her for the damage she had done to my reputation. If no action is taken from your side, I will not hesitate to bring this matter to the media.

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